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The Best Handling and Performance Mod!

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Today I happened across the easiest handling and performance mod out there to date. Just load about 160kg of fire bricks into the back of your car, drive 30 or so miles along twisty roads, get to your destination, unload the 160kg of fire bricks, and then drive back home. Fckn hell, what a difference!!! Amazing just how much all the weight at the back of the car can affect the acceleration and handling. Try it today - you won't be dissapointed!!!

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No - he doesn't know me and I don't know him, but he sounds a bit silly, seeing as my mum weighs about 7stone soaking wet. What a clown. :roll: :roll:

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mate i will just put your fat mum in the back thats about 160kgs


Er.. yeah.. try and get to know people before you come out with gags like that. On a forum where people can't pick up the tone of your voice, comments like that will go down like a lead balloon.

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timma - Norfolk ::: :( :::: Deluk - Swindon :roll: Doh !


Back on topic though - yeh yeh, funny. And I notice the multi changer survived the trip too. Is this the cheapest way to SLAM the C too?


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Slammed at the back only - it looked like a lowering experiment gone wrong - like a muscle car jacked at the back - only with the front end poking up in the air!!!

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