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Nissan Figaro... :roll:

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From what i remember when they came out, Nissan originally made them to be a typical "Retro" car, but with all the modern trimmings and modern car reliability.


Dont think they were ever designed for handling and speed. If you want that, just buy a Golf Gti surely right? I think they are fine for a girlie run about sort of thing. Just depends how practical they are going to be.


Agree with Walesy, get her to agree to a Corrado! imagine... not one but 2!

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Agree with Walesy, get her to agree to a Corrado! imagine... not one but 2!

We already have two (technically three if you count my sister's), and trust me, they're helping keep the Phirm in beer money! :lol:


What some people are failing to understand is that a lot of people simply don't care about handling, sportiness, prestige, heritage, and all that stuff in a car - they just want something that they like the look of and gets them from A to B with the minimum of fuss.


If she likes the way it looks, she should buy it! She certainly shouldn't not buy one just because it's not good enough in our eyes... ;)

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We already have two (technically three if you count my sister's)


I hope they're all pink? :lol:

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then you wouldnt need to admit your GF drives something based on a Micra *shudder*... I mean, come on, a bl**dy Micra.... :roll:


I think my girlfriend is considering a Micra for her next car. We need to put this in to some kind of context I think.. my girlfriend doesn't like to drive fast, she doesn't really care what she drives as long as its small and doesn't cost lots to fuel/insure and she doesn't want something that breaks a lot - so something quite new preferably. So her current Ford Ka is ideal really.


Obviously I wish my girlfriend was into cars in the same way that I was.. and she has nothing but enthusiasm for my interest in cars (she's pleased i'm getting another Rado!) but she's not an enthusiat at all and I would imagine that she represents the vast majority of female motorists (and I would guess a fairly large amount of male motorists) - that weird breed who consider a car to be a tool and nothing more!


So Micra's, Ka's.. yeah so what.. they are little boring cars but they're designed for a particular role and they do it well.


I'm not saying they don't.... but he asked for opinions so he got one.... :wink: :p


I just couldnt do it... I had a corsa once - my then boyfs choice - and I hated it, he went, swiftly followed by the car and I never looked back!!! :D

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he asked for opinions so he got one....


Yep very gratefull for all opinions :)

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