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Strange Erections on the A1

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Can somebody tell me what these are?

They appear every mile or so and are what looks something akin to a chandalier purchased from Ikea, on top of an enormous pole.


I dont think they are speed cameras but I tend to get nervous when I see things like this going up.

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could be Specs cameras. the ones down here all seem to have blue poles. but it is obviously a camera.


Dunno what the chandalier things are.

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where abouts on the A1 are they going up mate? near you? I've not noticed any erections while driving recently.

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here's a tip, don't type 'Erections' into Google!!


I tried to have a look and see what they were, honest ;)

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i dont think they are SPECS, they dont want to be otherwise I will have gone from having a clean license to be being permanently banned in one trip!


I have seen the SPECS cameras they have a big camera in the in the middle with 2 big mickey mouse ears on either side.

These are small and white with no central camera thingie.


check out my extremely naff artists impression of it.



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Thats crackingly naff :lol:


Could they be NPR cameras checking for insurance, tax etc?

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cheers lol


These efforts are seemingly always stations together on either direction of the carriageways. They are from where the a19 joins the A1 down to at least as far as harrogate (where I turned off)


I wouldnt have thought they would be tax checking efforts, if they are they its a colosal waste of money having so many of the feckers!


i reckon they might be traffic counters. I hope....

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Thats crackingly naff :lol:




there was a set of similar looking white cameras on a very disposable looking stand either side of the tunnel on the M25 going clockwise just before you get into Essex (I am not a regular on the M25)


I assumed they were SPECs as they were in pairs (2 on both side of the road) and near variable speed limit signs.

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are they blue? are you familiar with the traffic master thingys that feed back traffic/jam info to the traffic master netwrok etc???


if they were specs, there'd be 2 and would have a yellow backplate as warning like std speed /safety (NOT) camera's

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no, they didn't look like Traffic master cameras, as you say, they are blue.


I remember when the police started using blue for speed cameras, and Traffic Master kicked up a fuss so the police painted them

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no they are white with little black domes hanging each side, probablies to house cameras of some sort.


I suspect they are not speed cameras as they would have to stick signs up within half a mile or something? I am sure someone stated that as a fact of law, and there are no signs anywhere on the 30 mile stretch of road.


I wonder if they are these anti terrorism camera efforts?

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I am sure someone stated that as a fact of law, and there are no signs anywhere on the 30 mile stretch of road.


I wonder if they are these anti terrorism camera efforts?


twas me - a speed camera mobile or otherwise, has to be preceded by a sign within 1/2 mile of its location.


so this anti terrorism thing then - does it identify turban-headed extreme muslim/al-qaeda types and blow them off the road coxy?? :lol:

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Here's an example of SPECs cameras _41302055_specscamerastwo203.jpgThe cameras have been dubbed "yellow vultures" by English driversSPECS_Close-up_2-400.jpg

This other variation isn't a speed camera but is an 'Intelligent traffic managment' systemcamera2.gif

Traffic Monitoring System

The center's traffic monitoring system consists of thirty two (32) monitors arranged in two 4x4 video walls, and a 100" large screen projector. Seven work stations (4 in the TMC and 3 in the Police Communications Center) can be used to control (pan, tilt, zoom, focus) any of the traffic cameras.

This is interesting, we can view the traffic cameras Clicky

And how wrong is this????


Couldn't find the same as you described though Coxy, i shall keep my eyes open for them.


...and in reply to H8RRA's post!camera.jpg




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wouldn't the cameras be upside down if they were trying to catch torrorists?

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because they are watching for planes ;)


FFS I hope you haven't posted too much up about you location H3R4POR, otherwise OsamaBinVR6 will be flying round your way sometime soon. :lol:

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australia?? upside down - Tourists?? Well, i thought it was SLIGHTLY witty....


I bet all those lights on the roof kill the aerodynamics a bit!







....obviously if he got beat by the bike......

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He's actually asking for a push cos the damned thing's overheated :lol:


And the goldfish bowl cameras are just ones for general Big Brother use rather than ones that'll get you nailed for speeding instantly (although if they see you blat past at 150 they might send someone after you).


The specs ones I've seen on the M25 stick right out over the motorway, so are obvious to spot.


As a thought - can you actually hammer past a specs camera really fast, provided that when you get to the next one you're average speed is below the limit?

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I would have thought so - flat out 150mph past the first all the way up to the second one, slam the anchors on and pull in to the layby - you have earned yourself a rest and a cup of tea to get your average speed down :D

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