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10 Things we hate on the road

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we like to enjoy our hobby, why not let others enjoy theirs too.


Thanks Zippy....


Wilkes - That sounds horrible what happened to your brother but as owner of 3 horses I have to agree with Zippy. We avoid roads as much as possible but for some riders its just not possible, for me to rideout I have to go 200 yards down a busy road until I meet the lane for the Common or country roads with no traffic - I would love to have my horses on a yard that didnt go onto busy road but I havnt been able to find one that will accomodate me and my horses. From the sound of it the incident involving your brother was a freak accident, the rider wasnt on the road with the horse, they were in a situation where they couldnt pre-empt what would happen or prevent it - believe me if 500kg of horseflesh wants to feck-off across a field theres not much we can do to stop it...


Riders are aware of the dangers and none of us would attempt to go on a road with a horse that wasn't 100

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i know at times they have to use the roads ,but surely a field is big enough to get exercise ,if not then why keep em there ?




Why not just drive around your road? caus there are better roads out there, likewise there are better fields over yonder and the only way to get there is on road.


chubbybrown, I mean pizza delivery muppets and chavs on scooters. Bikers generally are aware of being forced off the road or not seen by ignorant car drivers so are prety cool around horses, Also they can stop quicker than cars so slowing down is not an issue.


Im not trying to start a fight here. :brickwall:


Just that the feeling that horses are not an obstacle on a race track.


But Ive said enough now so I'll Foxtrot Oscar.


BTW I have a problem with Taliban Taxis, They have no skills, no insurance, and the lane disipline of a pi$$ed elephant.

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What a kettle of fish to open. Bit of a mixed bag in my mind.


Yep the horses were here first, but they havn't moved with the times; people dont drive as slow as they once did. However its quite simple, you have to be able to stop within the distance you can see - so there should be no troubles at all.


However, I must say my slow trundle past horses are a timid one. Those beauties are huge and could easily kill me and my car/bike. Why am I timid - two reasons really; first off its totally the car drivers fault if his car get mashed, as the rider is not ever to blame by past cases/law - which sounds ultra unfair. I should know, as a good friend of mine has been into horses for donkeys of years and once told of how another rider had clipped his car when he drove past at 5mph, and he couldnt claim a penny.


And Im sure scarlett would agree that the rider should be in control. Just the oterh day I saw a horse fail to stop at a redlight on a busy cross roads; he pulled at the reigns with no such luck, as the horse proceeded to mount the pavement and carry on. Thankfully no pedestrian in sight.


Our local roads are a mixed bag. The slower tight roads are fine; but the open roads are not a plce I'd ride my mountainbike, and would think that horse riders would have the same sense - especially as seen as there is a bridal-way close by. I just hope boyracer doesnt come round the corner as Im doing 5mph past a horse - its an accident waiting to happen - simply because there are too many inconsiderate boyracers out there.




Also they can stop quicker than cars so slowing down is not an issue.

:lol: if only

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People who drive in the right hand lane when there is nothing to overtake. Pisses me off everytime.


People who see you waiting on the next exit (on a roundabout) and cant be bothered to indicate when they decide to turn off before reaching you.


People who don't bother indicating to turn off when you're clearly behind them - and just brake.


People who don't bother looking right when coming onto the motorway/dual carriageway from a slip lane.


People who don't respect the term lane discipline on roundabouts.


I could go on, but I myself am far from perfect and am 100% positive I piss others off on the road so really all its give and take = no point in getting wound up over it.

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Me and my bro used to ride horses (Tara and Bubbles, LOL!) at a riding school when I was a LOT younger and we had to use the roads occasionally, and I hated it! Every so often they'd lose their footing on very smooth tarmac and / or gravel patches, which is quite unnerving as the last thing you want is for the daft mare to flop into the path of an oncoming car.


And not aided by my horse being a stubborn mule anyway, not responding to the reigns or kicks half the time. It was more interested in chasing after the horse in front's tail!


So having experienced first hand what they're like, imo, they should stay on Bridleways, paddocks and fields where possible. The roads are just stupidly busy these days and a lot of drivers often use what used to be quiet, safe B roads as 'cut throughs' eager to get home and not expecting a horse to be round the corner.....but that's no excuse....you need to be vigilant for tractors on these roads, so they should make allowances for cyclists, walkers and horses also....but I suppose tractors etc are machines and therefore predictable. You can be as confident as you like in your own ability on what ever your riding/driving, but you can't count on other motorists being equally skilled and vigilant unfortunately.


And that leads me onto my next gripe, bloomin Tractors on dual carriageways!! They wouldn't be a problem if drivers looked further ahead than the end of their own bonnets, but the majority of them seldom do.....until it's too late.

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To be honest i've got too many hates on the road.. my friends think i've got a sort of automotive tourettes syndrome because as soon as I get behind the wheel i'm cursing and swearing at everyone elses driving.. i'm well aware that i'm probably making many of the same mistakes they are but I can't help it!


One of my biggest hates is people never thanking you when you pull over in a narrow road / lane to let the past - you even go to the trouble of tucking right in, flashing your lights, and they just waft past worrying about how close they are to the kerb despite them having enough room to get a humvee through there, without even so much as a nod or single raised index finger. Grrrr.....

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People who drive in the right hand lane when there is nothing to overtake. Pisses me off everytime.


People who see you waiting on the next exit (on a roundabout) and cant be bothered to indicate when they decide to turn off before reaching you.


People who don't bother indicating to turn off when you're clearly behind them - and just brake.


When i bought Vals C and was coming up the motorway there was the usual folks sitting in the middle lane with zero traffic anywhere else. I was over taking and then going into the far left lane to prove a point. Some people took notice. A BMW driver obviously liked what i was doing as he started doing it, however, he also started undertaking. Something that really gets my back up as well.


Roundabouts, my local town is full of them and none of the local people know how to use them!


The third one is only just as bad as those that brake and then indicate, instead of indicate and then brake!

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One of my biggest hates is people never thanking you when you pull over in a narrow road / lane to let the past - you even go to the trouble of tucking right in, flashing your lights, and they just waft past worrying about how close they are to the kerb despite them having enough room to get a humvee through there, without even so much as a nod or single raised index finger. Grrrr.....


Yeah that grates on me too. Given how easy it is to gesture your gratitude, it's almost like some people go out of their way to be dismissive of your good will! Miserable feckers!


Also people don't let you out of junctions anymore.... I have to pull out of the work carpark onto a busy road and people just pull up behind eachother and block my exit path. FFS, what difference to their journey would one car extra in the queue make when they're not moving anyway? I counted about 30 cars that blanked me today and then a kind chap in a Scirocco let me out, so I like Roccos now :-)

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we like to enjoy our hobby, why not let others enjoy theirs too.


Thanks Zippy....


Wilkes - That sounds horrible what happened to your brother but as owner of 3 horses I have to agree with Zippy. We avoid roads as much as possible but for some riders its just not possible, for me to rideout I have to go 200 yards down a busy road until I meet the lane for the Common or country roads with no traffic - I would love to have my horses on a yard that didnt go onto busy road but I havnt been able to find one that will accomodate me and my horses. From the sound of it the incident involving your brother was a freak accident, the rider wasnt on the road with the horse, they were in a situation where they couldnt pre-empt what would happen or prevent it - believe me if 500kg of horseflesh wants to feck-off across a field theres not much we can do to stop it...


Riders are aware of the dangers and none of us would attempt to go on a road with a horse that wasn't 100unless, like me, they have a youngster that they are making traffic proof. When I take my 4 year old horse out on the roads I have someone walking with me to help, thus helping contain any danger me, my horse or approaching drivers are in. There are 8 accidents a day involving horses on the road and over 100 horses are killed each year due to these accidents. We are aware of the dangers but we need the drivers to help us - is it really a problem to slow down and pass slowly when you encounter a horse on the road? Strangely enough I find that drivers are more curteous if i wear a flouresent jacket with 'YOUNG HORSE _ PLEASE PASS WIDE AND SLOW' on it..... at the end of the day we are allowed to ride on the road and the Highway Code asks that we are given right-of-way, if you have a problem with this take it up with the people who decided that...!


Unfortunately there will always be some idiot who goes out on the roads on a horse without a hat or flourecent gear just as there will be drivers out there without insurance, or a licence, or who just doesnt slow down.... it doesnt mean we are all like that....


polite rant over... :)


i wouldn't ever drive past a horse rider at a stupid speed ,im a curteous driver ,but surely there are things on the road that slow you down that get you a bit wound up ,for me its them ,can i ask ,would you and the person walking with your 4 year old horse be able to stop it if it decided to go wherever it wanted ? genuine question ,no sarcasm intended .this is only my opinion ,its more personal for me cos of my brother ,

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we like to enjoy our hobby, why not let others enjoy theirs too.


Thanks Zippy....


Wilkes - That sounds horrible what happened to your brother but as owner of 3 horses I have to agree with Zippy. We avoid roads as much as possible but for some riders its just not possible, for me to rideout I have to go 200 yards down a busy road until I meet the lane for the Common or country roads with no traffic - I would love to have my horses on a yard that didnt go onto busy road but I havnt been able to find one that will accomodate me and my horses. From the sound of it the incident involving your brother was a freak accident, the rider wasnt on the road with the horse, they were in a situation where they couldnt pre-empt what would happen or prevent it - believe me if 500kg of horseflesh wants to feck-off across a field theres not much we can do to stop it...


Riders are aware of the dangers and none of us would attempt to go on a road with a horse that wasn't 100unless, like me, they have a youngster that they are making traffic proof. When I take my 4 year old horse out on the roads I have someone walking with me to help, thus helping contain any danger me, my horse or approaching drivers are in. There are 8 accidents a day involving horses on the road and over 100 horses are killed each year due to these accidents. We are aware of the dangers but we need the drivers to help us - is it really a problem to slow down and pass slowly when you encounter a horse on the road? Strangely enough I find that drivers are more curteous if i wear a flouresent jacket with 'YOUNG HORSE _ PLEASE PASS WIDE AND SLOW' on it..... at the end of the day we are allowed to ride on the road and the Highway Code asks that we are given right-of-way, if you have a problem with this take it up with the people who decided that...!


Unfortunately there will always be some idiot who goes out on the roads on a horse without a hat or flourecent gear just as there will be drivers out there without insurance, or a licence, or who just doesnt slow down.... it doesnt mean we are all like that....


polite rant over... :)


i wouldn't ever drive past a horse rider at a stupid speed ,im a curteous driver ,but surely there are things on the road that slow you down that get you a bit wound up ,for me its them ,can i ask ,would you and the person walking with your 4 year old horse be able to stop it if it decided to go wherever it wanted ? genuine question ,no sarcasm intended .this is only my opinion ,its more personal for me cos of my brother ,


I never said you did speed past horses, I appreciate your brothers accident will have made you more wary and that you will be very cautious. and yes, there are things on the road that p me off, horses are yours, young female drivers (i know!!!) tend to be mine...!


I never take a horse on a road I cannot control - my horses are all worked in a school and a field everyday to ensure they are well behaved and listen to me, us going on the road is the only way we can get to a bridlepath to the common so we can have some fun. they have been walked in hand on the roads first (where i have complete control) to get them used to it, then walked out with me riding with other, older horses and with someone by their head and then on their own with someone at their head - I have no concerns about the control of them, its some drivers who get too close, or to fast that i worry about - at the end of the day my horse could be walking down the road and behaving perfectly but if a driver is going to quickly and doesnt see me or doesnt move out in time thats not mine or my horses fault.


I have ridden on the roads for 14 years and never had a problem - never even came close.

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And that leads me onto my next gripe, bloomin Tractors on dual carriageways!! They wouldn't be a problem if drivers looked further ahead than the end of their own bonnets, but the majority of them seldom do.....until it's too late.


You'd hate them even more if you rode a bike. Have you seen those Freddy Crueger spikes that stick out the back? - I've heard a few horror stories of bikers being impailed. A car would never be allowed such dangerous protrusions, so why can't tractors put a big guard over the nasty bits?


Secondly they're a b*gger for dropping big mounds of dirt. Although it is thier responsibility to clear it up and also provide signs for loose debri, sometimes they don't - hence I dont hesitate to report them.


As for thankyou waves for letting people through, Ive given up expecting one. Too many rude people in Warwickshire. They dont even realise who has right-of-way, so if you've given way they should certainly say thanks but often dont. Im in the mind to stop doing it, as the other day I found that the traffic was so slow to get through the gap that New traffic appread and came through too - so when I came bumper to bumper with the final guy, I felt my blood pressure rising.


Oh and how about you're coming along a road and there is a parked car on the opposite side, say 200yds up the road, but you see an on coming car thats about 200 or even 300yds from the vehicle/obstruction and they come hurtling through anyhow. - These are often women in 4x4's or White Vans.


I had one just at the weekend whereby coming upto a T-junction. There was parked traffic on the otehrside. Yet when Mr Jag came into the minor road, he ignored me and pushed through - must have been mm's - so to make a big point of it I came to a stop; and when he came alongside he was shouting - does he not realise he should've come round the corner slow enough to stop when he came to an obstruction on his side of the road??????? W***er !! --- rant over

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we like to enjoy our hobby, why not let others enjoy theirs too.


Thanks Zippy....


Wilkes - That sounds horrible what happened to your brother but as owner of 3 horses I have to agree with Zippy. We avoid roads as much as possible but for some riders its just not possible, for me to rideout I have to go 200 yards down a busy road until I meet the lane for the Common or country roads with no traffic - I would love to have my horses on a yard that didnt go onto busy road but I havnt been able to find one that will accomodate me and my horses. From the sound of it the incident involving your brother was a freak accident, the rider wasnt on the road with the horse, they were in a situation where they couldnt pre-empt what would happen or prevent it - believe me if 500kg of horseflesh wants to feck-off across a field theres not much we can do to stop it...


Riders are aware of the dangers and none of us would attempt to go on a road with a horse that wasn't 100unless, like me, they have a youngster that they are making traffic proof. When I take my 4 year old horse out on the roads I have someone walking with me to help, thus helping contain any danger me, my horse or approaching drivers are in. There are 8 accidents a day involving horses on the road and over 100 horses are killed each year due to these accidents. We are aware of the dangers but we need the drivers to help us - is it really a problem to slow down and pass slowly when you encounter a horse on the road? Strangely enough I find that drivers are more curteous if i wear a flouresent jacket with 'YOUNG HORSE _ PLEASE PASS WIDE AND SLOW' on it..... at the end of the day we are allowed to ride on the road and the Highway Code asks that we are given right-of-way, if you have a problem with this take it up with the people who decided that...!


Unfortunately there will always be some idiot who goes out on the roads on a horse without a hat or flourecent gear just as there will be drivers out there without insurance, or a licence, or who just doesnt slow down.... it doesnt mean we are all like that....


polite rant over... :)


i wouldn't ever drive past a horse rider at a stupid speed ,im a curteous driver ,but surely there are things on the road that slow you down that get you a bit wound up ,for me its them ,can i ask ,would you and the person walking with your 4 year old horse be able to stop it if it decided to go wherever it wanted ? genuine question ,no sarcasm intended .this is only my opinion ,its more personal for me cos of my brother ,


I never said you did speed past horses, I appreciate your brothers accident will have made you more wary and that you will be very cautious. and yes, there are things on the road that p me off, horses are yours, young female drivers (i know!!!) tend to be mine...!


I never take a horse on a road I cannot control - my horses are all worked in a school and a field everyday to ensure they are well behaved and listen to me, us going on the road is the only way we can get to a bridlepath to the common so we can have some fun. they have been walked in hand on the roads first (where i have complete control) to get them used to it, then walked out with me riding with other, older horses and with someone by their head and then on their own with someone at their head - I have no concerns about the control of them, its some drivers who get too close, or to fast that i worry about - at the end of the day my horse could be walking down the road and behaving perfectly but if a driver is going to quickly and doesnt see me or doesnt move out in time thats not mine or my horses fault.


I have ridden on the roads for 14 years and never had a problem - never even came close.



HOW DARE YOU !! i like young females in cars :D


you asked if it was a problem to slow down for horses ,it isn't !,


what i meant was if it did decide to wander ,you couldnt stop it ,like you said earlier if 500 kg's of flesh was to run you cant stop it ,its not a machine it cant be turned off ,if it wanted to it could ,im sure there well trained and it may not be an issue ,for you ...

but that isn't the case for horses in general ,i think your quite lucky ( or maybe its the well trained horses) that you haven't had any trouble ,judging by some posts on here and a few stories i have heard from friends its not uncommon ,again my opinion ,which is what this whole thing started off as ,just my opinion ,nice of you to at least be reasonable and not throw a little fit especially seeing as you own some .


may i ask why you have someone walk with you if your 100

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wilkes said

what i meant was if it did decide to wander ,you couldnt stop it ,like you said earlier if 500 kg's of flesh was to run you cant stop it ,its not a machine it cant be turned off ,


My wife, who grew up on farm, confirms a horse bolted on the road with her on it and she could not bring it to a halt.


That was about forty years ago. She agrees it will be much more dangerous on the Berkshire byways and highways now.

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its a safety precaution for the first few times I have a young horse out on his own - they feel safer having someone at their head, especially if we come across things thay havnt seen before. once I know he is fine with traffic, barking dogs, kids on bikes and all the other stuff they encounter when on the roads then i am happy to take them out alone. i have an ex-race horse who has been to big race meets and seen all sorts of traffic, but has never seen a kid on a scooter (of which there are seemingly hundreds round my way!) so its nicer if he is introduced to these things gently, first on the yard and then outside where he has someone with him to reassure him he is ok. the next time he see's it then its not a big thing and I know he has seen it before and will be ok.


my horses dont try to go the other way from where I ask them too, or try to bolt, but thats only because they understand ther their 'job' is to do as I say. If they were to get a fright on the road and shoot forwards or sideways I am completely confident that I could get control again straight away. plus I have no probs of quickly going onto the pavement/verge, if theres no people on it, to get out the way, even though were not allowed too. unfortunately there are too many inexperienced riders with unsuitable horses on the roads who give horses like mine a bad name. the Governing body, British Horse Society, has been campaigning for years for better awareness and a better standard of riding when on the roads. they supply us with insurance, just incase, and Road Safety courses. They are also campagning for all the bridle ways to be reopened so thet horses and riders have less need to go on the road. there is a lane from my yard which would allow us to avoid the busy road when we want to go off the yard but it has been deemed a footpath and has a big gate across it so we cant go up it, leaving us with no option but to go on the main road.


anyway - enough of me talking horses! I understand why drivers are wary of us....

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People who don't indicate properly send me round the bend, made a thread a while ago about how I almost got crashed into about 4 times in a week due to people not indicating properly.


One of them was I was taking my sister to work in the morning and waiting at a roundabout junction and this car came round with it's indicaters on, indicating to go into the junction before me...so I drop the clutch and get ready to go round, but no, he has indicated waaay too early and taken another 2 junctions before he turns off! Causing me to brake heavily and stall and lots of mouth action!

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What worries me most about these posts is that a fair few of you seem to own/ride horses...didn't realise Corrado owners were all posh horse riding millionaires. :wink:

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Pfft…! My Corrados have cost me more in maintenance than any horse I have had! You need to be pretty well off to afford to keep a C on the road!!!


It’s a myth you need to be well off to have horses, although it would help….! :)

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LOL, I've just been up to Badminton Horse Trials today and there are plenty of people there who have more than a few pennies to rub together!!

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Agree with scarlett.

Many of those who came to my inlaws' stables near Bracknell were ordinary "middle class" folks. Some even worked where I worked and I aint rich!

I married my wife cos she had a horse, then found out she wasnt rich either!

(Only kidding, darling.)

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I've just been up to Badminton Horse Trials today


lucky you!!! i'll be watching it on tv!!!


yes, there are loads of people with money involved, can be said in many sports/hobbys though... unfortunately to end up competing somewhere like that you do need to be a bit well off!!!


sorry for being OT!!!

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Pfft…! My Corrados have cost me more in maintenance than any horse I have had! You need to be pretty well off to afford to keep a C on the road!!!

oh dear, have you got a rotten C? I think my C has cost me about £400 in maintenance. + fuel for wherever you want to go (thousands of miles opposed to a few) + £500 of ins/mot/tax ; and I expect to hardly loose a penny when I sell it; not forgetting the majority of cost would be incurred to buy a runner to get to work anyhow. Theres no vet bills, no stable costs, food every week - how much does a horse cost? Im sure devilfish was only joking (in part). PMSL

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its kind of weird that a horse ,that seems to be mostly muscle can get spooked by a kid on scooter ,if only they knew the damage they could do to them ,

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Pfft…! My Corrados have cost me more in maintenance than any horse I have had! You need to be pretty well off to afford to keep a C on the road!!!

oh dear, have you got a rotten C? I think my C has cost me about £400 in maintenance. + fuel for wherever you want to go (thousands of miles opposed to a few) + £500 of ins/mot/tax ; and I expect to hardly loose a penny when I sell it; not forgetting the majority of cost would be incurred to buy a runner to get to work anyhow. Theres no vet bills, no stable costs, food every week - how much does a horse cost? Im sure devilfish was only joking (in part). PMSL


mines off the road and its cost more than that a year !!!!!

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Just to make you that little bit more jealous Scarlett.....I got in free! :wink:


(I work for the council and we go to take samples of animal feed to see if it is what it says it is!)

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