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TVR... Is this the end??

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Yeah just saw that, stopping production and workers sacked imediatlly with no date set to re-start production - I bet it won't be in the UK either!


I like the look of them but the reliability is awful, I pass a dealer reguarly in Needham Market and there are always cars arriving on flatbeds...


High production costs mean that you can buy a Porche cheaper - did you watch the factory pics on the news?? - hardly looks state of the art....

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good riddance i say, got my ass kiicked my a cerbera other night. i think i was asking for it though...


the old one were great the new ones just look like their made by fisher price

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did you watch the factory pics on the news?? - hardly looks state of the art....


Yeah! Compare it to the Phaeton factory.. they are worlds apart!

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hmmm tuppence kit cars made in Blackpool compared to multi million pound mass production in Wolfsburg.



not a fair comparison



anyway - weren't they bought up by a russian millionaire recently?


they;ll be alright

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Well you'd think so wouldnt you?

I was lucky enough to have a tour of the factory, my big bro was doing some work there,yeah its very basic but it makes it kind of appealing in the same sence,simple British engineering! But the reliability is shocking of them, even TVR workers say you get rid of them after 2 years as they start to fall apart!


Dont think the new ones are that bad looking tho?

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I think the Sagarris is an AMAZING looking car. It's Ugly in a sense but that ugliness transcends into an agressiveness that suits the whole aura of the car.


I'd love one, and if I had £50K spare - I'd definatly be tempted. Who cares if it's a bit unreliable - My corrado has been off the road for 9 months now and the money I've spent on it - I'd be a long way to buying a Sagarris!!!!!!!

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More than likely, or they might do what Noble do and get the bodies made over seas and then assemble the cars in their new (UK?) premises.


Noble, Lotus, Ascari, Caterham, Ariel, and a few others all manage in the UK, so I think there's more to it than "it's expensive in the UK". More like TVR want bigger profit margins....

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I live about half a mile from the factory, and it is small and not much to look at.


Theres been a bit on the news up here saying that they are looking to move certain areas abroad, for cheaper labour. Personally, I dont blame them. If I had a company like that, I'd want the job doing for less if I could get it too. Maybe the government should step in? At this rate, there wont be any cars made in Britain soon! :shock:

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Maybe the government should step in? At this rate, there wont be any cars made in Britain soon! :shock:


Which would be a shame but it's never worried the government before and it won't now!

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went out in a chimera 4.0 last night, and i was soooo dissapointed


the engine noise is gorgeous, and the torque is immense, but overall, the build qualoty is shocking, even for a 1998 model

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Cerbera 4.5 for me any day of the week! .. next car.. for sure :D


I'm with you on that one for sure mate. Had a Griff 5.0 a few years back and borrowed a Cerbera recently, simply amazing :)


Gonna keep the VR6 tho as a winter car.



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Have been fortunate enough to have owned an S2, 2 Chimaeras and a 4.2 Cerbera.


The cerbera was a beast and in TVR circles has better power delivery than the 4.5. And contrary to belief all were very reliable (for me anyway). OK, bits of trim would fall off occasionally, but for presence and performance, I don't think you can buy better


Was toying with the idea of a another cheap Cerbera in need of a bit of TLC after selling my Audi Coupe, but I opted for the Corrado and used the spare cash for my just completed house move.


I think they have gone belly up is that they don't really have an entry model anymore - even the Tamora is bloody expensive.


My personal view of course.

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There's a lot of crap talked about TVR reliability.


I've owned a Chimaera 500 for almost 5 years now in addition to my Corrado VR6, and I wouldn't say that the Chimaera was any less reliable than the Corrado.

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Horses for courses.


Always seemed to be some wild, unfettered and brutish power thing about the TVR's image. If that is what people want over everything else, fair enough.


Nearest thing to a fine "sports car" with quality build and reliability I have seen over the past three decades seems to be the Porsche Boxter.


For reliability, though, you would not buy a TVR, Corrado or Alfa Romeo.


Recent surveys have shown that for 8 or 9 out of 10 in ALL aspects (ranging from customer service to practicality), cars like the Honda Jazz are best. Boxter came close on most things, but obviously not on practicality and running cost. Understandably, Honda Jazz or Skoda Felicia/Octavia would not be regarded as too cool by some motorists on a forum like this.

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For reliability, though, you would not buy a TVR, Corrado or Alfa Romeo.

That's not the point I was trying to make. I was just trying to say that when I tell people I have a TVR they say "oh, they're really unreliable, aren't they?" whilst when I say I have a Corrado VR6 they say (if they've heard of it) "oh, they're great cars." and yet both cars have had similar levels of reliability.


I just think that TVR's reliability reputation is undeserved and I get tired of people banging on about it.


Incidentally, ask dr_matt if he enjoyed his trip out in mine. ;) :D

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as with any car you will get people commenting on "pub talk" about different marques.


I love TVRs and have read enough about them to be confident that I will own one in the future. Persuading an insurance company may be a different matter :lol:

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jonrb wrote

« craigowl » wrote:For reliability, though, you would not buy a TVR, Corrado or Alfa Romeo.


That's not the point I was trying to make. I was just trying to say that when I tell people I have a TVR they say "oh, they're really unreliable, aren't they?" whilst when I say I have a Corrado VR6 they say (if they've heard of it) "oh, they're great cars." and yet both cars have had similar levels of reliability.


I just think that TVR's reliability reputation is undeserved and I get tired of people banging on about it.


Incidentally, ask dr_matt if he enjoyed his trip out in mine.


Sorry, jonrb

I was not really directly addressing your point - merely commenting on things like reliability. Remember, I bought a Corrado even though I knew they do not have a good reliability record.


Enjoy your TVR. If I were rich enough to own a collection of cars I would probably have a TVR in it.

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