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what made you want one?

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Since then, it's been a bit love/hate. When I've been hit in the pocket badly, I've got fed up and sold them. Tried to go sensible with Jap hot hatches etc, but nothing compares. There's something really special about the C. So, I'll be picking up my new valver on Friday 8) :D Can't wait!!!!



wonder how long you'll keep this one Andy???? :wink:


btw you keeping your octavia vRS???

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If you are thinking of selling Roddy - give me a shout! I've got a hankering for a classic green with that lovely interior recently!

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Rodders, I'm determined to keep this one and just put up with it if things go wrong. My wife says she won't ever let me sell it either- what a star! :D


Yep, vRS is staying too 8) . Rach will mainly be using that, and we'll use it for 'family' holidays etc when baby arrives.


And don't let Mr Boj here temp you into selling that Storm!

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No real incentive for me to buy mine 3 years ago. I was well aware of Rados in my MK1 and MK2 Golf days and never really fancied one back then. Thought they were stunning looking cars but they were always too expensive.


So a few years ago, had a bit of cash and looked at a few coupes in the £7K region. E36 328i, Fiat 20V Turbo, SX200 etc. The Corrado I tested and duly bought was actually a lot slower than all of the three coupes there (a shagged cam sensor - unknown to me at the time of purchase didn't help) but it just drove so much better and I was instantly hooked.


It felt the most solid, had infinitely better steering feel than the other 3, was smoother, quieter and handling was on par with the Fiat on standard VR 4x4 suspension! Didn't like the E36 at all, nor the SX to be honest.


And the biggest clincher was the fact my 73K VR only cost £5K, the others were a lot more...... oh and it's a much better looking car than the others too ;-)

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my VR only cost £5K
costa bit more than that to buy yours now i reckon? :lol:

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Aye....lets just say that if I hadn't bought the Rado 3 years ago and then duly lavished it with tonnes mods, I'd now have enough cash to walk into VW and drive out in a brand new MK5 GTI :-(


Kind of wish I had saved up tbh when looking at it like that....but then we didn't know just how good the MK5 was going to be back then!

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Pfft, what ya want a Mk5 for?


Don't think you realise whatcha got sometimes Kev!


I sure as hell wish mine was almost half as good as yours

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I sure as hell wish mine was almost half as good as yours


our cars are about half as good as his - power and torque wise :lol:

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as with many of us, i was indoctrinated into the VW fraternity at a young age... Dad presented me with a ripe-for-restoration '66 Beetle the day after my provisional licence arrived.


the spring of 1990 Dad took me and my GTi & Jetta owning cousin to Wolfsburg for a 'boys weekend'... where in a car park beside the factory i had an epiphany on seeing my first ever C. a trip to the local dealer had me using up a whole roll of 35mm film in my camera on the 2 Rado's in the showroom. i remember telling Dad i wanted one... he just laughed a told me to start saving :wink:


the Bug was fully restored but got t-boned in Fratton by a kid who had 'borrowed' his Dad's Fiesta-van while he was down the pub... in typical student fashion i couldn't afford a sandwich, but thanks to Mr Barclaycard i landed a Mk1 GTi... which a taxi a 'parked' in barely a month after the Bug was terminated. got it fixed up thanks to insurance... the GTi eventually dissolved into shrapnel at a major junction in Cardiff, where i was by then at Uni and was hastily replaced with a cheap Audi 80.


by this time my mates (all of whom seemed to drive Alfa's) were tearing strips off me for my 'grandad style motor'. one particularly helpful mate dumped a loan of old car magazines at my folks place with the words "if you're gonna stick with your damned nazi-wagons, at least get an interesting one... what about a Corrado?". an hour later i swore the next car i bought would be proper.


post-uni i started saving for a C before getting bored of my job and quitting and heading off travelling. by the time i got back the Audi was completely drilled as a mate had been commuting Southampton to Redhill in it every day... and as soon as i was back in a job i went to see the Bank about a nice little car loan.


the Bank were not that sympathetic to my cause and turned me down, so i figured i'd have to wait... until in a surprising turn of events, the Audi's head gasket blew! here's an excuse i thought! :lol:


tail-between-legs i asked my parents for a loan, to "invest in a reliable car" now that i had a respectable job which involved frequent travelling... I had already been scoping out Rado's again and was convinced that a VR was the only way forward... at which point [and i'm still not sure how], i was talked into buying an Ibiza Cupra.


speed forward 2.5 years and during a drunken chat with my mate who had loaned me all the magazines years before i started up about VR's again. his comment that i was full of sh*t and would never actually get one finally spurred me into action and assisted by an unexpected bonus from work i went looking.


after 4mths looking and failing i got a call from the then owners of Autotechnik who i knew quite well, telling me they had just serviced a nice N-reg black VR6 which the owner was going to sell. with apprehension, i was still there in 10mins and after chatting with the owner [previous Forum member Kieran] expressed serious interest. about 3 weeks later i drove it off his drive and straight down the M27 to my mates place... :p


nearly a year later i still smile every time i slip in behind the wheel. it only took 15 years, but finally it was 'job done'.

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Well, I was looking for the Scooby Turbo I had promised myself all through Uni. It was a major incentive to make me work.


My Old Boy was telling how bad fuel economy would be, blah, blah..... Wasn't particularly bothered about that. I just wanted the car I had been dreaming about for those 4 years.


Anyway, he mentioned something about a VW Corrado. I went what the hell are they? He had had two VW roccos, one being a gt2. Stuck to the road like clue. He had once pointed out a G60 that had lived in my town and said he had always wanted one. Didn't really see what the big deal was at the time.


Did a bit of research into the Corrado, instantly loved the looks and the fact there were barely any around. I have a thing about being different. Dont like being a sheep!! Really, really wanted a G60 for the pub talk. (I have a supercharged car, its better than yours. etc.) But read the horror stories and too be honest I couldn't find a low mileage nice one.


Read about the VR6 and thought 2.9litres, 21 years old......yeah right. Manage to get a sensible quote with TESCO's. £900 approx. I then spent many months looking at total sheds until I eventually found a Flash Red, 93' in absolute mint condition.


You know that feeling you get when ringing up about a car. Your speaking to the owner and chatting and I just though this sounds like the one. I went to look at the car. My Dad and I stepped out of the car, looked at the Rado on the drive, looked at each other and thought exactly the same thing. "SOLD". Looked round it, totally mint, took it for a drive, offered some money which was accepted. Handed over the cash and came home a very happy man. Had to wait 3 days for the insurance to come to sort the tax out. It was a long 3 days and my father congratualted me for not taking it out, claiming there was no way he could have been that patient.


The rest is history and so is the 3.5k I've spent on it to keep it running for the past 3 years.


Happy days.



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Pfft, what ya want a Mk5 for?


Dunno.... I just go through phases of wanting something newer! Love the look of the MK5 too....but I am getting old tho :-)


Don't think you realise whatcha got sometimes Kev!


True, it's not until you drive something else that you realise how good the C is, and not just a powerful C either, they're all better than modern cars on so many levels.


I sure as hell wish mine was almost half as good as yours


You wouldn't say that if you drove it at the moment..... got either an ECU or throttle fault and it keeps cutting out. A real nuiscance to drive at the moment....got to hunt down an OBD2 throttle!!

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Well, I don't like golfs, sorry. I'm actually an Opel Manta enthusiast, currently restoring one (rallying heritage). But I do like the scirocco a lot, in fact I love them, really make me smile when I see one on the road, so bought one of them (GT2) a few years ago, and promptly ran it in to the back (crap scirocco brakes) of a honda estate with tow bar. Replaced that with a mk1 mr2 (fantastic cars), but I'm out on the mountain bike sometimes 3 times a week, and I got fed up very quickly with faffing about with bike racks. Wishing to buy another scirocco for the boot space/looks etc. but not wanting the dodgy brakes...Corrado was the answer, bought a 1.8 16V for high revs and easy maintenance. Great tone to the engine/exhaust.


Corrado and scirocco are great cars, kind of cars that look good from any angle.


have fun


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Corrado's were always a car that I'd liked, since I first saw one. Think it was the side profile and the curve on the bonnet that I liked, plus the rear spoiler.


I'd never really considered getting one though, and it was only when we were looking for a more modern car for my partner (to take the pressure of the 1961 Morris Pick-up!), that I decided that I'd rather change my car and he could have my BMW E36 coupe. Unfortunately we didn't have a huge amount in the budget, but I knew I wanted a well built car - preferably German (my last two cars had been BMW's and I had a 1970 Beetle before them), and it had to be sporty and different. I certainly didn't want a 'common' car!


In the end, looking around for cars within our price range I suddenly remembered my liking for the Corrado, and so that was that, the search was on!

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Cool, would like to see some quality Opel Manta pics.. :)

Ditto " "

especially Manta A's...........though wouldn't moan about any nice manta either

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Glad to see some interest in mantas on here then.. :D


Neither of these are mine unfortunately, first is an A series (running a 2ltr 16V), recently featured in TV magazine, and the scecond I believe is Russell Brookes himself driving his old rally 400 manta. (Lots of RWD fun)


Hope you enjoy.






have fun


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loving that top pic



craigowl is gonna love this...........IIRC he bought a Manta A brand spanking new!!!!!!!!

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Erm, not exactly!! Original engines aren't the most powerful, but the engine bays are big enough to accommodate pretty much anything you want to put in there. Not amazingly quick cars as standard, but thats not really the point with these cars, its the RWD thats makes them so much fun.



Have fun


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Erm, not exactly!! Original engines aren't the most powerful, but the engine bays are big enough to accommodate pretty much anything you want to put in there. Not amazingly quick cars as standard, but thats not really the point with these cars, its the RWD thats makes them so much fun.



Have fun



How is the 16v going devil fish?

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Really well actually, few things on the mot (rear caliper, handbrake and such), oh and I relpaced the ignition switch, but other than that its proving to be very reliable (famous last words!).


Need to build some funds for sorting out those dents and that.


have fun


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Loving the Black Manta, very retro cool!


Can't stand the later ones though. My Grandad loved them, had two Berlinettas and then a run out GTE Auto. All of them gave me car sickness!

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