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Tesla, eh? This is the Tesla coil my buddy built in his garage for a laugh out of, basically, stuff from a skip. This was a few years ago; it's evolved now and can arc across a ten feet gap with ease. It's quite an agressive thing to stand beside and photograph when it's on the rev limiter!


Ignore the chap in the bottom left of the pic. That's his far-too-realistic-and-a-bit-spooky scarecrow.

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thats a very nice tesla coil!!!!!!


a buddy of mine built one for his project in physiics, it was 6 feet tall and shot arcs out 6 feet, was grounded to a telephone pole to work! HAHAHAHA

but really thats a very amazing example!

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-.- joe cell is stainless steel..... bolted to a car....


larger EMF field is made... oh nevermind, when i get it floating I will let you guys know.


Dinkus = H8R

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Wonder if we can get any of this on 'Brainiac'?

"On tonights show,we blow up a caravan on negative-ly charged,sub-atomic gas that doesn't actually exist in our space/time continuum,but first we make it float on nothing more than a theory." :twisted:


And in answer to you Original Q,no you can't.

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-.- joe cell is stainless steel..... bolted to a car....


larger EMF field is made... oh nevermind, when i get it floating I will let you guys know.


Dinkus = H8R



No no, I'm a believer. The pyramid floats because it's in an Electro-Magnetic Field err field. You'll also find that metal floats when you stick it between a couple of whacking great big magnets. If you really want to have fun with that kind of stuff though, you might be better off getting yourself some super-conductors and make them levitate in a stable manner in an EMF. Very good fun, but sadly they need to be rather cold. Shanghai has just opened a maglev railway in fact...


However, you've yet to make any link between an electrolysis machine that makes hydrogen and oxygen to generating an EMF or indeed orgasm inducing particles.

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hahahaha no originally my point of being an engineer was to develop a superconductor that can operate at room temperature. its going to have to be an oxide though =-(. anyway thing is EMF is starting to interest me that and using it to drive airplanes or space shuttles with controlled bursts.

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you didnt tell me you had a collection of aeroplanes and shuttles?! :lol:


how far off are you getting the thing running then?

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still need a bigger engine with a dizzy.


got magnetos up the butt right now, will have a bigger engine soon, datsun engine.

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see at least there are 2 people in england with an open mind.


i probably wouldnt go there

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see at least there are 2 people in england with an open mind.


i probably wouldnt go there


What's wrong with England?! :p



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nice picture...... hahahahahaha, nothing actually I was going to move to england because I am tired of this country, people then told me that I would get very tired of the taxes there.... so I stayed

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you would love the tax here, everybody on here loves it im sure!

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but there is a benefit right? like no property tax? or something else?


we may only have 8% sales tax where I am but we have soooo many other taxes..

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call it what you will, but in the end I have found with a mass spec analysis that its just HHO gas, however under vacuum this thing produces mass amounts of it like hundreds of liters per minute if under good vacuum.


anyway thats why you advance it, HHO gas implodes.


engine runs not so much right now, I am working on 2 things, the massive supercharger for the corrado and this, this is on hold because it makes more sense to finish the 9 month project than to start the 2 month project.


yeah I dont know about the levitation BS, that was a belief lost long ago.

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