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Beeping if corner too hard - why?

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Hopefully this isn't a dumb question to ask... I went round a roundabout really fast the other week, I mean way faster than I normally ever would, and a beeping warning type noise came from the dash.


I tried doing the same thing tonight and it happened again ! Does anyone know what this beeping noise is ??


Anything to do oil pressure perhaps?


The roundabout is kind of sloped on a hill btw.

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Hey dude, check your oil, it usually does that...


edit *shakes fist at Jim

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It's an onboard driver aid.


It tells you you're driving like a plum and should slow down ;)

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It's an onboard driver aid.


It tells you you're driving like a plum and should slow down ;)



No it's not. It's a minimum speed warning. You have to make it beep continually mate.




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Your oil will probably be low and as it sloshes around when you corner hard the buzzer goes and a light IIRC - first time it happened to me I got such a fright I nearly crashed! :oops:

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This is why someone schrick developed their oil pans to prevent oil starvation on hard cornering.


Of course, if your oil level is low you will still hear that beep.


I have the VR6 voltage and oil pressure gauges on my car.


When i hear the beep the oil pressure is very low! Around 0bar! :o


Beware of that!!!

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I have heard that if the sump has taken a knock the oil pickup pipe can crack, and will cause a lack of oil pressure on cornering despite the oil level being just right. Might be worth checking out if everything else seems cool.

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Yeah oil pressure sender warning you of immenant expensive damage... Happened to me coming off M25 and onto M11 long right/left/right corners Advised speed limit 30 (but can do it at 50) think the oil must have all been hiding in one corner of the sump by the time I came out of there....


But checked my levels when I got home and topped off the oil as it was a little low....


My Goof Cab did this to me about once a month and that had a fresh rebuilt engine, apparently, so well built it used 3 litres a month! :D

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