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Whats the worst thing youve done to ur corrado

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or alternatively spend the extra cash and buy one of these http://www.sipuk.co.uk/tools/info_SIP03914.html , you will not regret it!

Its an absolute monster and very well built, those crappy halfords/sealey jacks never feel safe.


Either that or drive your car onto a couple of blocks of wood first to get the jack under.



back on topic, worst thing i've done to my corrado starts today... SORN'ed so i can give it a lick of paint. The end result I hope will be amazing but that first stroke of sandpaper is going to make me cry lol

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Yep, and I have no idea why it happened....twice :-(


It's like filling up with oil gives you a momentary brain fade.


Could definitely go for a sticker!

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Worst thing, fitting a toothed belt system, loved the sound of it, but never noticed any performance improvements ( confirmed by rolling road results) and it destroyed 3 chargers and a piston which was nice :-(


Took it to rac windscreens, ended up needing a new bonnet and a full respray, still causing problems years later as the appallingly bad job they had done of fitting the new screen has caused it to rust under the seal.


Didnt tie the top of a huge bag of polystyrene balls properly and chucked it on the back seats, unfortunately it opened up while doing 80 down the m56 with the window open, VERY messy.

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Left it sitting for 3 years. I bought it on impulse as it was cheap and in danger of being scrapped but couldn't afford all the parts it needed.


Fitted the arb links underneath the wishbones..


Rolled it into the neighbours Renault Scenic. I'd taken the rear calipers off to rebuild so had no brakes but I needed to move it forward two feet.

Cue a drawn out, unstoppable, slow motion collision, reminded me of Father Ted - Speed 3 with the milk float.

There wasn't any damage to the Corrado until I kicked the sill with rage, lovely dent..

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Decided I'd whip the engine out 1 wknd , get a few bits powder coated, few new shiny nuts + bolts etc and drop it bk in a couple of wks later. Yeah right! 2yrs later its still not bk in, the pikeys have been round (at least) twice after it 4 scrap and its the butt of all my non car appreciating mates jokes. Soon tho, honest!

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  Alex_G60_Fanatic said:
1. Once when i was working on the car I tried to remove the starter motor. Spent the hole day removing the alternator instead... I have no idea why i thought the alternator was the starter motor but i didn't twig until I was about 30miles away at my flat looking at a alternator on my dinning room table....


That's one of the funniest things I've ever read! Give that man a round of applause :)


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  Alex_G60_Fanatic said:
I was very tired! :lol:


...that's still making me laugh now :D. I'm sure I've done similar stuff recently whilst restoring mine though. :)


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Haha Alex! Reminds me of when I was at a jap performance show with a mate, we were looking at an engine and he comes out with "hey, its supercharged" whilst pointing at something in the engine bay to which the guy next to him and I start laughing... "mate, thats the alternator".


Back on topic though... so far it has to be respraying it, shell seems pretty solid but as soon as I took windscreen out theres a hole there. After getting that welded up, its about ready to paint and we just start cleaning up the rest of the windscreen when another hole emerges. Oh how I hate this corrado sometimes!

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  swiftkid said:
Haha Alex! Reminds me of when I was at a jap performance show with a mate, we were looking at an engine and he comes out with "hey, its supercharged" whilst pointing at something in the engine bay to which the guy next to him and I start laughing... "mate, thats the alternator".


Back on topic though... so far it has to be respraying it, shell seems pretty solid but as soon as I took windscreen out theres a hole there. After getting that welded up, its about ready to paint and we just start cleaning up the rest of the windscreen when another hole emerges. Oh how I hate this corrado sometimes!

at least your getting it done though mate, will look great when it's finished and will see it for another 15 years too

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Testing to see if the rad fans worked following some new wiring - left the engine running, went inside.. and forgot!! The fans werent working!!! :( Luckily caught it just in time, but there was a lot of steam and a looooong old puddle of water trailing to my front door! Div!


Removing the fans without taking the font bumper off was also pretty stupid..took FOREVER!!


Also cross threaded a goodridge brake house during an upgrade to 288mm fronts which i didnt notice until everything was back together, it soon started ****ing brake fluid everywhere..not good.

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First day of owning a Lowered 16v (first lowered car ive owned), i thought i would clear the freshly laid horse crap! My splitter thought otherwise :(

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Thinking I could finish a resto through my overseas placement year and subsequently the last year of my engineering degree.


The Plum is still sat on ProdigalSon's driveway with a tax disc that expired in January 2009, full new suspension, full new chassis and half replaced brakes!


oh and it needs an engine. Other than that it's amazing.

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I must have a few of these:

1. When fitting the 312 callipers about 3 years ago, I over torqued one of the slider pins into the carrier and sheared it off.

2. Had to refit the old brakes that night in the dark, as I needed to use the car. In my haste I refitted the brake pads the wrong way round. Cue a lot of sparks flying everywhere on my test drive!

3. Finally got the remnants of the old slider drilled out a couple of days later,went to refit the brakes, only to over tighten it again and shear it for the 2nd time!


Luckily I had a spare slider, so managed to get it sorted on the 3rd attempt.

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After Betty was broken into and i had the door replaced painted etc, i was tinkering under the bonnet, i went to start the corrado(through the window as you do) with it in gear, car lurches forward...crunch nice big dent and a scratch for my efforts was not a happy bunny :mad:


However thats nothing compared to a very similar incident with my first mk1 golf, it was running very rough and i was working on it at a mates unit. I had all my tools toolbox etc at the front of the car, car started and due to my tinkering with the carb (theres that word again!) the car started lurched forward, kept going and ran over my toolbox and almost into a wall. Nice big dent in the front panel, front splitter hanging off and a destroyed toolbox... :mad::mad::mad:



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  poll250 said:
I must have a few of these:

1. When fitting the 312 callipers about 3 years ago, I over torqued one of the slider pins into the carrier and sheared it off.

2. Had to refit the old brakes that night in the dark, as I needed to use the car. In my haste I refitted the brake pads the wrong way round. Cue a lot of sparks flying everywhere on my test drive!

3. Finally got the remnants of the old slider drilled out a couple of days later,went to refit the brakes, only to over tighten it again and shear it for the 2nd time!


Luckily I had a spare slider, so managed to get it sorted on the 3rd attempt.


Remind me not to accept your help with any car jobs :lol: ;)

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  boost monkey said:
Remind me not to accept your help with any car jobs :lol: ;)


OI you! It was over 3 years ago, I've learnt a lot since then (+ I have TWO torque wrenches) :)

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  poll250 said:
OI you! It was over 3 years ago, I've learnt a lot since then (+ I have TWO torque wrenches) :)


I was working on the C the other week changing the calipers and fitting some second hand Carriers I got off a mate... After cleaning them and painting them I tried to fit them only to find they where the wrong size for my Disks.... To small


So I had to try and remove the carrier from the old hub I had to fit the brakes... In the effort I got angry and smacked my Torque wrench with a hammer. Now it's all bent :(

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took my coolant cap off to top it up and put it top right hand side of the engine bay. between holding the bonnet ready to drop into place and it actually closing realised i hadnt replaced the cap. One of those moments where you realise in that split second that you've cocked up but its too late. Now ive a lovely outward dent in my bonnet.

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Did some tinkering under the bonnet. Hmm what can i do with this i wounder? Put mug of tea (Yorkshire) on the top of the battery.

Tinkering over, thought thats looks ok,nice job. Closed bonnet down hmm whats up with this then? only one catch has clicked into position. re-opened bonnet and slammed it shut this time. B******S whats that crease? Opened up and the mug was still in one piece. (quality mug) Nice mug inprint on engine foam. My lad turned round and said to me what a D**K dad, and calmly walked off. :suprised:


Started car on drive to warm up before going out, shut drivers door. Run for about 10 mins, went to get in and drive off,car had locked its self not playing ball. No spare key (that will teach you not getting a spare cut). Raided wardrobe for metal coat hanger, not one in sight, (blammed the Mrs after).20 mins on found thick copper wire fiddling around like a T**T at a christening. No good me as a car thief.

45 mins on, fan screaming its pipps off. Gas man visited next door, whats up pal. keys in car running cant get in. (plonker he thought).

Here give us a go bosh there you go 2 mins to get in. Is this part of your gas training? Cheers mate off he went.

I do want to say i do NOW have a spare key and it now goes with me every time i go out.

Edited by Ray1965

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On the C, removed the bonnet stay to "de rust", Jammed a brush in to hold it up and trashed my pristine "no longer available" bonnet sound proofing!


Not on the C, first car was a triumph spitfire, while admiring its smooth tickover with the bonnet up, leant over to check something and palced my hand on the distributor cap. Woke me up!


On my Mk1 Gti, was transferring it from my house to get painted. Had removed the bonnet latch and went down the road to the paint sprayer.....boom, bonnet flew up smacked the roof.


Man with spanners is a dangerous thing.



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On the C, removed the bonnet stay to "de rust", Jammed a brush in to hold it up and trashed my pristine "no longer available" bonnet sound proofing!


Not on the C, first car was a triumph spitfire, while admiring its smooth tickover with the bonnet up, leant over to check something and placed my hand on the distributor cap. Woke me up!


On my Mk1 Gti, was transferring it from my house to get painted. Had removed the bonnet latch and went down the road to the paint sprayer.....boom, bonnet flew up smacked the roof.


Man with spanners is a dangerous thing.



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