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Multiple keys. Can i fix my door handles so i can have 1 key

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My door locks dont match my ignition barrel. Can they be fixed/adjusted so they match.

I know this can be done on mk1/2 handles


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I believe they can. Or at least, I think my bentley bible says so. It's apparantly a question of just resetting the lock in a way. The way, however, is for me unknown ;)

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yep its just a case of taking the handles off, un-clipping the the circlip at the back of the barrel, sliding the barrel out (i think the key needs to be in to withdraw the barrel), and then take the key out and take out all of the flat plates (carefull not to loose the springs), then put each plate back in and put the new key in and check the plate sits flush with the outside of the barrel (will take a bit of trial and error to get them to all line up) you may need to get some spare plates if you dont have the correct ones, they are the same plates in a mk2 but you may still be able to get them from vw.

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vw made up new door barrels for me to match the ignition barrel. I seem to remember it was £8 for each barrel and a £10 to have them make them up to the ignition barrel

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Ring your local locksmiths and see who does them.


There's only one firm on this side of Northants that does them, but it takes an hour and costs £12 a side. If I wasn't getting delocked handles, I'd get both my door locks done as they are both different.

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There's only one firm on this side of Northants that does them, but it takes an hour and costs £12 a side


is it quite a common thing to get done? mine dont match but i thought you would have to buy a new lock set :(

Nobody knows anywhere down southwest way that would do it?

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Yeah will do... dont no what its like else where but whenever i go to VW and mention a C they are all so incredibly helpfull - NOT > its like the majic word that leads to a response of "dont know" :onfire:

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VW, like other manufacturers, just send them to a locksmith to do the rebuild. I used to work for Nissan and they would send any locks to Bolton Lock Company to get done, but it was £25/lock.


All I did was ring a locksmith and ask who did them in my area. They recommended someone else and I was astonished at how cheap it was and how quick a turnaround they had.


It's commonly done, but its also astonishing to know how many people have odd locks considering how little it costs to get it changed. A lot of people think it can't be done!

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Can the boot lock be done in the same way? I think the ignition barrel was replaced on mine, so it has a separate key, but seeing as I'm delocking it, I only need the boot to match...

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VW, like other manufacturers, just send them to a locksmith to do the rebuild.


my local vw (who know me first name terms sadly :wink: ) charged me a fiver and most certainly do it themselves. its very easy to do and not worth paying for.


1. take your handle off - check the assembly of the parts on the back of the lock before you remove circlip - remove circlip with key in lock and the barrel slides out as all the tumblers lie flat when the key is inserted - to allow rotation.


2. once the barrel is out, you can remove the key and put in the key you wish to match up with. some tumblers, if not all, will now stand proud. You can then swap the tumblers around to get them to lie flat to allow the barrel to rotate once its back in the handle/lock housing. You don't even need a new barrel as you can just get old handles/locks from corrado's, passats etc to source the different size tumblers. alternatively, as previously mentioned i think, barrels are only about £8 so you can buy one, throw away the key and make up a new barrel with the 2 sets of tumblers from your originals and the new one. Even if you don't have spare tumblers, you can swap the existing ones around to get the best match and file any that are proud, as a last resort.


If you're delocking, you will have 2 spare locks to pinch tumblers form to sort out you boot lock. The only important factor and thing to bear in mind is that the barrel has to rotate and the only thing that stops it rotating is the tumblers.

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Most dealers keep a box of brass tumblers under the counter..... they are numbered (stamped) 1 thru 9 IIRC, just get a few of each (they cost a pittance - mine were free!). Strip the barrel you want to match the others too, make a note of the tumbler numbers and their positions in the barrel.


Make up the rest of the locks with the new tumblers to match and this way they will be exact. Matching to the ignition could be tricky as you have to drill the housing in a specifc place to extract that barrel!

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Matching to the ignition could be tricky as you have to drill the housing in a specifc place to extract that barrel!


...unless you insert the ignition key into a barrel and match the tumblers up as described above. agree, you can get the tumblers exact as you describe but you don't have to and as you say, you wouldn't want to be removing the ignition barrel. reaaly not necessary - just use the ignition key and "pick'n'mix! :wink:

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Most dealers keep a box of brass tumblers under the counter

Just spoken to my nearest stealer and they havent got a clue as per usual - "im looking at the screen and there is all sorts of washers and stuff" > yeah thanks for your help! :brickwall:

If i sent some cash anychance sum1 could put some in the post?

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Being bored on a Saturday evening, I thought I'd try and rebuild one of my door locks myself.


I have to say, it's so so so so easy! As long as you have a small flat headed screwdriver, a metal file and some grease, you can have a side done in 15 minutes easy.


That's 2 less keys for my Corrado. I'm now down to 9!

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A word of warning...


I did my locks by filing the tumblers down, which does work very well.


However, I tried the locks with a bunch of keys from old VWs I used to have, and my Polo key, and they all unlocked the car. Not all of them locked it.


Now I'm sure you'll all agree that this makes your car vunerable to thefts as anyone can walk past and try their key in your lock, especially at shows and what have you. If you are doing this, I would recommend calling VW and getting your key number, then getting the combination to the key from their cutting manual along with their measurements, and do this with completely new tumblers. I'm not sure how you can work out what cutting machine number matches the VW tumbler number, but I'm sure there's a way.


I'm going to contact VW tomorrow and attempt this. The dealer I use is cool and they know me from when I worked at the Renault Nissan garage across the road, so they should be able to help me out providing someone in there's got some knowledge of how to do it.


I'm sure some locks can be done with the filing method, but my lock combination must be way too common, or I've filed them down way too much.


I hope this helps,

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how do you know if youve got the correct tumblers in there? My key goes into the barrel - some tumblers sit higher than the others - and the wont turn. How do you know when a tumbler is correct for the slot? Should it sit level with the barrel?

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Yeah the tumbler will sit level with the barrel.


I was reliably informed by my good friends at KevHaywire's favourite dealership that the tumbler kits are now £45 from VW. They don't sell them in singles any more. It might be an idea to bust a few door locks up and buy a handful of tumblers from the scrappy.

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yeah shame that. just taken some out and see they have numbers on them - just as described by Ken above. So i'm just going to take the tumblers out in order on the other door that the key works on and note the sequence. Should be easy from there - I'm also on first name terms with my local VW so they should be able to help me out ;) Have no intention of paying £45!


Anyone know how much it is to get VW to cut more keys? I only have 1 just now.


Tom thanks for the help :)

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VW keys are uber cheap.


I paid £4.74+VAT for a genuine key, cut from my other key, from the local dealer in December.


The part number is 357 837 219 A

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cool - the key i have is just a normal key - so a VW one would be nicer ;) well 3 of them! feels good to finally have the locks nearly sorted.

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