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Ignition barrel changed car doesn't start

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What engine is it and does it have an imobiliser or alarm fitted?


So they didn't change the switch with the barrel but it now turns physically?


What actually happens, do you get a click or does the engine turn but not catch...


There is a thick red/black wire going to the starter motor solenoid, you want to check you get 12V down this when turning the switch...

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Imobiliser? the **** twits **** c**ts at VW killed my GF's C that way!


Yeah, I had the same problem. The key wouldn't turn so I had VW change the ignition barrel. After that the key turned but the car wouldn't start because they had broken the immobiliser. In the end they just cut loads of wires and by passed the immobiliser and left loads of cut wires just hanging around :bad-words:

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Hi everyone. 

I have changed my ignition barrel because it was giving problems of turning. Now the car starts and cuts spark after few turns. 

Golf 1 1.4 curberator engine, 2007 model. 


Please help. Do I need to code the new key or what?

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