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Self servicing

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Hi guys, I've been trying to work this one out.

My Corrado's due for a service, but since i've just swapped the engine and done a full service, brakes included, I figured i'd just write down what I've done, the date, sign it and stick it with my service book.

Now, if i ever come to sell the car (heaven forbid), could I still say it's got full service history?

And do you think that it would put buyers off, since there's no stamp in the book and they only have my word it's been done properly?

Just wondering...

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There's no rules, no regulations. You can say it has a full service history of course, but anyone reading the book would say "you did this yourself?" .. and at that point it becomes "do they trust you".

The only reason a full dealer history is prized is because you can ring the (independent) dealer direct and they will confirm/deny doing the work.

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i'd say it's a dangerous one to call... the reality of it is you have done the work, unfortunately convincing someone you don't know that it's the case is never going to be easy.


btw - before you hear it from everyone else, that's a brave thread title for the depraved mind's cruising this forum... anyone called 'Dave' springs to mind :lol:

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If I was buying a car and:


- there was evidence of self-servicing,

- the seller seemed to know what they were talking about technically,

- there were recepits for the parts claimed to have been used in the service,


I wouldn't be put off. There are enough monkeys employed by main dealers these days that a VW stamp in the book wouldn't mean much to me (especially for older cars like the C, that most of the younger techs will rarely have worked on).


But that's just my opinion...

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I actually prefer a motor that is self serviced :)

Shows that the owner at least has an interest in maintaining the car.


I always keep every single receipt and write the cost/date etc on them then stick them on the pile in order of date. :)


I like to think that ill do a better job than someone else who dosn't care for the car as much as me.



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I actually prefer a motor that is self serviced :)

Shows that the owner at least has an interest in maintaining the car.


I like to think that ill do a better job than someone else who dosn't care for the car as much as me.


Exactly, you're likely much safer buying a car from an enthusiast than from some middle-aged 'footballer's wife' who doesn't even know how to check their screen wash/tyre pressures :roll:

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middle-aged 'footballer's wife' who doesn't even know how to check their screen wash/tyre pressures

Ha Ha, exactly my thoughts when I see cars advertised as 'lady owner'. My wife still can't tell if she has a flat tyre, drove 30 miles to Guildford on Sunday with just 15psi in the front tyre :mad:

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Some interesting points being made. I used to always service my own cars for the amount of money you save. Also it gives me a chance to make sure nothing else is wrong (same as giving it a good wax to see if there's any new scratches :mad: ).


So i suppose it depends on who's buying it really. I'm not 100% sure that i've kept all my reciepts, but then I tend to do a mini service on my cars every 5k or so coz I don't go very far usually, so I'll have to save them next time otherwise.


On the other hand, I know of a few people who do they're own servicing that I wouldn't trust to do it right!

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I am only doing a couple of k miles per annum.

Living mainly on a pension, there is no way I will be paying VAG an extortionate sum each year just to get their stamps in my book.

If and when I sell the storm, I will have to convince potential purchasers that I am probably more fussy than a VAG "technician" about my car.

Does not worry me, to be honest.

People will have to be convinced or they can walk away.

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