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I think I've just killed ChrisVR6NOS!!

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i got a txt from chris at half past midnight after he got to hospital - just so everyone knows how serious it was in case theres any doubt, he'd asked me if he didn't make it to let everyone know where he was and what had happened to him.


certainly a scary txt message and had a long conversation with chris about what things to do to improve his health.


as many people have said, not as if chris is old - and boy, does it hit home hard when something like this happens to someone your own age, let alone that you've known for 30 years.

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eek! just caught this thread chris, glad you're alright, must've been all the excitement of web designing on saturday morning!


must be about a year ago since the CMR incident, scary stuff, did they stop your heart again this time?


btw - chasing the ambulence in a skyline wasnt as much fun as it sounds, I had no idea where I was, no insurance on the car and was told by the ambulance woman if the police spotted me chasing them when they had their lights going I'd get pulled over! spent most of the time trying to keep their directions in mind, drive like a saint and not panic about what was happening to poor chris!


nosky's a tough lad, but I think its time to take it easy now eh chris?

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chilly, he was officially dead - AGAIN - heart stopped with adrenozine for 6-10 beats i'm informed. like a heart reboot/jumpstart.


you mention he was web designing saturday morning - he was at mine till about 730pm and seemed fine!!!!! i'm sure he'll be on giving all the gory details as i got yesterday - must've been on the phone for over an hour.


...and just to top it off, when he got back home snug and warm, we broke off our conversation to watch top gear and i get a phone call 20 mins later from chris saying ".......GOD just isn't on my side - i'm sat watching top gear and the powers gone off across the whole estate!!!"


He actually seemed more pished about this than his hospital trip and heart stopping (literally) escapades!!!!!!!! :roll:

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He actually seemed more pished about this than his hospital trip


haha! he's alright then ;)


perfect excuse for him to get himself some home nursing

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I guess this sort of thing is a real warning shot for a change of lifestyle.. a friend of mine had a heart attack in his late 20's and I think it made him sit up and realise that balti for lunch almost every day back when he was in Uni hadn't really set him up for a long and prosperous life! Think he's calmed it down a bit now!!

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sorry to hear about what happened i have a dodgy heart too. got a defibrilator fitted in feburary if my heart stops or the rythm goes funny it shocks me back.


get well soon

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Jesus, Take it easy Chris. Could do without another misfire there, feller.


Someone told me once, that every hour you spend whittling puts a day onto your life, (probably) :scratch:

Dunno... The jury's still out on that one, but sounds like you need to take up cross stitch, or something.


Get well mate.

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Too much drama on this forum - I'll have to go and have a cup of tea and a lie down.


Seriously, wishing you all the best, Chris, for a full and proper recovery.

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What the hell is whittling?!


"To cut small bits or pare shavings from a piece of wood. To fashion or shape in this way: whittle a toy boat or other objects."


wooden charger brackets anyone? :lol:

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Adenosine slows tachycardias associated with the AV node via modulation of the autonomic nervous system without causing negative inotropic effects. It acts directly on sinus pacemaker cells and vagal nerve terminals to decrease chronotropic and dromotropic activity. Adenosine is the drug of choice for paroxysmal supraventricular tachvcardia (PSVT) which is what i had.


Atrial flutter, Atrial fibrillation, and Ventricular tachycardia. Adenocard will cause a 6-10 arrest, this is expected. (this is the bit where you are dead)


Great drug but not one that they wanted to give me straight off although from the first phone call when i told them i was in SVT with a tachycardia of 200 i asked them to bring a defib machine and 6mg of adenosine co i know that's the only thing that would end up working.


But they wanted to leave that drug til last because it's so agressive, they got me to blow into a big syringe, this compressed the diafram and changes the way the oxygen is offered to the heard and this can sometimes slow the BPM down but i'd tried this at home then it was the vagal stimulation manoeuvre whick again is an attempt to slow the heart from the 220bpm it was at at the time.


The worst thing is when you go to the doctors for an injection and they tell you to expect a small scratch and jesus it hurts as they fish around trying to get some of your life juice out?

With Adenocine the explanation from the consultant was that it will feel like a large man kneeling on your chest when the drug hits the heart and it is going to really hurt!

Then you know you are in for it big time, and it is horrible.

After that your blud is moving around very slowly and has even stopped for a while so you go very cold and shivvery and the first time i had it my eyesight faded to just the middle, it was very scarey.

Then you can pretty much go home!

Apart from this time they gave me other treatments to thin the blood and do a 24 hour ECG and i felt like a pin cusion with black & blie parts in my arm and hands, but i'm feeling pretty good now, just aching in my chest from the high heart rate for so long, all is well.






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Adenosine slows tachycardias associated with the AV node via modulation of the autonomic nervous system without causing negative inotropic effects. It acts directly on sinus pacemaker cells and vagal nerve terminals to decrease chronotropic and dromotropic activity. Adenosine is the drug of choice for paroxysmal supraventricular tachvcardia (PSVT) which is what i had.


Atrial flutter, Atrial fibrillation, and Ventricular tachycardia. Adenocard will cause a 6-10 arrest, this is expected. (this is the bit where you are dead)


Great drug but not one that they wanted to give me straight off although from the first phone call when i told them i was in SVT with a tachycardia of 200 i asked them to bring a defib machine and 6mg of adenosine co i know that's the only thing that would end up working.


But they wanted to leave that drug til last because it's so agressive, they got me to blow into a big syringe, this compressed the diafram and changes the way the oxygen is offered to the heard and this can sometimes slow the BPM down but i'd tried this at home then it was the vagal stimulation manoeuvre whick again is an attempt to slow the heart from the 220bpm it was at at the time.


The worst thing is when you go to the doctors for an injection and they tell you to expect a small scratch and jesus it hurts as they fish around trying to get some of your life juice out?

With Adenocine the explanation from the consultant was that it will feel like a large man kneeling on your chest when the drug hits the heart and it is going to really hurt!

Then you know you are in for it big time, and it is horrible.

After that your blud is moving around very slowly and has even stopped for a while so you go very cold and shivvery and the first time i had it my eyesight faded to just the middle, it was very scarey.

Then you can pretty much go home!

Apart from this time they gave me other treatments to thin the blood and do a 24 hour ECG and i felt like a pin cusion with black & blie parts in my arm and hands, but i'm feeling pretty good now, just aching in my chest from the high heart rate for so long, all is well.







...told you he'd be back with the details & verbal diaohrea once he felt okay ;)........



obviously back to normal then...... 8)

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Hmmm, HOW ...... ARE ..... YOU .... FEEEEELLIIIIING ....... NOOOWWWW?


DOOO ...... YOUUUUU ....... WANT ..... SOME ...... MORE ....... DRUUUUGS?


Im Fairly Large, Can come round and stand on your chest if it happens again. Cost ya mind. :)

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glad to hear your on the mend.

my GF's dad had a similar thing, he was cycling and his heart stopped. fell off the bike and pissed himself! he has a pacemaker now.. hence the nickname Gerry :lol:


take it easy bud,



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