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Corrado club [Now with Poll!!]

Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?

    • Yes, I think that the pooling of resources would maximise the benefit for Corrado owners.
    • No, I think they both provide different things and I prefer to be involved with both separately.
    • I like ham and couldn't care less.

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Is there one still in existence. Need to be a member of a car club to get 10% off my quote and can't find the old ccgb. Is it a case of RIP ccgb?

I might have to joing clubgti just for the dosh off.












[Poll added VR6]

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No they still exist im a member there is a lady called wendy on site talk to her have a look in events or even kipvw they could help you more dont know about the moderators any of you in ccgb

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I'm a member of the CCGB but not heard very much out of them much to be honest. Starting to wonder if it is really worth it. Unless somethign major changes this year I won;t be renewing!!!!

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I'm a member of the CCGB but not heard very much out of them much to be honest. Starting to wonder if it is really worth it. Unless somethign major changes this year I won;t be renewing!!!!


same here shame really alot of nice people in club see how the next meet goes i suppose last stanford hall was a bit of a letdown only 2 of us on stand going again though also i never got tickets for another show , also went to three counties and no stand turned up :(

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why doesn't this forum take over the club? like the VR6OC one did.


very good idea i think most members use this forum anyway :thumb right:

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This is the only real Corrado club anyway


Problem is then getting stands at shows that charge for having a clubstand ;-) The CF doesn't have the funds, I guess.


i suppose last stanford hall was a bit of a letdown only 2 of us on stand


This year, we've been invited to have 2 stands, one 6-car stand (the usual), and an extra 8-car display area, so don't let me down here, folks, get your name down!


also went to three counties and no stand turned up

Do you mean the showground in Malvern? There was a well-attended stand at BVF (british Volksfest), as quite a few from this forum can testify. We all had a roaring time.


Keep an eye on the events section on this forum. There are quite a few threads advertising stand spaces there already :-)



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Do you mean the showground in Malvern? There was a well-attended stand at BVF (british Volksfest), as quite a few from this forum can testify. We all had a roaring time.


Keep an eye on the events section on this forum. There are quite a few threads advertising stand spaces there already :-)




Yup, great weather, cold booze, and feeble chairs! *sigh*

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I have no more of an idea than you guys as to what is happening in the Corrado Club. I have just organised a few meets like many others on here.


I am a Member only and also wondering what is happening, is there to be a AGM etc.


Have to say, in the past admittidly, there have been good shows and attendances, I certainly made quite a few friends from the Club, but, yes the Forum certainly is taking over, hence I finally joined.


If you are serious of the Forum taking over from the CCGB, then naturally some of the logistics would need addressing.

Who would run it, etc etc etc, then approach them, can't be any harm in that.


I think another Sprinter maybe on its way soon, so maybe that will enlighten us all.

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I think there was talk of amalgamation a few years back but no one (at the top) seemed keen.


It's a bit of a shame as the offical club seems to be slowing down a lot.


I think a fresh injection of energy and enthusiasm would go down a treat.

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Yes, it is politics at the highest levels, and the blame finger can admittedly be pointed to both tops (CF and CCGB). I know I'm sticking my head out here, but as those that attended the last CCGB AGM can already testify, I already had a severe go regarding this issue at the AGM. I could also have a sever go here :lol:


I think it's plain stupid to have 2 Corrado organisations/institutions, and one of my goals in organising stands at shows for both the CF and CCGB has always been to bring both closer together.


Let's not fight and bicker, rather than join up and enjoy our hobby, our cars, the friendships we make, etc. Life's too short for the unpleasant things (we have enough of that in our daily lives, I'm sure ;-) ).



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The Corrado Club of Great Britain needs something - some sort of reinvigoration, some sort of wake up call.. its slowly dying and its a real shame as I feel the club scene for the Corrado is stronger than ever!

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The Corrado Club of Great Britain needs something - some sort of reinvigoration, some sort of wake up call.. its slowly dying and its a real shame as I feel the club scene for the Corrado is stronger than ever!


I started to give up at the point a few years back when some of the members of the CCGB insisted that the focus had to remain on the mag and the events and not the web, lots of waffly reasons including liability for things people say on the web, blah, blah... But essentially they were saying not everyone has a PC and an internet connection, then I really started to lose interest, why can't people drive their Corrados to the local library FFS?

The money, bureaucracy and general lack of communication was just so depressing. I'm not saying I contributed as much as I could have, really just attending meetings and paying my subs, but then the 'core' was a bit cliquey anyway.

Finally, I think most club members use the C Forum here now anyway making the club pretty much obsolete in most ways.

It's nice to have things in print, like RR days and other meets, but then the club hasn't exactly excelled at doing that either.



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I only joined the club last april at the AGM, and have to say that last years shows, predominantly with/because of combined stands worked really well. I do think however, that this is purely because most of the people there are on the forum! Us lot talk on a daily/weekly basis, but the CCGB dont have this with thier members.

I don't see the benefit to the forum of the club being combined.

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This year, we've been invited to have 2 stands, one 6-car stand (the usual), and an extra 8-car display area, so don't let me down here, folks, get your name down!


also went to three counties and no stand turned up

Do you mean the showground in Malvern? There was a well-attended stand at BVF (british Volksfest), as quite a few from this forum can testify. We all had a roaring time.






:roll: :oops: my mistake it was the year before i went there , was told they would have a stand but no one went that was another good show only went 1 day though would do the weekend next time looked good

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I've been a ccgb member for as long as i have had the C ( bout 4 years now ). I joined because i want the ins discount and wanted to know more about the car and how it works etc. The yahoo group has always been usefull, but i had a look here and realised there was much more going on. Most questions had already been asked before ! ( plus i am too lazy to log in to yahoo and i can browse these messages without remembering passwords ).


1 thing that i remember bugin me was the yahoo group seemed to get peeved with OT stuff - like 'spotted', so that all died down. Now you get questions and answers, but not much debate or opinions.


I post to both yahoo and here, and hadnt thought about the implications of combining the clubs, but as the number of c's goes down over time, it must make some sense to work together as closly as poss.




As an aside: i was thinkin the other day that i have been a member of 3 official owners clubs over the last 10 years or so ( Alfa Romeo, CCGB, TVRCC ) and they have all had some sort of financial strife which is being cleared up just after i join. I always miss the AGM where the sh*t goes down and as a result never get the gorey details.. ;)

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Oh well...


The Sprinter should be out soon.


If anyone wants the job of re-invigorating the VWCCGB they're welcome to put themselves up for election as Chairman at the AGM.


Not sure that not wanting to be sued is a 'waffly' reason for not tying the club more closely to the Web, but if the Mods on here are happy to put themselves in the firing line - why not?


Comments welcome.

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Quite honestly I can't imagine anyone here is going to really want to volunteer to try and take over and reinvigorate the Corrado Club.


Besides, we have to dodge more than enough bullets just being moderators here let alone taking on additional responsibilites in the CCGB. My time is stretched enough here so - count me out.

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As a long standing member i say R.I.P. CCGB a shame but nobody is prepared to put the effort in these days to volunteer their time (me included by the way) and if you get it wrong their are only too many people ready to jump on the criticism bandwagon to make it worthwhile.

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lads im not a member but my car and the owner before was if we took it over i really dont think people on here would mind paying how ever much it was a year! i mean this would still be called the corrado forum but obvioisly we'd have the ccgb side of it two maybe an entire section like drivetrain for example just where stuff regarding meets the magazine etc is discussed! just an option of course! how much work/time would it take up if someone took it over?

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Quite honestly I can't imagine anyone here is going to really want to volunteer to try and take over and reinvigorate the Corrado Club.


Besides, we have to dodge more than enough bullets just being moderators here let alone taking on additional responsibilites in the CCGB. My time is stretched enough here so - count me out.


No disrespect Jim, but in one short post you have completely encapsulated the problem the Corrado Club currently faces IMHO.


There are loads of people out there (and on here) willing to take a pop at the CCGB (and I know you aren't one of those, but bear with me) but nobody has the initiative / guts / time / interest / stamina / intelligence or balls to actually take the thing on and pick it back up. I tried to have a go, but despite being pretty well known on the scene found the overall lack of support (with one or two exceptions) pretty bloody demotivating after a while. That combined with the continuing antics of a few time consuming difficult members meant what free time I had to spend on it at the time simply disappeared.


I have observed over the years on here that for every supporter of the CCGB, there are also plenty of "knockers" - many of whom have never been members, or if they were never active in the sense that they never tried to contribute anything to the Club. This is not a problem restricted to the CCGB, as Club GTi, Club Scirocco and Club Polo have all suffered similarly in recent years.


Since 1998 I have watch the internet grab the UK's VW scene and simply transform it. On the positive side there are now active, realtime discussion forums between enthusiasts. Communication is rampant and active, new people find it easy and free to join in, and help is available.


However (in my view) there have also been some unwelcome downsides; people now just expect everything to be provided free of charge and without any personal effort being required on thier part. Suddenly the world is full of armchair experts who armed with an anonymous internet ID slag off the "do-ers" without ever once having to take the responsibility of ever being put to the test of making it happen themselves. Suddenly how passionate you are about the VW scene or Corrado scene is measured not in terms of how much you actually travel and contribute to it, but instead is measured purely in terms of how much time you can waste at work racking up posts on a forum saying sh1te like "wow" and "kool innit" with a poncy graphic attached to every single one.


In addition, I would have to say that the proliferation of forums (and I'm not singling out the Corrado forum specifically in this respect) has in my view fragmented, rather than strengthened the scene. Everywhere you look at shows now there are almost hundreds of little splinter groups, all forum based, consisting of 1 bloke and his 4 mates who have a "forum". However every time a group falls out, the splinters simply go and set up new forums. The result overall is fragmentation, with legions of disparate groups who often exist for no other reason than to arguing the toss with each other over who is 'better' or 'cooler', who has better cars, or how much they hate the wnakers in the other forum they just left last week. Personally I simply can't stand all that bollox and that is why for the large part I've said "fuggit" to the whole thing.


Now set against those comments the Corrado Forum has actually been lucky enough to attain a critical mass of active members, and that is a significant achievement. However the challenge which even the forum will eventually face is the one of coming up with new ideas, innovations, keeping interest high and preventing it becoming a stale experience. A further challenge for both the Corrado Forum and the CCGB would be to see if perhaps both groups could be united into one group with better resources and with a higher profile than currently exists. The problem is - no bu99er seems to want to organise any of it.


I still love my 'rado, will still occasionally organise odd meets & events, and will continue to publicise them through this place and the Yahoo! group, and will really enjoy doing those things with my Corrado loving friends. The time we all had at E38 and Stoner last year was simply fantastic. However I for one am completely disinterested in trying to satisfy the apathetic masses, the non-doers and the armchair critics who proliferate the internet, but fail to make the effort to even get off thier arses and drive more than 5 miles from home to a meet.


If this all sounds bitter then it probably is. Anyone who knows me more than casually will tell you I am a pretty positive person, but 7 years of being ground down by some oft he stuff I've described above would take it's toll on anyone.


There was a time a few years ago when the possibility existed that the Corrado forum and the CCGB could have combined forces. However neither group probably realised at the time what each could offer the other. I have to say for my part that I contributed in part to that opportunity being missed, but at the same time I think Andi was as against it as I was. Perhaps the right person can be found to see if a way forward can be found to unite it all over again? With the benefit of hindsight I would certainly support anyone who tried to make the Corrado scene even stronger, as the car is so great it's worth fighting for IMHO.


So - the challenge is there for everyone... anyone... is there a single person on here willing to try and put themselves up for the challenge of reaching out to all the UK's Corrado owners (not just those on this forum) and taking it somewhere new? Or are you all just going to argue on the internet about it forever?


Please feel free to continue the debate...




[dons flame retardent coat]

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john i fell that it would be a brilliant idea to bring it together and i would really like to take part but not as the main leader i will explain why!


it is all about location for me! i live on the isle of wight and although im going to a good 6-8 meets this year on the mainland!

I fell the main person(s) for the corrado-forum/ccgb (if it happens) would need to probably go to all of the meets/agm's but i can simply not commit to this!


i cant afford £40 for the car ferry on a regular basis! so what i will do is offer my services and time (e.g admin help etc) to anyone who is willing to give this a go!


because i love my C and im my opinion the more people we can get together sharing one passion the better! like john says why split up when everyone knows 2 heads are better than one!


thanks Andy

P.S nice to meet you john!

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