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Hit & Run

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"I've taken this from a Lotus site,its good".



Hit and run - justice



On sunday morning I was sat in Starbucks (Central London) having a pre-shopping coffee while my Mrs scouted ahead. There was a VX220 parked directly outside which a lovely gentleman (about 60, very well dressed) in a Snoozuki something-or-other decided to back into. A few gasps from inside the shop later and it was clear he wasn't bothered and wasn't about to stop - so much was he paying attention that he backed into it again!


I know how much these things cost to put right so I thought I'd go and have a polite word.


Me 'Excuse me - do you think you should leave your details or go and see if you've damaged that car?'


Him 'What car?'


Me 'The one you just hit... that one!'


Him 'I didn't hit it - f*ck off!'


Me 'you know you did. I know you did and frankly half of Starbucks saw you do it'


Him 'So what. What are you going to do about it?'


Me 'Take your reg number and give it to the owner'


Him ' off - its none of your business. Now get f*cked!'


So I thought fine, went inside and picked my coffee back up. He then drove off in a huff.


Then, as if by magic, two policemen appear and walk past. Being a bit of a trouble maker I went out and had a chat with them - not really expecting them to care too much. I told them that I'd just seen someone back into the VX220 but he's gone now, but being London, he'd be in the traffic 20 yards down the road. One of the policemen started chatting about VX's and Elises and how he always fancied one and would have a chat with the other driver if they could find him. Great - he was now parked up a few spaces down! So off they go to have a word with him and encourage him to leave his details.


I hadn't noticed but he had nipped off to the shops. A few minutes later I got a tap on the shoulder and it was the old bloke who thought it would be helpful to inform me that 'he had met some w**nkers in his time but I was the biggest one yet!'.


Now, I'm 28, hit the gym a fair bit and aren't exactly skinny so, especially infront of a busy coffee shop full off people, I wasn't about to take this of an old toff. So I followed him out of the shop and asked him to stop and explain how I was a w**ker yet he who knowingly damaged another car but didn't see fit to put his mistake right wasn't.


He shrunk slightly and sped up to get back to his car. In his haste he barged the two policemen out of the way who were (amazingly!) waiting to have a chat with him. The look on his face was priceless.


They clearly weren't up for being messed around with and tore his bulls**t story apart within about 5 seconds and invited him back to the VX220 to have a look at the damage. At this point the VX driver turned up and my work was done.


It amazes me that someone who was clearly monied (if tweed per m² of clothing is anything to go by) has absolutely zero sense of social responsibility - and will even go on the attack when caught out! I was seething with anger for a good few hours after that - and was very glad it wasn't my 340R he'd backed into because, with his attitude, I'd still be in the cells this morning!


Told the story to my Mrs who simply excalimed - 'I let you out on your own and look what happens!'

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:lol: thats pretty funny, old duffer


I remember years ago watching a guy try and do a 100 point manuver to get out of a very tight shopping center carpark space, he failed horribly and ended up ramming into the cars parked either side of him out of pure frustration, and he still didnt get out. I wasnt there long enough to see the owers of the other cars return but I'd love to have seen him explain it!

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people have got a cheek i was out one saturday night 7pm ish 1st pint of the night my mate go's to the bar and buy's 4 pints of john smith's turn's round puts two on the table go's back to the bar.


then when he gets back the bar lady asks him for his money and he asks politely where the other pint is and she say she just poured it and left it on the side


my friend then turns round to check the table and to see if he's brought 3pints to the table and no such luck


back to the bar he trots and looks next to him two men 30 ish they have one pint of john smiths an two pints of nearly finished lager!


bearing in mind my friend played rugby for the irish exiles and london irish under 21's weighs 18stone!


so he asks the 1st man why he has stole his pint in this breath the 1st man says fuck off its my pint


so my friend ask the bar woman (the only one serving) if she's served him the pint she replies no so by now he's quite angry we get up and go over!


he's nicely as you knicked my pint buy me another! and I'll let it go with this the two men stand up and the 1st man says fuck off its not with everyone in the pub knowing quite well its not!


anyway by this time my mate is seriously pissed drags the bloke outside and tells him to fuck off the matey then trys to swing for my friend and with this my friend knocks him to the floor and his mate does nothing he then returns to pub where the land lord has now appeared and gave us all a free pint and said thanks for getting them two out they been bothering us all afternoon!


sorry for long story but what a cheek!

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Quality Andy,


I was on a lads beer holiday to Belgium a couple of years ago, we were sat outside a cafe suppin fine stella and watching the world go by, when a nice looking lass drove round the narrow one way street and tried for 20 mins to get her micra into a space. She ended up nudging the cars front and back of her and then across the street as she managed to do a 20 point turn and end up parked facing the wrong way. Finally with one wheel still on the kerb she deemed it good enough and got out to a rapteous aplause from us and a few locals who had stop to admire. Kept us chuckling for a couple of hours. :)


Ah thousand Posts. :D

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i had someone take their wing mirror off on my vr cos they were driving down the middle of the fekin road in a piece of sh*t 15 year old astra. i then go back the next morning to find a note on my car saying ring me or i'll phone the police. so i find her car and leave a note saying get f***ed you were driving like an idiot and its entirely your fault.

she reported me for dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident!!! tw*t.

so it ended up with me in the police station on the phone to the woman's husband going absolutely mental because the police were siding with her!

in the end the copper dealing with it realised from how pissed off i was that it was a horesh*t claim and advised the woman to sod off.

she was asking for 150 squid for an astra mirror! lol. tenner for the car. maybe.....

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I hate that when you know your right but the other person will not have any of it. Roundabouts are my fav when people think you have to give way to your left and not your right. I've been shaking with anger before because of some people thinking they know everything.

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and the problem these days is that being 'in the right' isn't enough anymore. bloody winging liberals. evryone has these things called 'rights' or something - even the bloody perpetrator!

if i was PM, i would shoot anyone who p*ssed me off when in the rado ;)

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I saw an old duffer reverse into a car once, I was standing with a group of mates chatting nearby. He started to drive off pretending he hadn't noticed, my mate taps on the window and says you'd better leave your details. OK he says sheepishly, a couple of mins later he's written a note and left it on the windscreen, smiles and off he goes. My mates and I then go and have a look at what he's written, its just a load of old gibberish, no contact no. or anything, no reference to what he's just done. I then switched into sprinting for England mode and chased him 1/4 mile to where he was queing at traffic lights. Door open, keys out of ignition, right, lets have your details now you weasel! No sense of responsibility at all, probably curses young drivers for bumping up insurance premiums etc etc.

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hi andy your only in fareham we'll have to drive up to a few meets

Indeedy, there's a few people on here quite local, 3 in Portsmouth that I know of too. :-)

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At this point the VX driver turned up and my work was done.


a comedy genius, all in the timing :)

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i had to play 'dad' to an old bloke the other day. Was leaving a car park, and saw this bloke trying to edge into an end space. he crept forward, then revesed, then floored it forward into the car in front!

Another old bloke walking next to me said ' i bet he doesnt even leave his details' i said 'we'll see'

The guys locked his car and is walking away. im like 'oooiiiii!!, get back here'

asked him why hes just walking away, and hes in complete denial. i pointed out scratched paintwork [his mondeo front bumper is fecked btw] and said look what you've done. he said 'it doesnt matter!' i said try doing that to my f'kin car mate, you'll see how much it matters... now get a pen and paper and leave your details'.


The guy writes everything out and puts the paper under the windscreen, whilst i walk off to work, looking smug, but still p!ssed off in the knowledge he'll probably just go back and rip up the paper anyway.


F!kin old C**ts.

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My elderly neighbour reversed straight into the front corner of my Corrado a few months back. In her defense she was straight round to report it. When I told her she'd probably improved it she wasn't sure what to say.

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Hehe, nice stories. But they still wind me up when I think of the sheer arrogance of these people. Put them in the same hole as all the chavs, that's what I reckon :)

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Funny enough last night a friend of my dads reversed into my sisters car and ignored it totally...


It's cruel to say but I'm glad my sister was parked there as that was my usual space and I'd have done ape on her ass. She maybe 80, but I've just had the bumper sprayed :censored:

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