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Crashed my TRX850 (bike) at the TT :-(

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Got home at 2am yesterday via the free breakdown recovery service offered by the excellent Carole Nash insurance, door to door recovery for me, the bike and all my luggage for free.


Here's the story:-


Got to the IOM on Friday morning, zero sleep on the ferry the night before. Went out on the lash Friday night....got up early on saturday as we'd arranged to meet some other lads at Rhen Cullen early doors for a ride out whilst it was quiet. By the time I got up 2 of the lads had already left, the other one was dead to the world (as i should have been). Regardless, I thought I'd catch them up, so I got my gear on and went out on the bike alone (bad idea, I've only been riding a week..)


We stay in Ramsey, so from there you're straight onto the mountain course, which as you know is derestricted for most of it (i.e. you can go as fast as you dare). Unfortunately, at that time of the day it can get really foggy up there (over 3000m I think) which was the case that morning. I only saw 3 other bikes on the way up. I passed 2 of them, but had to slow down as the visibility was getting very poor the higher I got.


By the time I reached The Bungalow I was on my own, from there there's a fantastic straight climb right to the top of the mountain called Hailwood Rise, which I know is a flat out section. Now this is all I could remember. The next thing I knew I was heading across the road at about 4 degrees with the bike bolt uprioght, then I ran onto the grass.......next minute i was trying to pick the bike up.....then I passed out again.....then I was flagging a car down and on my way to hospital with a definite broken collar bone and breathing difficulties.


x-ray confirmed the injury. Broken left collar bone. They also said I'd broken my thumb, but I don't think I have. It was hurting, but i damaged it years. They reckonend I'd chipped a bone. I'm sure they just put a pot on me to stop me getting back on a bike. The doc never mentioned it, but it's clear from the x-ray and my bruises that I have several broken ribs too.


We went back up to the corner on Monday to see if we could find any of my missing bike bits and work out what happenend. On the way up bits of my memory came back straight away and I realised the mistakes I'd made (aside from going out on my own, still half cut and in the fog...). At the top of Hailwood is a double bend called Brandywell. it's a right left......and I thought it was a left.


I had the bike in the middle of the road, preparing for the (predicted) oncoming left hander, and was going far too fast for the range of visibility available, when a right hander came up it threw me totally. I didn't want to go right over onto the wrong side of the road to take it, so I got round staying on my side of the road, but this meant I'd exited hard over to the left (in fact, I may have even hit the left hand kerb, not 100% sure). Now, to take this corner fast, you have to turn in early so you exit the right hander and keep overon the right, so you are set up for the left hander. As I was already on the left I had zero chance of making the leftt hander, so I decided (given the lack of experience and the panic that set in) to shed off as much speed as possible using what road I had left rather than to take the bend at whatever speed I was doing (probably 100+). Now, you can't steer and brake hard at the same time on a bike, so eventually I ran out of road and went onto the grass on the outside of the bend. I'd have been OK if the grass was flat, but unfortunately for me it wasn't. It was as bumpy as hell, then it decided it wasn't flat and went down a 6' drop. At the bottom of the drop the front wheel of the bike just dug into the soft ground, and I went flying over the handle bars, landing on my left shoulder (thankfully in the very soft ground).


Front forks are totally bent. Mudguard is smashed off. front wheel has bent radiator and grille. mirror smashed off, lights, clocks, flyscreen gone, frame is bent where the rad attaches to it. Steering stop on the bottom yoke has been chewed off. Tank dented. Rear end looks bent, but I think it's just the seat unit, not the swingarm. Left hand can is dented on the inside off the tyre.







The drop



Where the bike landed



The damage






Rear end (looks worse than it is, it's the seat and exhaust that's bent



kinked frame



small bruise



I think it's repariable. I may even go for R1 USD's if I can find some. Any tips or help with the parts greatly appreciated.



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Thank god I havnt started my lunch yet VR, but glad you're kinda ok. Guess the insurance is fully comp and will replace the bike - assuming a writeoff.


Did the bike go end over end? Is the rear subframe bent too or just the seat hump mountings? At least the bike didn't hit you. It'll make for some great story telling down the pub - get well soon fella


Other than that - was it a good trip? ;)




ps - if it is a writeoff, is it worth putting some 'just legal' tyres on it if your current tyres have loads of tread? Take your bobbins off too. The least of your worries I know, but every penny...

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glad you're ok though, sounds like you were very lucky there.


Thank god I havnt started my lunch yet


I was tucking into a turkey and mustard sandwich when paul's nips appeared on screen, did put me off a bit ;)

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glad to hear you escaped major injury,and hopefully you've learned your lesson as to driving/riding after a night on the lash



btw should that last pic of yer nips have a NSFW warning?? :D

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Nice chest bruise mr.


Least you survived, and you now know about crashing on your bike, which is an important survival lesson for any motorbiker ;) Every biker should do it once, just so you know how hard the ground is :D


The bike doesnt look as bad as I thought it was going to be.


I am sure it will be back better than ever, although it looks like you might need to cut that kinked bit of frame out and graft a new bit in. might be worth getting it jigged.

R1 upsidedown forks sounds like a plan :D

every cloud an' all :D

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TPFT I'm afraid........


Just the seat frame bent

Ahhh, Fleabay for you then. New tank, new forks, new rad , mirror, flyscreen & mudguard etc (I know you can get them fixed, but why bother unless you're handy enough). Good points from Coxy. And you'll be able to straighten you seat (sub) frame with a scaffolding pole. But I guess the lights and clocks are ok and just need re-mounting, even if it means some new mounts being welded on.


Keep you busy this month eh ;)

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jesus mate, glad your OK. I've felt sketchy driving my car after a night out never mind a bike!


Good luck sorting it out

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glad to hear you're ok, and not leaving the island with a hardwood overcoat 8)


I've a mate who's just back from the TT, and he tells many a tale of them going out half cut in years gone by. Think he's got more sense now.


That bruise (ouch), are you sure it's not a tattoo of Elton John you've had removed?



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Glad your ok,not a good place to crash,just think you might have been going even quicker if it wasnt so foggy.What was made can be remade.

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Glad you're ok Mr Phat.


There are a hell of a lot worse places than there to drop it!


The stretch from the mountain mile to Ramsey is pretty much just a vertical drop most of the way! (That's where Top Gear do a lot of their filming ... Gooseneck up to the top of the mountain mile)


It's disappointing that there's more and more speed limits every year though. There's huge talk of a national speed limit being imposed in the near future. So if you fancy seeing how quick you can get over the 12 mile mountain part of the course, you better do it soon! (Is it 13 miles? That's just a guess...)


Just been out for a play over the mountain this affie and it's bloody gorgeous out :D Good fun playing with the bikers lol

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oooooo.....!!! nasty -i've came off a few times off-road and as coxy says - it gives you a heads-up on bike riding



lucky lucky lucky, paul - glad you're okay and lovely bruising btw.......

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Just been out for a play over the mountain this affie and it's bloody gorgeous out :D Good fun playing with the bikers lol


Get back to studying ya lazy git ;)


Get well soon Phat, should have given me and Tom a shout, we'd have brought you some flowers :)

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Just been out for a play over the mountain this affie and it's bloody gorgeous out :D Good fun playing with the bikers lol


Get back to studying ya lazy git ;)


Get well soon Phat, should have given me and Tom a shout, we'd have brought you some flowers :)


Meh - was letting off steam after my exam this morning.


Getting a bit worried about you wanting to give Phat some flowers though :?

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Getting a bit worried about you wanting to give Phat some flowers though Confused


I like giving flowers, it's been 2 weeks since your sister went away, I'm getting desperate :norty:

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jebus, you were lucky mate.


this is exactly the reason I don't own a bike, I would be doing the same within a week.


glad to hear your ok boss :)

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thinking about it, I'd have probably had similar injuries if i'd nose dived a car off there, off the seatbelt.

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good to see your ok mate bike looks a bit worse for wear that bent rail will have to be sorted but you knew that already! are they gonna plate the colar bone or is it a clean break? if they are at unsure about it fixing get the bugger plated! i had a broken collar bone for 2 years until they decided they should plate it as it wasnt repairing itself!

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Hey dude

nice tits !!! :D :D :D

I repair accident damaged bikes for a living up in sunderland, i have a motoliner bike jig so repairing that frame aint a problem. ill probably be able to sort out an R1 front end for you as well. give me a shout or pm me if you need any help/advice.


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Glad you survived - it could have been a lot worse! In fairness your account sounds like your lesson is learnt and I'm sure you don't need to be reminded!


Best of luck with it all...



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