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the only problem i would have with an in car pc is the time it takes to boot when you first get in the car,


You'd leave it in hybernation I would have thought...

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the only problem i would have with an in car pc is the time it takes to boot when you first get in the car, a chipped xbox may be a good option ;-)


He says it boots and is ready to play music in 3 seconds

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e says it boots and is ready to play music in 3 seconds


yeah must be as supercharge says, i know sure as hell my pc takes longer than that from shurtdown ...grrrr

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Very tidy install.


It is a shame no one is making a molding for this sort of work so the rest of us who are less talented can do it too..

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Very tidy install.


It is a shame no one is making a molding for this sort of work so the rest of us who are less talented can do it too..


...time to ask Audioscape?


It'd probably be worth their while making the centre console panels with and without the hole for an LCD because you can't get them from the dealers anymore...

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It'd probably be worth their while making the centre console panels with and without the hole for an LCD because you can't get them from the dealers anymore...


That sounds like a plan to me!


Think we had better leave it until the scuttle covers have been done though :wink:

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