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Nissan Figaro... :roll:

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Ok, borderline Off Topic I know but it is still a car!




My girlfriend has decided she wants one of these...


Done a little bit of research and I gather they were made in the early 90s and are based on a Mk1 Micra. They pretty much all seem to come with electric windows, aircon, leather seats, cd etc. Look nice and quaint, all the looks of a 50s speeder but modern stuff thrown in. The only come in 1litre turbo flavour kicking out around 75bhp.


So what do you guys think? I know nothing about Nissans at all apart from I learnt to drive in a micra and it was ok. Anyone know anything about this model of car? I gather they are fairly popular with celebs etc. Any advice appreciated. :)


I know it's a bit gimicky etc. but it's what she wants, just want to make sure it wont be a nightmare!

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looks like a neat little girl car. just add some cool 21 inch rims, big jap style front bumper and the mandatory APR rear spoiler to finish it off.

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My Missus wants one of these too!!

We have looked at lots of adverts and a couple in the flesh.


It seems that leaks from the silly 1/2 convertible roof thingy are quite common, causing the very light colour fabric roof lining to discolour / go mouldy.


Also the knobs inside are all chromed plasticy things and seem to have fallen off a lot of the time. The CD/stereo is a multi changer and a specific design to the car, cant just slot a kenwood in there if it goes wrong. Any problems and its hello Mr Nissan!! :lol:


They were only produced in Japan, (and only in limited numbers out there) so any in this country are Imports. As such I couldnt make much sense of the service history. :lol:

The best coulour I have seen is pink, but not many of these around so very expensive, 5K+

You seem to be able to get a green or grey one for 3k+

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Thanks for the replies guys.


I did read somewhere they are all autos Rodders, 3 speed I believe so they ain't gonna be breaking any records!


Pickard1, didn't get a chance to say hello to your missus, was she at the RR? Good tips mate we'll have a look out for that stuff. I also read about the whole import thing making it hard to track its early history etc. Pink is cool but I think she wants a beige one.

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absolute crap, and the prices they fetch are utterly beyond belief.


just have alook at them prices, and i swear you'd have to be clinically insane to buy one.

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I left her at home.....she was broken after a nights drinking with my mates :lol:


I think the prices are a little bit high, but I was just more pleased she wanted something a bit more interesting than a shopping trolley. Forced Induction.....quirky looks.....It'll be a slippery slope to a G60!

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no, but I learned to drive in an old micra, it was a pile of shite. and I've driven the "bubble" shaped micra, which was without a doubt THE crapest handling car I have ever driven in my life, it scared the shit out of me.


£5k for gimicky pile of jap poop! ? I'd get a new girlfriend.


also, these "cars" have nothing to do with driving, it's the automotive equivalent of a handbag.

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Cheers for that article Rodders, just what I was looking for!


trig ignore ol phatty there..................he seems to be the grinch of motoring.......if its what yer missus wants why not..........her money afterall........balls to what he thinks


Pretty much what I was thinking, just wondering if his assessment comes from looking at one picture or actually driving the car.


Pickard1, totally agree mate.

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absolute crap, and the prices they fetch are utterly beyond belief.


just have alook at them prices, and i swear you'd have to be clinically insane to buy one.




here here


utter poo and about 5 times over-priced.

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Wow, really dividing opinion on this one!


Thanks Blue_Joe!


By the looks of things they are expensive because they are rare, less than 1000 imported....


Former celebrity owners are said to include Eric Clapton, Frank Skinner and Athina Roussel. The model Nancy Sorrell says she has her husband, Jim Moir, the comedian Vic Reeves, to thank for her introduction to the Figaro.

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PhatVR6, have you driven one then?



That's something i'd like to see :lol:



My missus used to want one of these, they do have a lot of charictor IMO , although they do seem very over priced. Has your G/F driven your rado Trig - Since Em drove mine when she was learning she's smitten and in an ideal world would have her own one in purple, she loves our new one (bar the colour) it might be worth giving your G/F a test drive in yours to see if she gets the bite :twisted:

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They were part of a limited run of models that Nissan produced including the S-Cargo van. They were all aimed at young Japanese, every model was massively over-subscribed and the lucky (!!!) buyers were chosen in a lottery.


Never sold outside Japan, not great to drive (and yes, i have driven a couple of them) but they are very reliable and popular little cars that hold on to their value extremely well.

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LOL Good plan Dave, might give that a go! She's never had a go before...


Honestly mate, it might work out! - they're such awesome cars to drive , Em gets a real kick from driving it around. I think a figaro would be a bit of a step down after having a go in your freshly OB2'd VR6 :wink:

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if shes not a 'driver' and just wants a reliable individual car then go for it these cars arent about the handling etc they are fashion statements and thats cool! my mrs has an mgf and you know what i enjoy driving it from time to time!

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Yeh she does just want something to tootle around in and really isn't concerned with performance as such. Really she just wants to put a long scalf on and the roof down then drive from village to village with oversized sunglasses on! :lol:


double-6s, bad fashion statement if you're a bloke maybe but can't you see why girls are attracted to them?

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To be completely honest with you Trig, no I can't see it. Well I can, as my ex wife wanted one ;)


My GF is a Corrado fan - she's a bit of a laddy girl I guess - and really isn't into girly cars. I don't think she'd be seen dead in one of those! No offence meant to your GF or anyone else for that matter by the way mate :)


Each to their own and that makes the world a better place :)

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