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Where have you got your tweeters?

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OK ICE guys, where have you mounted your tweeters for your comps?


I've looked at putting them on the A pillar, but there isnt enough angle on the mounting cups to face the driver and/or passenger properly, i don't want to drill a hole into my leather doorcards, and there is no where to mount them in the OE positions in the dash unless I make up some brackets - where will give me the best sound? It's pissing me off not being able to fit these.



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Get rid of the big circular standard speakers and mount them in there with a bit of a home-made bracket.


Mecano or some of that aluminium strip type stuff with the holes in......

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TBH, you're best off mounting them in the standard positions. They're deliberately right up by the windscreen because they then reflects the sound back towards you. It also makes them sound further away than they actually are as the sound has travelled futher - giving you a bigger 'image'.


It also means you don't have bits of speaker bolted on and cluttering up your interior.

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ok, and face them towards the window to reflect the sounds off the screen, or point them towards the cabin?

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Keep them pointing straight up like the standard ones do - then the sound will hit the windscreen in the right place to reflect back at you :)

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ok cool thanks guys, i'll pick some meccano up tomorrow ;)


VR6, can you show me a picture of yours?

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OK ICE guys, where have you mounted your tweeters for your comps?


I've looked at putting them on the A pillar, but there isnt enough angle on the mounting cups to face the driver and/or passenger properly, i don't want to drill a hole into my leather doorcards, and there is no where to mount them in the OE positions in the dash unless I make up some brackets - where will give me the best sound? It's pissing me off not being able to fit these.




I placed my tweeters in the dash - replacing the speakers already there and using the circular surround to provide a base for my new tweeters. Worked a treat and looks original. You just need to be careful when removing the old tweeter and cutting the hole. See images P1, P2 and P3 below for how it works/looks.

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Mine are in the dash too, best place for them.


Get the time alignment right and artists sound like they're sitting on the bonnet singing to you ;-)


A pillar and door mounting, or anywhere that is off axis is difficult to get right, but as said already, you can use the screen to deflect the sound back to the middle of the car. I've angled my tweeters to point to the middle of the screen and run them out of phase aswell.

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I've angled my tweeters to point to the middle of the screen and run them out of phase aswell.


What does running them out of phase achieve?


I know with subs it cancels the bass, so why do it on tweets?

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Come on Kev, a few more tips please! We just want to get the best out of these Audioscape pods we've invested in. I also went for the Seas speakers on your recommendation but feel I'm not getting the best out them. I've set the xover to -6db but they still seem a bit bright (make you wince when it's loud!) So will running them out of phase improve this??

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Also worth noting, as Kev mentioned - if you keep the tweeters in the standard position, your sound stage will appear in front of you. If you put them on the A-pillars or elsewhere, then the soundstage will be right on top of you.

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You can invert the phase by switching the wires on the back of the tweeter. The important thing is to make sure that the sound that reaches your ear from all the relevant speakers is in the *same* phase. It doesn't have to be "right", just consistent.

Swapping overall phase appears to me to be one of those snake-oil things. I've never tried it seriously, but have never noticed a good difference when fiddling about with it ..

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Keep them pointing straight up like the standard ones do - then the sound will hit the windscreen in the right place to reflect back at you :)


but what abt if your going round a bend, wont the sound get confused and take a wrong turning, resulting in the old lady in her micra next door will be jamming to my Prince album :?

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Keep them pointing straight up like the standard ones do - then the sound will hit the windscreen in the right place to reflect back at you :)


but what abt if your going round a bend, wont the sound get confused and take a wrong turning, resulting in the old lady in her micra next door will be jamming to my Prince album :?


Ya nutter :lol:

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Come on Kev, a few more tips please! We just want to get the best out of these Audioscape pods we've invested in. I also went for the Seas speakers on your recommendation but feel I'm not getting the best out them. I've set the xover to -6db but they still seem a bit bright (make you wince when it's loud!) So will running them out of phase improve this??


Yep I found the SEAS tweeters work best out of phase (swap the plus and minus leads over) and pointing off axis at the centre of the screen using some metal brackets attached to the OE grills. I also put some wadding underneath the tweeters to absorb colouration.


What head unit are you using? Current and recent Alpines are naturally bright sounding, so try and pull down the treble if you can and definitely, definitely pull down 1khz if you have an equaliser as Corrados have a horrendous resonance at 1k.


Delay the front speakers too with time alignment if you've got it, 2ms on the passenger side and 2.5ms on the driver's side works well and centres the stage nicely.


Sitting as low down and as far away from the dash as possible helps too believe it or not.


What amplifier are you using? Again, some sound bright.


As with anything Audio related, it's all subjective but I'm better at diagnosing sound issues when sat in front of the kit. So maybe an ICE related meet up for setups and idea swapping might be a good idea?

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Get the time alignment right and artists sound like they're sitting on the bonnet singing to you Wink


plus if you eat certain mushrooms they will sound AND LOOK like they are on the bonnet singing to you!

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So maybe an ICE related meet up for setups and idea swapping might be a good idea?


That sounds like a very good idea Kev! I'll bring the BBQ :lol:


Get the time alignment right and artists sound like they're sitting on the bonnet singing to you Wink


plus if you eat certain mushrooms they will sound AND LOOK like they are on the bonnet singing to you!


Possibly not advisable to do so whilst driving though... :lol:

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« kevHaywire » wrote:So maybe an ICE related meet up for setups and idea swapping might be a good idea?



That sounds like a very good idea Kev! I'll bring the BBQ

Is this what they call a 'soundoff', generally held in a supermarket car park??


Good idea though, I've spent more dosh on my toones than anything else, which is unusual for a VR owner!!

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Is this what they call a 'soundoff', generally held in a supermarket car park??


*shudder* please, we are Corrado owners... :lol:

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Yep I found the SEAS tweeters work best out of phase

Just did the phasor trick on me tweets..and by jove, just the job :) I can now hear the mids in the pods instead of them being drowned out by the shreeking from the dash! Good call Mr Haywire :cheers:


While I'm here, should I be using 4AWG to power my Geny amp (as in manual) or can I stick with the 8AWG already installed?? As it is powering the front I didn't think it would be too stressed due to lack of bass.

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mine sit on the top of the dash on the existing grille things. they dont look the prettiest there, but they do sound damn good.

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another thing i remembered, now that i have read all the other replies on this thread....


when i had my stereo fitted, the guy tacked them up onto the A pillars, let me have a listen, then put them in the position they are in now and let me have a listen. No contest. Like Dinkus has already said, it really did sound like the sound was on top of you, and sounded $hite.


The only thing i dont like about the install i have is that they dont look that great up there on top of the grilles. Thankfully them sounding good outweighs the downside.

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Just did the phasor trick on me tweets..and by jove, just the job :) I can now hear the mids in the pods instead of them being drowned out by the shreeking from the dash! Good call Mr Haywire :cheers:


:thumb right: Wait until those SEAS bed in fully, you've got more to come as yet 8)


While I'm here, should I be using 4AWG to power my Geny amp (as in manual) or can I stick with the 8AWG already installed?? As it is powering the front I didn't think it would be too stressed due to lack of bass.


4 guage is nicer as it's a better fit in the amp (and less voltage drop), your stereo 100 should have a 4 guage connector on it? 8 guage tends to crimp up a lot but it's fine for the load your running, no probs.

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