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Linus Van Pelt

Ouch... (the results)

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...not a lot more to say really...


...very early morning, pitch dark, the car approaching appears to be partly on my side of the road, both doing about 60ish, I turn away realising they're actually quite a way over the wrong side of the road, car appears to veer into me at the last moment, even though I'm still trying to move further over... not quite enough it seems...


...bye, bye wing mirror then *thump*, watch as they continue merrily onwards (without braking). I stopped by some lights to find the o/s side absolutely fecked... :(


...result, 4 figure repair bill, 2 weeks in the bodyshop... :pale:


(I've spent too many hours and £'s on it to let the insurance people just write it off, besides, I have no one to claim against anyway)


...oh well, at least it'll come out looking like new...



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Hi DtM,


Sorry to see that - not nice - especially as the w****r that did it didn't stop. You really shouldn't have to pay for that yourself.


Looks like a repair to the door and a new rear quarter? Like you say, too good a car to risk the insurers writing it off. I suppose one way to look at it is that within a couple of years you would have 'broken even' on the accident (excess plus increased premium for two years may well easily meet the cost of repairs). Still you shouldn't have to pay at all :x .


Good luck with it all, keep us posted,



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sorry to see that mate...thats just unbelievable! the door looks like an easier repair than the rear...tims right, you shouldn't have to pay for it.

I woulda tried to go after the guy in it! he must be goin about with no wing mirror...maybe even crashed further down the road! at the sound of things...probably driving under the influence.

good luck with repairs.

Sanjay. :cry:

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Thanks guys,


Yea, I did the maths on the ins. and worked out this was the best way. If I claimed, they'd get me back with increased premiums (currently on 4yrs NCB), and if they wort it off and I got another C it would have to be a VR, so insurance would be silly money again... I've spent something like £6K on my C in the last two years, mainly replacing and renewing, so I don't really want to throw that all away and start again. I needed to get the bodywork sorted out at some point anyway.


I did turn around and go back (b*ggered if I was going to work after that), but no sign of anyone...)


When we realised how much it was going to cost to replace (way more than the value of the car :shock: ) we decided on repair... to be fair, the bodyshop guy did everything he possibly could to keep the £'s down to what I could manage (-xx hrs labour, 1/2 price paint etc.), head panel beater chap said he could fix it all, just that it would take some time


They're also going to fix the damage the car already had on the n/s (about 2yrs ago from a parking f*ckwit), I may as well, I was going to get around to it eventually anyway :lol:


So basically, a new wing mirror, more moulding's than you can shake a stick at and then repair rear bumper, RH rear wing, RH Door, RH B post outer, o/s front wing (+LH wing rear, LH door front & LH front wing from the other damage).


They were also kind enough to give me a courtesy car. I've never actually driven a tractor before (306 Diesel).... wheelspin in 3rd! ...that'll be the torque then!



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DtM - ergh - i'm really sorry for you :(


I hope you somehow manage to track the person who did this and promptly vanished off the scene.. isn't that against the law? I'm sure you'll see a car driving around with blue paint and heavy damage on his passenger side sooner or later.. if they don't bother to stop after an accident, I doubt they'll be rushing to get their car fixed.


Hope its not in the body shop too long :)

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I hate people like that. Why should peolple have to pay when they aint done nuthin wrong?


Isnt there a victim compensation you can get from the cops if you report it as an accident? my mate was jumped and got £3K out of it. isnt there a system for this? it is a crime. a crime your victim off. criminal damage, dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of an accident. yet you pay?


:mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KNOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

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There is an "uninsured loss" system in place, but to be perfectly honest I know almost nothing about how it works.

There's more and more of this kind of stuff going on now, I think. My car was smacked up pretty hard in my street one weekend. No sign of a note, or anything left on the vehicle. :(

I too decided to pay rather than take the hit on insurance. :( :(


As pointed out above, there's a curious little law in the UK that makes it a crime to NOT stop and report an accident. In no other circumstances is it a legal requirement to incriminate yourself in this way. For example, it's not a crime to fail to report killing someone, but it *is* a crime to fail to report denting a car in a car park. (Clearly the killing someone bit *is* a crime, but you get my point..) Strange but true.


The big problem here is no doubt if you did catch up with the other driver he'd probably have been drunk (and therefore by implication uninsured), or the car had been stolen (same situation). There's too many people on the roads with no insurance... :(

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What I don't understand is how people are finding it so easy to get away from paying from insurance etc.. in order to tax your car, you need insurance logbook and MOT. In order to do ANYTHING you need various proof of your right to drive a car.


Are these people simply just buying cars, and just not taxing / insuring / MOT'ing them or something?


The thing that annoys me the most is that most of these people get 'banned' from driving, and they simply walk back to their car and drive home despite being totally banned with no insurance, license or anything.. surely all the money we get raped for by the government every year on road tax, and tax on petrol should be going towards improving the traffic police & car theft / fraud systems? We are all suffering because of the governments inability to pull its thumb out of its backside.

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They are doing this. There's new cameras going in that read number plates. Any car that shows up on these that doesn't have tax/mot/insurance will be targeted.

Trouble is, you can bet they'll also use this system to penalise those of us that play by the rules apart from the occasional perfectly safe breach of the speed limits. ( ;) ) And we're easier to trace than the scumbags that don't play the game, aren't we?


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Thanks for support guys,


yet you pay?


Yes, but that's my choice (although it doesn't feel much like it :lol:).


In the so called 'real world', I'm supposed to claim and then the insurance company picks up the bill... however in 'real life', they're going to get their money back one way or the other (higher premiums) and I just know they're going to take one look at the prices for parts and say write-off (and then give me as little as possible for it), something I'm not prepared to let happen.


If it was just an ordinary car, with ordinary prices, claiming or repairing wouldn't really be an issue, but when you can get a complete door for your average motor at say £300+VAT, on the C it's £670+VAT for the outer shell and £280+VAT for the door skin... :shock:


Are these people simply just buying cars, and just not taxing / insuring / MOT'ing them or something?


In my limited experience, that's exactly what they're doing. Best one I saw was a bog standard sierra, made to look like a cosworth, and the tax disc was for a JCB... :roll: We used to charge disqualified drivers with no insurance, for all the good that did :mad:


Mind you, when all is said and done, it's nice to know that our cars are built like tanks... :mrgreen: considering that swipe had a combined speed of over 120mph, I thought it stood up rather well, I didn't even realise it was more than the wing mirror until I got out and looked!


Cheers again all,


(at least my car had clean underwear on... see how clean my car is :lol: you can see the wheels and everything! - and the forum sticker, so expertly installed by our resident admin :wink: )



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Em, 2 weeks in the bodyshop? Do the gusy there have a throng or something? I've "scratched" the car almost like you (expect the mirror was ok and I slided only the rear right side). The work took 11hrs, man and into the bargain we grinded wheel decoration and bumpers (just to make the car look nicely). We have also had to stickle the bulwark, doors, etc.

Come over and we'll do your car in no time, fella. :)

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gutted for you mate,i would be well pissed off,and out on the streets/bodyshops looking for the culprit :evil: :twisted:

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The thing that annoys me the most is that most of these people get 'banned' from driving, and they simply walk back to their car and drive home despite being totally banned with no insurance, license or anything.. surely all the money we get raped for by the government every year on road tax, and tax on petrol should be going towards improving the traffic police & car theft / fraud systems? We are all suffering because of the governments inability to pull its thumb out of its backside.


Yeah, It makes me laugh when you here of these people having a crash and not holding a driving license, then they ban them (!?!) - If they didn't care in the first place chances are they'll do it again :mad: - and yes, most of them probably drive to and from court!!

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soz about the car. It's always a real pain in the ar5e. I agree. it's not worth claiming. Had my car broken into recently and had to have all the passenger side repainted. Looks lovely now though. At least it will come out looking good.

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Isnt there a victim compensation you can get from the cops if you report it as an accident? my mate was jumped and got £3K out of it. isnt there a system for this? it is a crime. a crime your victim off. criminal damage, dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of an accident. yet you pay?




if its the CICB(criminal injuries compensation board) that you are speaking about then you would get money as compensation if there was an injury to you and if there was a successful conviction of the assailant....there has to be a conviction though....to cut out fraud and btw its not from the police force but from some govt dept

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Ouch, i feel for u man, that would bring tears to my eyes if it where my C, put it this way my rear tyres would take some punishing if it where me id have handbrake turned the car round and chased the tw*t, everywhere i go now i find myself taking note of ppls reg and car colour who are parked nxt to me, just so if i get parking damage i can track the tw*ts down if the colour matchs along the side of my car.

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I used to have a Celica, and in two days it was hit 3 F***IN times! YUP, 3!!!!!. The great thing is, IT WAS PARKED THE WHOLE TIME BECAUSE OF THE FIRST HIT! regardless, I feel for you man! That sucks a**! Hopefully, karma will get him/her in the end! Good luck!



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Bummer. The only good news is that he didn't total you head on going faster. Am not allowed to write what I think of these sort of 'people' :evil:

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Thanks again for all the support!


No, I haven't got the car back yet :cry: but when I do, I'll post some piccies of the result (and I might even get around to putting something up in the members gallery :lol:)


In the interests of not getting caught out like this again, my insurance is up for renewal this month. Since I now have the maximum 5yrs NC (65% discount), I increased the voluntary excess to counter the extra I've now decided to pay for NC protection... I could have got it last year, but the extra was a quite a bit more.


Obviously with hindsight... :roll:


I'm quite impressed that Direct Line reduced my cover by about £200 for the extra years NC this time around... (I have 1 year 'free' NC' so no other company can compete!)


I think the moral of this story is to serioulsy consider getting NC protection... given just how much our cars cost to put back together, it's got to be worthwhile doing?



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Must be an Aqua-Blue-Bashing virus going round. :-(


You have my sympathies, I'm feeling pretty low after crashing mine a couple of weeks ago - but keep trying to think how much lower I'd feel if I'd lost a limb (etc.) or even worse - seriously hurt or killed someone else.


Hope you get it sorted OK, and the person respnsible gets what they deserve....

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Must be an Aqua-Blue-Bashing virus going round. :-(


You have my sympathies, I'm feeling pretty low after crashing mine a couple of weeks ago - but keep trying to think how much lower I'd feel if I'd lost a limb (etc.) or even worse - seriously hurt or killed someone else.


Hope you get it sorted OK, and the person respnsible gets what they deserve....


Thanks bud, I saw what happened to yours... :shock: makes the damage I recieved look quite tame, but I guess the effect is still the same :cry:


Yes, I realise that it could have been a lot worse, if we'd hit head on, it wouldn't just be the car in pieces I fear... :pale:


Still no news on any potential culprits... though to be honest it was probably a stolen motor, so there's not much chance of getting any further with it. Having seen 'the system' in action first hand, even if they did find someone, it would only be a "your word against mine"... which is going to go nowhere fast...


You're right about what you said in your own thread... being without your C really suxxors :shaking:





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Just gave the bodyshop a ring....


...and it should be ready for tommorow!








...just in time for it's MOT... :roll:

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['H3R4POR]GL with the results mate.


get some pics up




'ere ya' go...


Needless to say I'm really pleased with the results, I think they've done an outstanding job...





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