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W*&^%$rs Keyed my car!!

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I spent the weekend mostly on the piss after a fall out wit the missus at a friends house and some twat keyed the side of my raddo! The key or coin or whatever has been run right from the rear panel through the door to just above the front wheel arch! :mad: It is quite a thin line at point and quite deep at others and i can see white paint through it which suggests to me perhaps its back to the undercoat? Someone mentioned i may get away with giving the car a teecut and see how it shows up after that but i just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if so how much you can expect to pay from a body shop to get it fixed proper like

Thanx Rickford

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not cool at all.............price wise depends on which bodyshop you use I'd be inclined to get them to paint the whole side thats been keyed

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Have a go at T cut first matey... my mk1 golf got keyed 2 days after getting it back from being restored! I gave it a good cut and damn good polish and you could hardly see the damage - only noticeable if you were really looking! not ideal but the cheapest solution if you can live with it...

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K i will give it a t-cut first and see how it looks after.......tbh dont think it will cover the deepest marks. I've had the car just over a year now and loving it so prolly couldnt live wit the marks. Was gonna do soooo many things to it but finding cash tight but maybe this is the kick in the arse i need to get it sorted the way i want....

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Flat black i think code LO41 i think... had a quote from bodyshop for £400 for whole side plus chips on bonnet filled so have to start saving my pennies.....

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Some B's did this to my car when i was in MacDonalds one night. That will teach me to eat S### food. I was in for 5 minutes.


My car is also L041 flat black and the line was not major but the white undercoat said hello which stands out like a sore thumb.


T cut the lightly key areas the bits where the black paint has just been scratched but not the bits where the paint is missing. Cleaning the undercoat exposed areas with a suitable spirit and then paint with Halfords Volkwagen Black repair pen/brush. It looks damn good, you have to look close to notice - I think it's the colour. if you don't want to splash the wonger straight away this is a good interim repair. For under £10 and 15 minutes work i'm not so embarrased.

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Feckers :mad: :(


Can you manage pics m8?


Its worth using dare i say 't-cut' along the scratch at an angle,and then going over it with meguiars scratch-x a couple of times.The reason being that t-cut is a solid abrasive,so it wont give a smooth finish,so using the scratch-x afterwards should bring it back and then give you a better finish to assess the damage.


See what kind of scratch you are left with...


Buy an original vw touch up pen,and fill in along the scratch.


Leave it for 24hrs,and then go over with the t-cut/scratch-x a few times again (whole panel) dont apply any pressure,just let the products do the work.


You could fill with the touch up pen,and wet sand...but this will give a super flat and smooth finish compared to anywhere you dont wet sand.


All the above depends on how bad it is to start with really though :(

Then there's the option of machine polishing,but the whole car would need doing ideally...



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Unlucky mate, its happened to all of us. I vote for some sort of deterrant, like for example, unearthing the car and carefully placing a current to the car when parked up. That way if anyone trys to key the car, hopefully, theyll get the shock of their lives.


Unfortunately there may be some collateral granny damage in the process.

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I spent the weekend mostly on the piss after a fall out wit the missus at a friends house and some twit keyed the side of my raddo!


i blame the mrs.. she been interogated yet!? :twisted:

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i had mine scratched a few months ago also. i got the guy who painted it to give it a polish. he used some sort of abraisive cream(not sure what it was :oops: )

this took about half of the scratch away , not ideal but you dont notice it as much

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Thanks for the ideas guys who knows i may giv them all a try..... I may put the car off the road now till i can afford to get it fixed pity the insurance companies dont recognise this kinda thing like they do windscreens etc....

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i blame the mrs.. she been interogated yet!?


My Ex missus did this to mine recently. She did it to pretty much every panel :mad: and it was not long after I had a respray of the back right side of the car. Typically the worst scratches were on this bit, gutted.


I've kind of been in denial since and am just ignoring it (luckily most of its not too deep) but I need to have a go at the T cut really. The tips on here should help :)

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