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I know this will get locked immediately.... perhaps not....

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I doubt he'll be posting until he finds a way back from 1885, avoiding being killed by Buford 'Maddog' Tannen in the process.

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I'd say this is getting silly, but I think we're way beyond that stage right now *rofl*


I have a sudden craving to watch back to the future now... and it's all you're fault Mr. Potatohead :lol:

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I'm pretty sure there's another thread devoted to re-fitting the supercharger from the last half-finished project. I think that's more likely to work.

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I'm pretty sure there's another thread devoted to re-fitting the supercharger from the last half-finished project. I think that's more likely to work.


Now that's just being obsurd.

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errr, i just saw this thread.....read some of the "Joe Cell" explanation on the link from the 1st page, havent read the rest of the huge thread but.......... errr.........this was a joke right?? Please tell me this was a joke :?


From the site:


"Human presence can affect the operation of the cell in a positive or negative way. "


"in stage 4 the cell is said to exhibit antigravity effects that reduce the weight of the vehicle in which the cell is installed"


Not sure what to say really :?

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sorry guys, I just realized that this message thing was still open,


totally forgot, never got emails on it. anyway, BC if you look I am still fitting my charger into the engine, just for u. and I will email you a dyno sheet personally.


so um yeah Im not going to lie to you guys, Im still doing cell stuff,


helped a guy in australia get his car running 60 degrees advance with a cell and about a drop of gas. hes cleaning the carb this weekend. um yeah Im not going to get into it because you guys will ridicule me more if I do.


we figured more stuff on the antigrav stuff, negatively charged mass does it apparently, still cant verify here, my friend has his bolted to his test engine (we had to order a new flywheel because we sheared the key off the old one).


sorry for being so quiet, once again I didnt realize this was still going, pretty popular post I have to say though. =-)




Dubcharged, can you make me an ECU that is stock but allows for a maximum of 90 degrees advance? BBM wont touch the subject.

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goobely gop = santa rosa, ca


coxy, we got a brand new engine to shudder run, it never had gas in it ever.


shortly thereafter, 3 mins, we broke the flywheel, it was advanced 45 degrees.


actually I wanted to make an 11 ring thing but I would have to roll my own tubes.


dinkus, not absurd cause its actually happening, I have a lot of time right now.


chris hill, I eat kids like mad dog for lunch ;-)


if I can get the ECU from dubcharged I could do it on my corrado, providing the ECU can perhaps advance the timing when I give it a signal.... =-)


oh and on the ECU can you set the O2 sensor to read a set value? I dunno whats fully editable in the ECU.

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have you considered runing a whire from the spoiler to a kite - you need 100 bilion volts to lift 1 tone via your aloy wheels using the lifter technology (ionic winds ) im building a lifter at the moment :) (only joking - but it would work )

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But if you're feeding hydrogen and oxygen into the carb, it would quite happily combust that with only a drop of petrol (gasoline to you).


That doesn't mean it's running on orgasms though...

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I cant see thins working as implosion or explosion there is nothing physically in the cylinder to implode and the timing only effects when the spark happens so nothing to implode/explode with the spark means that the timing is irrelevant. Well that what i go from reading the stuff about the cell but then there seems to be some confusion that suggests that you run water through the engine....hmmm.....


and that video that shows sparks going 'through' water....well we all know that water can contain ions that will conduct charge, even distilled water can have minerals that will could allow charge to carry. besides water molecules are polar hence the fact that water exhibits surface tension etc....


so it not really surprising to see a spark attracted to water...


so over all i say ......HMMMM....


Would love to be proven wrong and see it work so I say go for it!!


One more thing, that site that says a engine running on this thing could idle at 1-2 rpm is just nonsense, friction would still apply as would momentum and an engine would just stop at the speed….crazy :-)



edit : i like the way you put that mr dink!

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..... riiiight..... um here is the implosion thing,


hydrogen will not ignite with an AC source, only DC source.


most people have worked out that you are making a positive spark, not negative like regular sparks.


goes from - to +, with using a - earth.



thats my friend, we got it to do about 1" after charging it the 2nd time, didnt record that, wish we did though.


(+ spark condeses negative charged air, pulls piston up)

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anyway, BC if you look I am still fitting my charger into the engine, just for u. and I will email you a dyno sheet personally.

Believe it or not, I wasn't actually mocking you (this time). I was surprised when you didn't finish fitting the supercharger before as you were so close. I'd like to see the car running on the 'charger before you give up on that idea because it certainly has the potential to make good power.

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bingo, hes got his hand on a variac if you didnt notice.


thats the long way of doing things, we are "supposedly" doing it the short way.




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that would be stainless steel plated pyramid dealy in an EMF field, however you will notice that it shorts out every once in a while, probably voltage spiked too much or too many capacitors open at once.


emf field = raises metal.



BTW they made that field by using a tesla generator. (can be run off of your regular outlet)

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