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Aaaarrrrrggghhhhh!! Unplugging VR6 ECU????

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How the hell do you unplug a vr6 ecu? The electrical plug i mean.


I can't get the damn thing to shift and I need it off pronto!!


Any ideas?





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If you look at the connector, you will notice a little 'handle' on the front of it. You need to pull that to detach the plug and it will then come off the ECU sideways. You will need to pull it pretty hard if it's never come off before.

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Sometimes you will need to use a flatblade screwdriver, there's little ridges to help and gently slide the pull handle along, the plug lifts it's self off as you do this.





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Going off topic alittle, how do i remove the plastic bracket that holds the ABS cable guide to the strut? It should just pop apart by the looks of it but im a little heavy handed and dont want to break it!

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The only thing i can picture from you words is the ABS wires and plug help inplace on the strut top by a 10mm nut which you remove and it's off.

Is that what you mean?




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Going off topic alittle, how do i remove the plastic bracket that holds the ABS cable guide to the strut? It should just pop apart by the looks of it but im a little heavy handed and dont want to break it!


just pull one side out slightly to get it over the nut then it will just come off

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