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Looks like the 'rat might get saved! Opinions..

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Now you are talking.


Rats are endangered species as it is, so whatever transplant is possible.


Personal opinion is TDi, You have a vr already and it might not be as fun with all that extra weight, so TDi it and have a torque machine with a bit of style.

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heheh, yeah, they are a bit endangered! basically, i'm interested in what engine would make the car more desirable to buyers as i won't be keeping her (once we have the audi, 4 cars would just be silly!) - so need to know whether people would be more likely to buy it with a TDi or a VR lump in her... My view is: big cruising car needs big lazy engine = VR!

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any difference in the final bill? Im assuming a TDi conversion is gonna cost you more than a VR? Personally, i'd have been very interested in the rat if it had already had a 130/150 tdi conversion. However , now i have no job!


TBH, i cant see you doing either and making back the extra money you'll spend :cry:

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Difficult one on the engine front, I would plump for the Tdi, likely to be more desireable to a bigger group of people that way.


If you stick the VR in its going to narrow your market somewhat.


Hope you manage to save her.

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Well, the original buyer and I have struck a deal, so the original engine is staying put for the time being! Just got three weeks to do the suspension, rear beam bushes, brake lines, and source and paint a bonnet black...


Cheers for all the offers of help and advice peeps, very gratefully received! :notworthy:

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What engine is it running at the mo?


Stripped down and rebuilt the head on my old 8v gti so got some experience there, and a friend has done numerous and i mean numerous 16v rebuilds and transplants into mk1 golfs etc... So hopefully can help on the engine front... if not may have your original lump off you to pop in another passat i know of thats donating its 2.0 16v to a mk1 golf...


and got experience on the passat sus already so can help there too ;)

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It's got a 2.0 8V 2E engine... though things are still a bit up in the air! Should know what's happening with it soon enought hough... :)


Cheers for the offer of help, i may have to bribe you with some beers on that score... :lol:

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Oh and i forgot to say earlier, if you do go down the fitting new guides and seals, i no also of a good engineering firm in fleet that specialise in heads and overhauls ect, so if u want that number as well i can dig it out for you . . .!

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