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Roger Blassberg

Top Gear

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I enjoy top gear, it is very entertaining. Quite a few people I know who are not interested in cars watch it too. I always watch fifth gear which to me is the new old top gear. American hotrod is excellent in my opinion, unfortunately I don't have sky, but I bought the first series on DVD, not sure if they are going to release the second series, but I would definately buy that too.


One other progam I really like is Grand Designs.


I can watch Big Brother for about 5 minutes, before getting very bored.

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I had a good old rant about TV a week or so ago, for the most part its drivel with no substance what-so-ever. Goldfish TV, watch it and forget. Its a sad state of affairs when the next day the main topic of conversation in the office kitchen (other than 'wheres the milk') is who got voted out of the current voyeristic overhyped 'text your vote' cash cow, and how it should have been some other tallentless dolt instead. The BBC, at one time, operated under the motto 'educate, inform and entertain' which sounds like the ideal program to me, disapointingly few TV programs on any of the channels meet those criteria though, they're taking the 'chewing gum for the eyes' statement to an extreme.

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everyone seems to want to pidgeon-hole themselves into "serious, documentary" type or "Dumb-down, crash tv" type.


The agony of choice :-)


BTW, not quite up to the standard of kev "the wire" for prolific posting (how many on this thread kev 8) ) but as i've got a new job and handed in my resignation, I feel free in posting more frequently now :)


I seem to remember you had about 20 posts in the same "James Corrado" thread :-) Get on with the next stage of your engine development instead of worrying about the volume of my posts :-)

Well done on the new job btw 8)

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cant understand why people watch shows like BB, why watch a group of people that are struggling to be classed as adults do stupid stuff in a house when theres much more interesting stuff on like 'air crash investigation' 'seconds from disaster' 'how its made' 'massive engines'


How It's Made, good shout :D


I now know how Hearing Aids, False Legs and Egg Cartons are made, its like when they used to have a segement in Play School that showed you how they made the wellington boots with Frogs eyes on them, I loved that.


Kev, I avoided Grumpy Old Women due to general principles, is it ok then?


saddest thing I have witnessed BB wise is when I was travelling last year, Big Brother Oz started and everyone in the hostel watched it. I really couldn't understand why 40-50 people are sat there glued to the tv watching 10 australian idiots cook. We were in a Hostel FFS, there were 20 people in the kitchen cooking, and you can talk to them, it's inactive BB!!!!!!!!

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BTW, not quite up to the standard of kev "the wire" for prolific posting (how many on this thread kev 8) ) but as i've got a new job and handed in my resignation, I feel free in posting more frequently now :)


I seem to remember you had about 20 posts in the same "James Corrado" thread :-) Get on with the next stage of your engine development instead of worrying about the volume of my posts :-)

Well done on the new job btw 8)


i can get away with a few posts while serving notice but going out and pulling my engine apart might raise a few eyebrows...... :roll:


....and i'm not worried about the volume of your posts - you look after that quite well yourself wires - you've typed enough to stretch to schimmel and back x10 over me thinks - i bet you go through keyboards and finger ends the way most go through toilet paper 8)

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:-) I have a special hardwearing keyboard....basically 52 light switches in a custom made 5 foot wide case.


Dave, yeah grumpy old Women is good yeah, worth a watch ;-)


How it's made, ROFL!! :-) Such a quality program! Some things we take for granted are suprisingly labourious and time consuming to make for their cost!

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"And today on How It's Made, Suits of armour, Paper clips and Sanitry Towels"


genius :D


its great, cos its on from 8 to 9am every morning, and I leave for work at the end (just before 9), so my brain is nicely warmed up for work ;)

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Gambon was quailty on TG! The rest of the programme was crap.


They hardly included any of the growling sounds of the TVRs engine in that feature they did with Jackie S. What a let down.

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whens the repeat on tonight, and what channel?


Top Gear is on about 5 different channels from 5 different series, I dunno which one is the latest one :-/

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Top Gear

Motoring magazine presented by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. With World Cup fever under way, there's an epic contest as the Toyota Aygos are pitted against the very toughest of opponents - a team of VW Foxes, built in Brazil. Jeremy finds out whether the suspension on the new Citroen C6 is all it's cracked up to be, and the Star in the Reasonably Priced Car is Oscar-winning screenwriter and actor, Julian Fellowes.


Tue, Jun 6 19:00 - 20:00 (BBC TWO 2)



Edit: Interesting how the Star in a RPC is wrong... ah well! (it's Michael Gambon)

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damnit, i'm out for my sisters birthday tomorrow, looks like its just not meant to be :'(

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Andi wrote

With World Cup fever under way, there's an epic contest as the Toyota Aygos are pitted against the very toughest of opponents - a team of VW Foxes, built in Brazil.


I love the World Cup and have watched nearly every game I could since 1966 (shut up, ffs Motty!) even taking annual leave so I would not miss anything. I also am quite interested in cars.

Why then, did I loathe the above nonsense?


Never mind. Fifth Gear is on soon. Maybe it will be worth watching, guys.

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['H3R4POR]"And today on How It's Made, Suits of armour, Paper clips and Sanitry Towels"


genius :D


its great, cos its on from 8 to 9am every morning, and I leave for work at the end (just before 9), so my brain is nicely warmed up for work ;)


and right now on discovery we have Bagpipes, Yule Logs and fishing lures!! cant wait!!!

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ahh true, I might have to make a trip to Torrentspy or your url :)


How Its Made is on, its Bagpipes, Fishing lures and Yule logs :D

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I like how they try and disguise some of the brands, but the "how they make beer" was clearly budweiser :-)


I was a bit peed off when Clarkson said they won't be back for another 5 weeks cause of the sodding football though.

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and now goalie pads, lapel pins, cardboard boxes, and crystal wine glasses!!!


was suprised top gear is off for so long, especially when england arent playing on the sundays!

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Yeah weird that. They usually switch channels when seasonal programs are on, so I'm a bit surprised they're not switching TG to BBC1 :-(

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and i wouldnt of thought the timings of the games would of overly interferred with TG. might of had to be moved a bit but not take it off completely!!


sometimes they dont take the non footballaholics into account!! dont get me wrong, ill be wathing as much of the football as i can, but would rather have top gear on too!

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Your joking, they are stopping top gear for a load men to get drunk in a pub whilst watching a load of other men running around a field :roll:


I think I may as well not watch tv or listen to the radio for the next month, all anyone talks about at the moment is big brother or football, and I have no interest in either.

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TG is a bit against the BBC's staid and draconian PC'ness, so I'm sure they relish any excuse to not air Clarkson's love of burning fossil fuels at an astronomical rate!


Maybe we should send an opinion poll on behalf of the CF to the BBC that cutting the show for 5 weeks is out of order!

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its only once in every 4 years guys!!! -


strangely, i've always found myself in a minority in liking cars and liking/playing fitba. Nearly everyone i know in car circles is not interested in football and vica versa...........


i feel a poll coming on - who actually likes both football and cars/modyfying etc??????

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There are a few of us on here that are into the footie and cars.


Think most people are probably the 'other way' though!

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Think most people are probably the 'other way' though!


What? you mean they're gay?


I used to like footy, but now its just full of cheating diving ponces that need a good fecking kicking.


Have you seen that advert where they are having a training session on how to dive - so funny, yet the muppets at the FA are seemingly totally oblivous to this carry on. Bring on video footage is what I say, and dock teams points for cheating and unsportsmanlike conduct. See how well Chelsea do then....

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