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Heater Matrix

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Last few weeks after rain, I have noticed the windows steaming up, sometimes very bad indeed, so Im guessing this is the heater matrix about to give up the ghost?


The passenger footwell is also very wet, so can it be anything else?


I know from reading various posts on this topic that the heater matrix can be bypassed but with Winter very nearly upon us, I guess that this is not an option if I want any kind of warmth in the car.


Car is fine when weather is dry though as I tend to have the blower on a low setting on coldest temperature.


Please confirm my worse fears!


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is the coolant level definitely going down?

if the door membranes are damaged a fair bit of water can enter the footwells from the bottom of the doors.

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The coolant level appears to be fine and I cant smell anything untoward from inside the car.


If the matrix is on its way out, I guess the coolant level should be dropping to reflect the water in the car?

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The coolant level appears to be fine and I cant smell anything untoward from inside the car.


If the matrix is on its way out, I guess the coolant level should be dropping to reflect the water in the car?


yep, bypass the matrix and see if your leaks still persist, but check the seals under those door panels, the inside of the doors is a crap design and unless the seals are perfect some water will get in.


also make sure the scuttle panel area is clear of leaves and the side drain holes that come out under the wings are clear to prevent water build up that could get into the fan ducting.

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Check for a build up of leaves/crap in the scuttle area. My old C was leaking and turned out the seal under the black air vent had broken down and was letting water in with heavy rain.


Your problem sounds to be a leak with heavy rain rather then a matrix problem.

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Investigated my wet passenger footwell today and the rub mat / thingy under the carpet was soaked, so I removed this completely and its had it as just falling apart. Replaced with a tcloth and will keep close on eye on to see how long it takes to get sodden again. Windows have not steamed up at all today although not had any rain. I have checked all the other suggestions on here and all seems fine. Maybe previous owner had a problem but never removed what I have today disposed of?

Being to think that maybe it is not the heater matrix, although I think im gonna bypass it anyway just to be on the safe side.

Anything else it could be?


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I will check that too but I dont think that there are any signs of this being the case. Its a right odd one this!


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I found a ton of leaves and all sorts of crap on the passenger side of the engine bay under the plastic cover that shields the airflow to the blower unit, I am hoping this may have something to do with the internal leak. Knowing my luck, it will be probably be a red herring!


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cmoth, i had same problem on my VR. the passenger side soaked. I lifted bonnet to find under the scuttle panel was alot of water, enough to float a toy boat, i kid you not. If youve unblocked the drain holes the carpet should stay dry.

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I'm confused (sorry to hi-jack your thread mate!)....


My matrix is obviously gone - I have instant steam if I put the heater control to anything but cold, and my windows mist up after a drive. I also have slight coolant loss, but hardly any.


And no sign of any water in the footwells. Does this mean my matrix is 'on the way out' still and will probably flood the car at any time?

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get it done asap! my heater matrix went a year ago when I was doing about 80 down the A34. V scary cos I couldn't see a thing from the *thick* steam billowing out from behind the steering wheel. Talk about emergency stop - I was out of the car (and standing in front of the oncoming traffic :cuckoo: ) in about 5 seconds! I was out of the car so quickly that my legs didn't even get burnt!!


Not fun.

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The steam was so thick that I almost thought the car was on fire!! Quite amusing looking back on it now!


What wasn't so fun was waiting on the side of the dual carriageway in the middle of November with wet feet waiting for the AA to tow my car home and trying to soak up a small lake from the drivers footwell using an old beer towel that was lurking in the boot... the carpet is still crispy - if only I had known to replace mine before that happened :roll:


occasionally I wonder why we go through the expense and inconvenience of owning old cars but I only have to look out my window at my C to remember why :D


gd luck to all getting their's sorted - I know it's a dashboard-out job

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occasionally I wonder why we go through the expense and inconvenience of owning old cars but I only have to look out my window at my C to remember why


I couldnt agree more bud :D

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