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I know this will get locked immediately.... perhaps not....

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abandoned supercharger for now,


I need to remove my oxygen sensor from my corrado (without the computer knowing) and I need to advance my engine to 70 degrees advance.


dont ask my why.


google search joe cell.


can I just advance the timing to this far as my car is now? G60 remember.


does my computer take over after certain timing?


please guys, I need to know.

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no.... it is not, thats why I said this will get locked, because the thing violates physics.


Im not kidding guys, can I advance my car to whatever I want, without the computer taking over?


coming from an engineering major, I know this will work. =-)

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Surely the Joe Cell is actually a complete load of twaddle? Have you actually made one of these magical devices?

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i fail to see why you feel this thread would be locked as it "defies te laws of physics"


Are the mods now physics police???

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yes we made one, it runs a briggs and stratton engine 39cc. Its implosion, no twaddle.


well I didnt think people would want to get in trouble, IE andy, because people have been confronted by national security agents about these things.


scruffy, Im not running gasoline/petrol ;-) the question is will a corrado engine allow me to advance that far, IE can I spin the dizzy that far without the computer wanting to put it into retard, I will not be pinging or knocking. I would show you if I could.

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I'd love to see a Joe Cell working, but the description on wikipedia (and indeed, very fact that it's on there) makes absolutely no sense from a physics point of view and nobody seems to have 1st had evidence that they work.


As for national security bods hearing about it, I think we're pretty safe taking our chances :lol:

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Is this going to be in addtion to the electrolytic hydrogen cell or instead of it potatonet??

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in which system? the C's or the cells,


it should be at more than that, the piston is experiencing implosion. its being pulled back to the source instead of away. it should be beyond 90 I believe.


70 is what someone had their ford at.

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Instead JMC, stage I is the hydrogen thing, this is something else, stage 1 of this process is the previous post, but this isnt hydrogen we are putting into the engine anymore, this is browns gas, this stuff implodes. its sub atomic gas.

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What's sub atomic gas?? I was under the impression that all gas was either atomic or molecular. The only gas I've come across which would be sub atomic would be completely ionised hydrogen in the form of a plasma, split down to H+ atoms and e-'s. This would not last long in a metal container without extreme magnetic fields to contain it (and in fact you'd only be able to have H+ or e- due to the opposite charges).

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this is browns gas, this stuff implodes. its sub atomic gas.


If its subatomic its not a gas by definition. Brownain motion has long been understood, and if you could actually run an engine on nothing, you'd be very rich.


Instead, your a loon. No offence intended.

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pons and fleischmann physics


Ah the revenge of cold (or should that be con) fusion :lol:

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The only gas I've come across which would be sub atomic would be completely ionised hydrogen in the form of a plasma,


Ah, it'll be a warp drive then.


Not sure the spoiler extends enough for the nacelle to create the warp bubble to bend space around the car though.


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The only gas I've come across which would be sub atomic would be completely ionised hydrogen in the form of a plasma,


Ah, it'll be a warp drive then.


Not sure the spoiler extends enough for the nacelle to create the warp bubble to bend space around the car though.



Excuse me - nerd??? No, PhD in plasma chemistry (well maybe slightly nerdy). Free access to liquid nitrogen and solid CO2 though. Ah, the joys of a university education. Merely trying to get to the bottom of what potatonet is attempting to do...

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gas burns at 32 m^3/s water burns at 425m^3/s there are 26 particles before hydrogen btw, =-)


you are negatively charging the water in the system and creating a field in which you can also negatively charge the water in the block.


I will make a video if you like, but there are plenty out there. corrado's need to inject it into their intake system (cause we run cast iron, not as porous as AL), then after the car gets used to the engine being charged, it will require that you move the inlet pipe for the gas to a bolt on the block where the gas will be attracted to the positively charged engine, you must also change your timing as you progress off of fuel.

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Surely the rate at which a gas burns is dependent on the nature of the gas, molecular mass, it's density, amount of oxygen etc, rather than a single catch all figure for all gases??


Doesn't 'charged' water just earth when it touches the block, or does it not need a battery either?


Just intrigued that's all...

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