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Rob's R32 Corrado - FOR SALE :(

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Thanks for the offer for the crane, if I get stuck I may take you up on it. I will just look in to renting one for the day, will only need for about 20 mins to get the engine in!


you say that now! - i think mine went in and out about 4-5 times before i was happy with everything! then again, it is much easier when you have the kit to hand...


good luck buddy :D

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Got day off work tomorrow to finish prepping the bay up a bit and then Saturday the R32 is going in :clap:


I am renting an engine crane from my local HSS, will have it for the whole weekend so if things go wrong I have a bit of time with it at least!


Pics to follow!

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Popped round to see Kev last night and he was saying how much fun you had getting the old 12V out, think the engine hoist is a wise move mate! :lol:


Good luck with it all, I'll have to pop round at some point and see how you're getting on.

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Popped round to see Kev last night and he was saying how much fun you had getting the old 12V out, think the engine hoist is a wise move mate! :lol:


Good luck with it all, I'll have to pop round at some point and see how you're getting on.


Did he! :lol: yeah it was good fun, came out easily enough though, just needed some muscle!


Yeah pop round mate, come over saturday if you're not up to much, will hopefully get the engine in and most bits connected so you might miss out on the good stuff!

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I'm off to the national day on saturday but got to go past kettering on the way home so could pop in for a cuppa?


Rather you two than me pulling engine and gearbox out by hand. You're both mad! :lol:

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meh, if you're not taking the engine out in a carpark, using just a pair of breeze blocks and a trolley jack, it's not using enough muscle power and is taking the easy route IMHO... :p :lol: :norty:


Seriously though, get some more pics up, this all sounds like a great project... 8)

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meh, if you're not taking the engine out in a carpark, using just a pair of breeze blocks and a trolley jack, it's not using enough muscle power and is taking the easy route IMHO... :p :lol: :norty:


Seriously though, get some more pics up, this all sounds like a great project... 8)


I actually got the idea from you of just pulling it out on a trolley jack, so thanks! :lol: I couldn't wheel the car away from it sadly as it's in the garage so had to wheel engine out the car! Just have to make sure you have a good sturdy bit of wood to balance the weight of the engine/gearbox on the trolley jack! Although it did start falling off at one point, that was a herniating moment :lol:


Yeah will get some pics up when my batteries have charged!

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I'm off to the national day on saturday but got to go past kettering on the way home so could pop in for a cuppa?


Rather you two than me pulling engine and gearbox out by hand. You're both mad! :lol:


Yeah by all means pop in after mate :)

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pm me your new postcode mate, i'm in Enfield first thing saturday but could pop into see you doing some manual work (i will bring my camera :lol: ) on the way back home.

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Cheers guys!


Quick visit with update. Got the R32 in today, rented a crane (soooooo glad I did, makes life slightly easier :lol) but at the moment the front is propped up with some blocks and wood as I haven't decided what to do with the front mount which to me looks waaaaay off! I don't know how to weld so couldn't mod the mount myself, so my other option was change the oil cooler as was told the VR one will replace the R32 one, well I don't think it does :censored:


I took plenty of pics which are to come. I can't get on the tinternet at home at the minute as we haven't renewed contract which is annoying!!

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the vr6 front engine mount does fit just fine, and the vr6 oilcooler also fits fine mate.


have a look at it again tomorrow when your less stressed and you will work it out.

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the vr6 front engine mount does fit just fine, and the vr6 oilcooler also fits fine mate.


have a look at it again tomorrow when your less stressed and you will work it out.


Yeah I have just come on here to save a bunch of Pete's massive photos, god bless him :notworthy: :lol: I will tackle it again tomorrow! It looks like the R32's filter housing and oil cooler is all in one but it must come apart looking at Pete's pics :scratch: Also it appears the R32 block is missing a chunk for the front mount, where the top bolt for the starter motor goes through :scratch: Ahh well, i'll have a good crack at it tomorrow and see how far I get!

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Cheers karl mate. I need a mocal really, well i got one from my rotrex but it's the sandwich plate and fittings I need. Vince said the VR cooler will fit on so I'll have to try that for now, will just have to keep an eye on oil temps until I get the mocal stuff!

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I had to modify the front mount on mine, and you can't just stick the VR oil cooler on, I'll take some pics on monday if you like?

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hey Rob, sorry to hear you're having problems pal - the front mount should just go straight on (if you haven't got an oil cooler in the way - mocal is defo the way forward here).


also (you can probably see it in my pics (can't remember of hand without looking) i had a small adapter made up - basically it's just a sleeve to bridge the gap that you'll fnd is present for the long, thin bolt that goes through the top of the starter and into the engine mount. by etting the sleeve made up you'll avoid any potential bending of the engine mount...



hope you get it all sorted pal - make sure you get some pics up - we can be more helpful then :D

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hey Rob, sorry to hear you're having problems pal - the front mount should just go straight on (if you haven't got an oil cooler in the way - mocal is defo the way forward here).


also (you can probably see it in my pics (can't remember of hand without looking) i had a small adapter made up - basically it's just a sleeve to bridge the gap that you'll fnd is present for the long, thin bolt that goes through the top of the starter and into the engine mount. by etting the sleeve made up you'll avoid any potential bending of the engine mount...



hope you get it all sorted pal - make sure you get some pics up - we can be more helpful then :D


Hi Pete, yeah I saved a LOT of your pics over the weekend and had my laptop setup with me in the garage with them up, very helpful indeed so many thanks!! :notworthy: I noticed you had a sleeve of some kind, I just put a big nut a some washers in it :lol:


Got all my pics to come, I'm at work so will upload them in my lunch break :cheers:

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I had to modify the front mount on mine, and you can't just stick the VR oil cooler on, I'll take some pics on monday if you like?


Hmm I was told I could just put the VR cooler on, I have put it on and it fits perfectly. Do you know why it can't go on? Problem is, I don't know how to weld and don't know anyone who can really so modding the front mount wasn't an option for me.

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Agreed - that's some awesome progress! Can't wait to see this all done :) Keep us posted with pics!

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