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What does your VW dealer think of corrados?

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I know the workshop manager of my local VW dealer and i asked him as a matter of interest what he thought of the Corrado

He told me that although it was a great car the technicians hated them in his words "they are a absolute pig to work on"

Just wondered if anyone on the forum has had any similar stories

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I work for Volkswagen and last year visited more than 100 sites - great response to the cars everywhere I went, usually got back to the car to find Technicians loitering around it. Best response is from VW at Milton Keynes, senior management love the fact that someone chooses to drive a classic VW instead of one of the current range

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They look out the window when i pull up and they all agree to put the prices up 30%.

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They look out the window when i pull up and they all agree to put the prices up 30%.



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They look out the window when i pull up and they all agree to put the prices up 30%.


:lol: :lol: :lol: Funny cos it's true!




I let one of the salesmen at exeter move mine and got praise from him

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'Nice Scirocco...'


Not so far off from the truth, or they are well clued up, as they then realise that until the marketing boffins at VW decided to rename the Mk3 Rocco to Corrado, it was called the Mk3 Rocco during its entire design stage.



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That's lucky, it's coming up to midnight and I hadn't learnt anything yet today, cheers Tempest! :D

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My local VW garage actually got their mits on mine for the first time late last year when a water hose went.


They have been trying to get the servicing of mine since I have owned it.

But I try to politely point out, that I do know the trade enough, and a 10 year old car is usually referred to as an Old Dog, top that with , they were so few made, they do not have the expertise and knowledge, I will take it to the specialists, Stealth or AMD. They are ok with this - just - and do quite well with the spares I order from the Parts Dept. I have to be fair and say they are always incredibly helpful

The car always pulls interest from the technicans too.

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The car always pulls interest from the technicans too.


Noithing to do with the blone lady getting out of it then ;)

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'Nice Scirocco...'


Not so far off from the truth, or they are well clued up, as they then realise that until the marketing boffins at VW decided to rename the Mk3 Rocco to Corrado, it was called the Mk3 Rocco during its entire design stage.




if someone called my corrado a sciroco they would be put right straight away bloody idiots :lol:

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In Turkey they dont know Corrados...:D


- Hi, What is the prices of Corrado's left headlight?

- Cordoba ?

- No Corrado ?

- are you sure ?

- yes i am sure. it is 1993 VOLKSWAGEN CORRADO.

- iiii....it must be seat

- No it is volkswagen !!!. Check the Etka please...

- (he is talking with his friend..mate is there model named corrado in VW ? i dont know check the program.)

- (5 min. later) ok...i have just found. Prices is 450 ytl ( 290 euros)

- allright..thanks...

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Best response is from VW at Milton Keynes, senior management love the fact that someone chooses to drive a classic VW instead of one of the current range


When I wrote to them with a complaint about something, they didn't seem to care then!! :roll:

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He told me that although it was a great car the technicians hated them in his words "they are a absolute pig to work on"


I think that's just some kind of urban myth in VW dealer circles. You never hear them complaining about working on MK2 and 3 Golfs, which have the same engines, chassis, and basic layout as the Corrado.

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My dealers just d on't seem to care about it. I even parked it in the middle of the forecourt once to see if I got a reaction - nada!

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back when i had mine and just before i sold it when it was looking mint i had it parked up on the vw forecort (as there we no spaces in visitors parking)


it was next to a nice R32.. after i came back out from the parts dept there were 2 guys looking at it thinking it was for sale and the sales guy had to tell them it wasnt. all 3 then stood around saying what a great car it was for 10 mins or so before i had to head back to work.


the salesmans words were 'best looking car vw ever made'


think that sums it up

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Well MY local Oxford VW Part department must fookin love me, well over 1k in the last year.


As for other comments I did have an interviewee call my car a Scirocco so I very quickly corrected her and probably sounded a bit narked, funny enough I never got that job.

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My local dealership seem to like mine... They put on an extra 17 miles during a standard service! :x

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