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Musical Accompaniment

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My Corrado has taken to humming at me... a constant low humming coming from somewhere towards the rear of the car which is present irrespective of load. Is it likely to be the fuel pump, or are there any other possible contenders? The car seems to drive without any ill effects at present.


Any help appreciated



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If it hums even when you're stationary, it's not a wheel bearing.


If you suspect the Fuel Pump, check when your Fuel Filter was last changed.

If it hasn't been done in a while get it seen to. Always use a genuine VW filter too.

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Thanks for the replies gents. Yeah, the sound is constant, and present when the car is stationary - it's just louder towards the rear.


I guess changing the fuel filter would be an inexpensive first thing to try!





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More than likely to be the pump. Only very severly clogged filters will cause the pump to strain. I cut my old filter open out of curiousity and there was bugger all in it. Indeed, when I changed my pump because of the same noise, there was absolutely nothing in the bottom of the tank.


Unless one or two of the injectors are slow to open (you can check the injector response time on VAG-COM diagnostics) or clogged, it can only be the pump. Sorry.



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I am with Kev on this one- Its almost certainly the fuel pump :( but don't despair just yet :) . When I got my VR6 its the first thing I noticed. I took it straight down the the local VW specialist and asked for a new pump to be fitted but the guys took one look (or listen!) to it and said they always make some level of noise- apparently when they do go you really do know about it!! It always worth changing the filter though. The car still goes like a space rocket and the sound never got any worse so I wouldn't lose much sleep over it.


Hope this helps



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