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Cambridge Autogleam vs Ferrari 599 GTO pg38

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ben click on his website mate full prices very reasonable actually i had alook yesterday but dont think he's travel to the isle of wight lol!


dohh ! Good idea! ;-)

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Jedi - awesome work there mate, especially on the porker! I've been trying to really get into detailing but it will be a good while yet until I can wield a rotary and get those kind of results!!! 8)

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Another day... Another car turned from a hazey swirly mess into a nice glassy shiney masterpiece :D









This one is a before shot




And these are the after's but not from the same angle




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Another superb job! It's just as well you don't live anywhere near me else my wallet might just take another beating...scant consolation for you, I know. Take it as a very backhanded compliment!

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I wanna get into this, I've started polishing mates cars for them, and they give me money :)

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to be perfectly honest... the autoglym course just confirmed alot of the things i knew and reassured me that i was already doing a good job. Apart from the machine polishing it didnt teach me anything 'new' as such. Alot is common sense and care and attention. Dont cut corners as it will be obvious in the finish of your work.


If you treat each car asif it were your own then they will all look like a million dollers when your done.


Do the training course if you would feel more comfortable... otherwise just go out and buy loads of different products (or write to the companies asking for free samples) and try them on your own car or friends cars. Nothing can beat experience and knowledge of the products your using.


good luck.... but dont come on my patch ;) :D

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I'm way off Cambridge!


It's mainly the machine polishing that I'd want to make sure I get right, thats something I've not done before. In fact, can you give me the make & model you use? I know its a Sealey, just not sure which one.

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Yeah, a 4 hour round trip from cambridge shouldn't be too hard! :lol:


Wonder what the call out charge is? :)

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ardandy, I use a Sealey 6 speed heavy duty polisher. Cant remember the number now but its 500rpm-22rpm speed.


To be honest i have work coming out of my ears down this way so unless were talking 4 figures i would have to leave the sheffield trip to someone else im afraid.

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One question I've always being unsure of?


What do you do when it rains? Do you have an awning or something?


Oh, and your website doesn't appear to be working?

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How much does the course cost from Autoglym and where do you do it?

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ardandy, Websites fine now. i think the servers were getting changed. If it rains i dont work :D I try to work about 10 or 12 days a month so i can chop and change which the days are. I will get an large pop up tent thing at some point though.. propably before the winter.


Jim, Course was about £160 but you have to be signed up to buy trade products before you get on the course. not just available to general public

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Have to say mate, fantastic job on the Porker and all the others...... When i eventually get my DB9 (Whenever that day is!! :) ) i'll get you down to somerset to clean it.... :)



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spent the past two days on and off doing my own car.


not many pics and the ones i have arent that great as the sun was a bit bright but you can see it more in the shade. In the flesh it looks amazing though.


Before (after a week of driving round wales with surfboards and wetsuits.)













-Wheels cleaned with AG alloys wheel cleaner, brushed and rinsed.

-Whole car sprayed with TFR mix, arches, door and boot shuts, the lot, and rinsed.

-Car shampoo'd with AG shampoo and conditioner with AG Autorinse Gloss mixed in and rinsed.

-Clayed with Meguires Clay.

-Washed again with the above mix, rinsed and dried.

-Waxed with AG Super resin

-Windows cleaned with AG Glass Polish

-Rubber treated with AG rubber care.

-Wax removed by hand and buffed at 1800rpm

-Waxed with AG EGP

-Arches sprayed with AG super sheen

-Tyres dressed with AG rubber plus

-Interior vacuumed, all interior glass cleaned.

-Wax removed by hand and buffed at 1800rpm

-Another layer of AG EGP on bonet, roof, wings and top part of doors

-Wax removed as above.

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OK.. on the agenda today was a nice MkV Golf GTi. Not done one of these before. very nice car all in all. Will be looking for one when prices fall a little more i think.


anyway. i went a forgot my blooming camera didnt it so i had to use the phone (K800i) so apologies for the poor picture quality.


Before, as you will see its pretty dirty although the paint itself isnt it a terrible condition so not much machine polishing.. just needs a damn good clean






The process (pretty much the same as i recently did to my own S3)


-Wheels cleaned with AG alloys wheel cleaner, brushed and rinsed.

-Whole car sprayed with TFR mix, arches, door and boot shuts, the lot, and rinsed.

-Bonet machine polished with AG 03B compound to remove cat scrtches and bird poo etching.

-Car shampoo'd with AG shampoo and conditioner with AG Autorinse Gloss mixed in and rinsed.

-Clayed with Meguires Clay.

-Washed again with the above mix, rinsed and dried.

-Waxed with AG Super resin

-Windows cleaned with AG Glass Polish of AG Fast Glass spray

-Rubber treated with AG rubber care.

-Wax removed by hand and buffed at 1800rpm

-Waxed with AG EGP

-Wheels waxed with AG EGP

-Tyres dressed with AG rubber plus

-Interior vacuumed, all interior glass cleaned.

-All leather cleaned and fed with AG leather cleaned and then AG leather cream

-Wax removed by hand and buffed at 1800rpm


The result...









took about 8hrs.


Apologies again for poor picture quality.





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Damn man they both look really good after you've worked your magic! I'm really loving your S3 in that colour - it's got to be the best shade for that car IMO 8)

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