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mtc R32

Love for Corrado's

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I know i've already posted a wanted message! But can anyone poin me in th direction of a good corrado. My R32 is forsale but i don't want to loose it before i get my C. I have been an owner of a Storm in the past, but i ended up selling it(Why,Why,Why!!!)

My ultimate would be something a bit different like a Metalic Mulberry Red with cream leather or there about.... I think it's got to be a VR6, don't really know enough about the G60's.....


What do you all prefer out of interest? A G60 or VR6?

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have yet to drive a G60 but have to admit I prefer a 16v to a VR... (yes I know!!!)


there are some good 'rados about, best idea is to keep an eye out on here, at least you know most of them have been enthusiast owned and cared for.... :)

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Why do you prefer 16v's ????? I love the sound of a Vr and also a G60, but a 16v.... but hey there must be a method????

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Probably for the same reason my girlfriend prefers her Ford Ka to my VR, lovers rivalry ;) :lol:

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Probably for the same reason my girlfriend prefers her Ford Ka to my VR, lovers rivalry ;) :lol:


lol!!! i think the fact i bought him the VR and myself the valver says it all... :) the vr6 is an awesome machine but almost every other car i have owned/loved has been a 16v and the fact that my valver can just about keep keep up with a VR means its perfect for me...! i like the smoothness of engine, and how all hell breaks loose at 4000 revs, i wouldnt swap it for any other flavour of rado....!


just my 2p tho... everyone has there own likes and preferences.... :)

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At the end of the day this is a very personal thing. All 3 have their merrits, and they're Rados.


As for the VR6 is a cruiser, G60 a racer debate, my US-G60 then seems to offer me both, as I do enjoy long distance work, cruising, as Jim might be able to testify, since he's driven it for some extended periods, too. It's not noisy or too rattly (well apart fromt he usual C-rattles :lol:), so I could choose either, if I had to go for one again.


In the end I would, however, choose a G60 again, as I'm more familiar with the older 8V technology. If I were more familiar with the 16V or VR6 technology than I'd probably stick with that respective engine. Deepen my knowledge with what I already know :-)



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if your looking for a good vr go look at moonlight_vr its mint! i think it will be right up your street! and i think everyone on here will vouch for that plus hes selling it! andy

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16v's love the tits being revved out of them, like scarlett said, hit 4000 and your in!!


used to love sitting at 3500 / 4000 punching ricers in the face with mine.


remember the mg (maestro turbo's)? now they were quick to be fair and i piddled all over them in my corrado.


remember one time booting it round plymouth and one kid came up to me in a car park and asked what engine i had, told him it was a 2 litre and he nearly fell over ha ha


never driven a vr or a g60 so i cant comment on that but what the hell, thats my 2p's worth mate

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Really can't see why you'd choose a 16v over a VR6, but lik eyou say, each to their own. :?


I've never driven a G60, so can't really comment, but I used to have a Pug GTi6 (2l 16v 167bhp, v revvy) and I far prefer my VR6 even though it's slower round a track (runs and hides :lol:)

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I've owned a mk2 Golf 16v, can't really praise it or knock it, it was just ok. Found it better than an 8v golf though especially when at high speeds...

But My Vr6 Storm... Was an awesome machine, the sound, delivered the same fuel ecco as my 16v!!!!

I've always fancied a G60 though! Been to shows and heard them reving, which sounded like a screaming pantha, but i think from reseaerch and info they are much more money to maintain over mileage, with charger servicing etc...

Vr6 just seems to be bullett proof....

standard Vr6 and G60 neck a neck??? Which is the fastest?????

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i prefer the 16v to but mine's got a turbo so?????? for sound though its got to be the vr muscle sound it just sounds powerful. but each to there own lol

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standard Vr6 and G60 neck a neck??? Which is the fastest?????


VR6 by far, but things start getting different when u start modding the G60 but then again whack a supercharger or turbo to a VR6 and I dont think any G60s will be bothering you again! :twisted:

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i think henny & blue joe would disagree with you there! for the money the g60 is far more tuneable!

A supercharged or turbo'ed vr is going to be mega bucks where in a g60 you can see 200+bhp for quite little money in comparison!

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Are you selling your R32 for a Corrado? If thats the case you want a 2lt 16v, TSW wheels, dark paint etc etc......


Swap? :wink:


TBH if you have the patience i'd wait for another decent Storm to come along.

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Funnily enough, I'd actually choose a 2.0 valver over a G60 as well, I just like the smooth revviness of the engine... Everyone seems to view the valver as the poor relation of the G and VR, but strap a turbo on (which can be done for less than you might think) and say hello to 200+bhp rather easily... In fact, there's guys in Germany getting 400+ out of turbo'd 2.0 16V engines - try getting that from a G!

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Really can't see why you'd choose a 16v over a VR6, but lik eyou say, each to their own. :?


lol...! sometimes though its not about having the fastest car... i prefer the 16v engine to the vr6 engine, thats all... the fact i can modify my valver to enhance the valver-ness of it all is just another advantage.... :)


tho, i will soon have a v6 daily driver to take the workload off the valver... :)

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I no this is going of the topic but what is the next event that the corrado forum is going to attend. At vw Northwest last year I saw the corrado forum gang with a banner but didn’t any anybody so I didn’t go over.

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I liked the 16valve engine and im sure the 8valve is great too, but ive never worked on or been in a g60.


Now ive experienced the vr6 i wouldn't even consider going back to a valver or swap it for a g60. Its refined, easy going and solid which is what i want from a car. Plus the noise when you stretch your big toe is pure sex.

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tho, i will soon have a v6 daily driver to take the workload off the valver... :)


lol, it's normally the other way round! :lol:

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