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ok, i know its real long but ive been trying to sell me car and recieved this email earlier...


''Hello Mate

I will like to say a big thank you for your reply,and also am satisfied with the condition of the car think it would be a great buy.Its perfectly okay with me. I travel alot in my line of buisness hence the reason why i wont be able to come view the car at your end,and also am buying this car for my wife who needs to get a new one after she had an accident with the last. I am ok with the car's picture and it will be good to let you know that i will be paying you with a cheque that was intended for me through services rendered (£10,000).The only problem is that sum owed me by the investment company is more than the price of your car. I would greatly appreciate if you could deduct sum of your car (£2,490) from the amount and have the rest of my balance sent to my shipping agent through any transfer agency, so that they will come for the pickup of the car in your location on my behalf. I will wait till cheque clears before i instruct my shipping agent to take up ownership of car on my behalf. I really am very sorry that it has to be this way but i do not want to miss out on this great buy. Please send me the following information below so i could have the company make out the cheque in your name and send it to you


full name...............

full address.................

mobile phone number..................

office phone number.....

Waiting to read from you soonest''


it seems really wierd and i got one last time i was trying to sell a car and ignored it, if anyone knows for sure if this is a scam or whatever please tell me!

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no-one buys a car without checking it out first........................to check him out tell him that the car was miss-priced and should be up for sale for £4k,if thats ok with him you'll still do business with him and deduct the £4k from the £10k chq..........if he agrees without much of a fight then that shows how much of a scam it is

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i see what ur saying, and deep down im so sure its a scam...BUT what if he's just using me to cash a cheque or something along those lines, and is happy to 'lose' £2,490 in doing so, (for whatever reason) either way i end up with a sold car!! (optimistic hey)!!

thats why i want to know if anyone has heard of anything like this before!

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having read it back i think 'VERY optimistic' is more appropriate! :lol:


not VERY...........its Extremely...........PLEASE DON'T EVEN CONSIDER DOING THIS.......its just a complete scam





Scam Warning

Emails in bad english offering to buy your item and paying by Cashiers Cheque, building society or Bankers draft for an amount greater than you are asking, then to send the balance on once the cheque has cleared. This is a scam using stolen/forged bank drafts/cheques which can clear in 3 days and bounce in two months. You may then have no car, and have paid the scammer the surplus cash and your bank pulls the total amount back. DO NOT REPLY. The NCIS (UK National Criminal Intelligence Service) are aware of this variation on the West African Fraud.

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Do not be tempted.


You will definitely be giving your car away !!!


This scam has appeared on several car forums for ages, and unfortunately people have fallen for it.

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C'mon, it's absolutely reeks of a scam.


Use yer head man! If it's too good to be true, 99% of the time it is.

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Plus, if it was true - does he sound like the type of guy that would want to buy a modded 1.4 Mk3 Golf for his wife?

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SCAM- Read exactly the same email posted on another forum a few weeks ago. Same text word for word.

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SCAM. Its the classic scam email. Just delete it and move on mate.

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thanks everyone..i knew it but as i said my optimism got the best of me, and thanks vr6 storm, that red text pretty much sums it up!

haha, walsey, can u imagine some old bird in a modded golf with coilovers! her saggys would be all over the place! :lol:

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i just got another one, except this time it asked about my BOAT where it was supposd to say car!! oops!

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Its a scam, and if it wasn't there's a 99% chance it would be money laundering which is treated v.seriously by the likes of HMRC and SOCA.


You'd be better if it was a scam and you just lost your car/money...

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