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MOT Cowboy nightmare

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Yesterday my car was in for its MOT at a local MOT Centre.


Apart from 2 new tryes it was fine and passed no problem.


apart from when the fool doing the test locked the keys inside the car. I got a call around 10.30 asking if I had a spare set. I did and took them up there straight away to be greeted with sounds of my alarm wailing. Anyway I gave them the spare set they opened it up and got the keys out.


I didn't think much more about it apart from dumb asses at time until after i got back to pick it up. when i got there it was dark and the guy was touching up the roof just above the window of the door. he said they had nicked it slighty trying to get my keys out when the first locked them in there.


it was so dark i couldn't really see anything........... until this morning!!!!


in the daylight i see the full extent of the damage. Obviously before calling me for the spare set they set about trying to break into the car with what can only be described as a crow bar or something???


There is a huge dink in the roof pannel above the driver door, they have taken of the paint at the top of the passanger door and bent the seal around the divers door.


take a look at the picture. it looks like some chav has tried to rob it!!!!


(will post more pic asap)


I haven't paid him for the MOT yet which is just aswell. but what do you guys think I should do about this apart hanging, drawing and quatering the cowboy!!!!!

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No pics attached yet but i'd be right back demanding that they pay to get that damage sorted at YOUR CHOICE of bodyshop. Cowboy just doesn't sound strong enough to describe that sort of crap...

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I'm sat here open mouthed.



I wouldn't be able to restrain myself if it were me I think.

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Bad I know, and that used to be your daily drive .Rich., look what the **** has gone and done to it! am going to get a quote and present him with it but any ideas anyone on roughly what it should be??????

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Dunno, it's a difficult one to price up.


Go down there and kill them. In the face. Lots.

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that is truely shocking,and they even tried to hide the damage,id be straight back down there..and you should name and shame so other people can avoid them

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Man i'd be gutted, the bastard s probally wont see much of a problem as it's an "old car" i had it in spain where this fella had obviously jacked my old c up to close to the arch, he had try'd to bend it back but still deneyd it!

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why did they bother using a screwdriver its hardly gonna open it anyway ,caused damage for no reason ,id be gutted

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I have also just discovered that he is one of very few in Powys who is a member of

The Powys Trading Standards - Fair Trade Charter.


This sets out the minimum standards of Customer service that the garage has to adhere to to remain a member of the charter.


In which case he will be only to happy to pay for the repairs............. (YEAH RIGHT)

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i would say get legal advice, and also contact your insurers as they will have legal help as well as past experience on this sort of thing. I would be very sad and upset if this happened to me. Got to get it sorted tho, thats the main thing!

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I'd talk to them first ... calmly and sensibly. If they raise the bar or are unreasonable, send in the lawyers.

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I would just go back first of all and point it out. Don't leave it any longer you need to go back right now. Go in calmly and confidently and say it has to be repaired back to how it was. If they say they will do it say you only want it done by a bodyshop you choose. They will have insurance to cover it and will just have to foot the bill.

That will need a fair bit of work to put right as its on one of the most difficult bits of the car to repair.

If they don't agree to help contact trading standards as has been mentioned. But don't involve them until you have to, give them a chance first.



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Right this is what i have do so far.


I have wrote him a letter expressing my concerns over the damage caused and asked him to advise my on what action he wishes to take. I have told him that if he doesn't respond satifactorily then i will go straight to the Powys trading standards to which he is a member and seek legal advice from them and attempt to get him removed from the charter.


i have also sent him photos of his hand work!!!!!!!!!!!


I await his response!!!

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I would go down there in person as a first contact, rather than by letter. The letter can back-up your conversation and serve as "legal notification" for later consideration by your legal team if it gets messy..

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Jesus - just read this....


Yeah, got to agree with Matt - go to see them asap in the first instance but say you've sent a letter too just to go thru the proper chanels...


Thats really bad - did they think it was just going to pop open or something - idiots... they may have also bent the door frame seal so after its repaired you need to check for windnoise at high speeds - because of this do not accept a payout for the damages - just deal with there insurance until its fixed and you are satisfied...

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f#ck me, and I was p'ssed off because MOT'er scratched through my rust protection on the brake pipes last weekend! Hope it get's sorted for you.

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Well you will all be glad to hear I returned my car to the cowboy that carried out the MOT. He booked it into a reptable body shop and I picked her up last night.


When I first clapped eyes on her i thought they had resprayed the entire car!!!!!!!!


you cant even tell where any of the dinks and gashes were. It now looks almost new again.


Thanks to all for your advice.

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