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Another "Photoshop" request please...

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Can some one (Herisites) please can you see if you can stick these on a Grey 'Rado (or a dark one) Just wondering what they'd look like...


Unless some-one has a rado on 928 photo in their archives.



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I'm sure I've seen those on a C in the past?


no PS at work though mate

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Yeah I'm sure I've seen a C with them too but having looked through my collection it's not one I have a pic of... just about to do some work too so haven't time to do a chop for you :?

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Here i am :lol:


I didnt use the ones from the pic as they are sheet quality so used some others so they aren't as shiny but you get the idea. Oh and i used your C phil :wink:

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i thought they were audi a8 monoblocks ?


They are indeed..


and they look really good, i am suprised no one else has got them on their C.....

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