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Andyrado g60

Hi Everyone, im new!

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Hi Everyone! My names Andrew Brown, I have just signed up to the forum and thought id say hi.


My hobby has been performance vw's since I passed my test, and since then I have brought, done up / modified a polo, a polo gt, a polo g40 and my current project is my corrado g60, so I thought it was about time to sign up to a forum as iv been meaning to do it for to long, and with people I see out and about talking about "the forums" I was starting to feel like there was something missing from my hobby, so here I am!


Also with both my self and my dad being corrado owners / modifiers / restorers, we have accumulated quite a lot of parts, so if there is any one out there who need any thing give me a shout, (you have probably seen some parts that I have sold on eBay when I have had the time to list them).


I have never used a forum before so don’t laugh too loudly if I do something wrong or ask a daft question.


Pleasure to be a member, Andy

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Welcome aboard! Nice to see that there are still lots of enthusiasts out there in the wings signing up :)

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g60greeny, Hi g60greeny, sorry for the late reply, yes i think i am the andy from notts who sold you your bumper and yes it is about time i joined! Few recent addidions to the car include new full stainless to dtm flat oval exit exhaust, boost, vacume and volt gauges up the a pillar, and its currently having a full re-spray! staying with tornado red the original colour. Been keeping my eye out for the right people to do it and heard from a friend that a close mate of his is setting up on his own with his mate. went down to see them and was very impressed, so its being prepped as we speak. Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! Still got loads of parts so if you need anything give me a shout!

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