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Just got flashed. GRRRRRRRRRRr

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Clear part of M25 between A3 and M4 Flashed by one of the gantry cameras. I Would say Fair cop But am confused as to why it flashed.


I had the cruise control set to 80 which om my tomtom is 77, and I had been like that for 20 mins through all the other cameras and I do this almost daily and have never been flashed before.


Im guessing the camera was still set to a lower speed as is in the variable speed section of M25.


Wait and see I spose. But its my first flash after 10 years driving so am a bit pi$$ed off with myself. :p

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You might get away with it, they don't always load them, even if they do flash.


Think they have to notify you with in 10 working days of a conviction.


Not sure but if they tell you any later, you can tell them to get bent!

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Sh.t luck zip, sorry mate. No 1 rule though, make sure your addy is correct on your driving liscence. They only have so long to write (2 weeks?) not sure, but if your liscence has the wrong address they have no time limit.

Just one possible get out possibility if it comes to it.


I tried it but had the wrong address on mine and they wrote a letter back saying, you are quite right Mr Wood, however you can pay the £60 and take the 3 points, or pay £1000 for having an invalid driving liscence. kinda had to laugh at the sarcy letter really!


You sure it wasnt someones headlights reflecting off your paintwork!!

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You might get away with it, they don't always load them, even if they do flash.


Think they have to notify you with in 10 working days of a conviction.


Not sure but if they tell you any later, you can tell them to get bent!


legally the prosecution has to be within 6 months.


good luck mate

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But I think they have to tell you they intend to prosicute(sp) you within the first two weeks.

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yeah, sorry, I got the letter (within 2 weeks, as most do) and replied, but didn't hear anything after that :)


so your first deadline is 28 days ;)

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They have to give you 28 days to notify then 6 months to prosecute.


I was given a notice of intended prosecution when caught doing high speed in the company car on the day. However thought I'd got away with the prosecution as didn't hear. But I did hear..................... 1 day before the deadline!!!


It's almost like they have a very warped sense of humour!

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Its 14 days not 28:



"In circumstances in which an oral notice is not given at the time, then either a summons or a written notice of intended prosecution must be served within 14 days. In reckoning a period of 14 days, the day on which the offence was committed is ignored. A notice sent by post must be despatched so that in the normal time of postal delivery it will arrive within 14 days. If it is so posted but is held up in the post and is delivered outside the 14 day period, it will be deemed to have been served in the 14 day period; consequently the driver can still be convicted."

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IIRC one flash means the camera was on, but not loaded with film, a double flash means its loaded and has snapped a pic of you. if your tomtom said 77 you sould be safe since its 1mph below the 10% they allow for speedo inacuracy on a 70 limit... odd that! you weren't going down an incline at the time were you? i've known (tom) cruise control take a bit of time to back off when introduced to a hill.

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Zippy , I lost count of the ammount of times I got flashed in my driving days - never once had a ticket. Fingers crossed you'll be OK.

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Deffo a couble flash and it was going up a hill so the engine was powering to keep up to 80. Hmm Im hoping it was just a rogue flash but Will keep ya posted.

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I was reading in the MCN today that they are lowering the threshold for speeding cameras. They said it used to be 90 in a 70, which I find hard to believe; they now think its 10% plus 2mph (which is still plenty).


Maybe its a national wide thing, because Ive heard of people getting done for 33 in a 30 a couple years ago; so those must've always been strict in that region.

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yeah, I have a couple of mates who were all done by the same camera at 33mph.

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Well it won't be the first time you've paid to be flashed mate :lol:


Seriously tho - sucky news if you do get done, but a SPF30 shouldn't do too much damage to your insurance.

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unluckly mate...my 3 should be coming off next feb, woo! doesnt do much to the old insurance as dinkus says...but it the most annoying thing in the world some how.

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Its not the sp30 but the hassle of 60 quid and explaining to the boss why I was speeding with a customer onboard. Its a pride thing. The speed camera debate has been done to death but somehow I mind more being got by a machine than a proper plodd.

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that’s the thing mate! However when i was done by a copper for a 'parking' offence it didn’t seem much better :lol:


Does you C have cruise control zip?

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Nope, was a work car, If they had have got me in the C then things might have been much worse. Cant seem to control my right foot when driving the C.



How can they get away with 33 in a 30? doesn't seem right when 10% is the allowance for spedo inaccuracy.

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Nope, was a work car, If they had have got me in the C then things might have been much worse. Cant seem to control my right foot when driving the C.



How can they get away with 33 in a 30? doesn't seem right when 10% is the allowance for spedo inaccuracy.


Speedos are allowed to OVER read by upto 10%, IIRC, at speeds of 40mph and above. They are never permitted to under read.


And as you were on the M25, the offence will be an SP50, not an SP30. Doesn't make much difference to the insurance mind, I've got one of each and I'm paying around £550 per year (4YrNCB).

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I've done all the cameras between the A3 and M3 at over 110mph. I've never been flashed til the other day. Was doing about 80 and got flashed...


Only ever known people to get points on the M25 if the speed limit is restricted.

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I've done all the cameras between the A3 and M3 at over 110mph.

Well that's a bit daft! :)


Why would you even take the risk?

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