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HPI checking

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I've had a few calls from this guy wanting to buy my rover finally. He sounds genuine, and a nice guy, which is good. He's just asked me to have it HPI'd.


Now I've got no problem with this, but I thought it was up to the buyer to have it checked? What's annoying is that I inherited the car from my granddad, and have all the original receipts in his name, proving he paid in full, and the receipt proving that I got the car as part of my inheritance.


Just a bit annoying as he wants me to pay for it. He's already got me down to my bottom price over the phone, and I'm really not too happy about forking out £40 on something I know is completely pointless.


On the other hand, if I don't want to do the HPI, it'll probably make me sound dodgy, so I'm half inclined to do it just to get rid of the car, though the last thing I want is to fork out £40 then have him turn me down.


What do you guys reckon?

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Hmmm, don't know what I'd do in your situation.


You could tell him that you haven't got a problem with him getting the car HPI'd but you are not going to pay for it yourself BUT he may just turn round and decide he doesn't want the car.


Depends how desperate you are to sell the car

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Tis only £40 for the big HPI check. You can get it done for £10 which will give you all the important info, if its been written off, changed colour, how many owners, etc. Check out the autotrader site for various companies that'll do this online, they'll even do it to your mobile now....


He should get it done really, mainly due to the owner (not that you would) being able to very easily change the computer printout.

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HPi check should really be done by the buyer tbh,unless you are a trader using it to prove that alls tickety-boo,but like mentioned above it can easily be "altered",if its a deal breaker maybe its just as well to bite the bullet or offer to go half's on the cost

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I see, any chance you've got a link for the £10 jobby? Can't find anything.

If it's only a tenner, I don't care, just £40 is a bit steep. Otherwise I'll just tell him to do it himself I reckon.


I'm starting to wonder whether I'd actually get a better price from trade now TBH. The guy's offering £3500, minus whatever the check will cost (he said it's about £30 on the phone, so dunno what he's looking at), There's similar up with more mileage for £4k+, so it might be worth a try.


I just want to stop all these numpty's calling me and wasting my time now, so whatever sells it quickest will do!

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Try the Ebay one. Pretty thorough and v.cheap. Tells you if there are any mileage discrepancies, previous plates, owners, date of manufacture, accidents etc etc.

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he's a tight ar$e , the buyer always does this unless you buy trade


Yup, i always thought it was the buyer who did this, however the last 2 Cs i bought already had it done. He wants it checking so let him pay for it! OR put the £40 onto the price of the car :lol:

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He's a cheeky tw*t for asking and just trying it on. i once had someone do an AA check on a 200sx of mine. The AA guy found it had been damaged in the past, by using a micrometer (it was the only way you could tell), needed new front discs shortly and the aircon needed a charge. The guy tried knocking me down a grand!! i told him where to stick it, and then he wanted half the money of the AA check for it!!! Cheeky CUnt!!! Thats why you do a check to satisfy yourself as the "buyer" that youre happy with the car!!!

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Thats why you do a check to satisfy yourself as the "buyer" that youre happy with the car!!!


Well there is that, but i suppose if you're the only owner you'll know if its been in a bash or not. But i suppose it'd be a bit of security if the buyer got one too. Keep you one step ahead incase they try something on.

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if he wants it i'd tell him to pay for it.... and if it was your grandads then you and he shouldnt have anything to worry about anyway.... tell him about the £10 site etc..... he's just trying it on...

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tell the potential buyer to get it checked himself, and if he finds anything dodgy in its history (which he wont) you will cover the cost of the check, cant say fairer than that.

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Well, the guy's called me twice again now, sounds keen. He's coming tomorrow morning hopefully, and he's not mentioned it again so with a bit of luck he's given up on the idea.


Sounds like a nice guy, he's probably just decided it's not worth it on a family owned 52 plate car. I reminded him my granddad was a driving instructor and examiner, hopefully that's given him enough confidence in the car.

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Just to let you all know, it's gone :D :D :D


The guy did buy it in the end, nice bloke, didn't do any more haggling either which was nice.


I did give in and have it HPI'd by that cheap place in the end (thanks eddy, worth remembering next time I buy a car!), I think it was worth doing to sell the car, the guy said the last one he looked at had been in a front end smash, so he was just being very cautious.


Anyway, I hope this is the last time I'm gonna post about that rover, this is a Corrado forum, after all :lol:


Cheers guys.

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It's pretty simple Johnny... if you advertised the car as HPi clear, you're technically obliged to provide proof. If you didn't, he pays.


Edit : (Oops, missed 2nd page!)

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