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I spent sunday morning giving the car a good - well deserved clean, inside, outside under the bonnet.


I spent ages given the engine bay a proper good clean even going to the trouble of fitting an expansion tank and washer resevoir because they looked old and grubby.


A quick top up fluids and a drop of oil and i stood back to admire my work. :D


Anyway i drove a few miles on the sunday and noticed a smell of fumes coming into the car which i put down to the wd40 i'd chucked everywhere.


Monday morning and i drove the car to work and noticed some new noises (whining and grinding :? )

Once i got to work i popped the bonnet up - OIL EVERYWHERE!! :x , some daft sod had left his filler cap off spraying oil everywhere, in fact there was virtually no oil left in the engine.




The worse part was i have been parking on a neighbours drive (blockpaved) - you can imagine his comments when he came home :shock:

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oh no..... i bet you were near tears... i would have been...


I was to be honest, but with a bit of gunk and the hose pipe it's now back to normal, i bet i'm not the first and i'll certainly not be last to do it i suppose.

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Oops. I've always wondered how much oil you'l loose doing that, Guess that answers that.


Not on the same scale, I know, but I bought one of those glade liquid fresheners for the car, clipped it on the heater vent, then decided it smelt horrible. Sacked it, and just chucked it in the door pocket.

Today I put my hand in the pocket and it was soaked with the stuff! Obviously tipped over and I forgot it was there. Spent ages cleaning it out, and now I stink of the horrible stuff! :lol:

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Uh oh.


I did that once too...!


Crapped myself as a load of steam was coming out the bonnet!

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I went on a road trip when I got the car and at some point I stopped for an oil top up (I already knew VR's tend to burn it). Being a little tired, I did the same thing. Luckily the horrible smell reached me while I was leaving the parking lot...


I'd say it's safe to say that all of us who did it already will promptly remember to put the cap back on from now on.

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When I used to work for a small firm restoring Morgan's ,TVR's and Lagondas to name a few.One Customer had ordered a Morgan +8 with all the extras in classic green and with cream leather ,coming to just over 40k! He had also been waiting for over a year for his pride and expensive toy !


Anyway,the new lad who was as thick as two planks had PDI'ed the +8 and it was all ready to go,So here this guy comes along with his RAF styled jacket and cap with the ear flaps on and a great big beard.


So after a while drooling over his new toy he goes off on his merry ways,about an hour later I hear a +8 Morgan rolling up,thought nothing of it then I heard shouting and a bit of commotion..had a look and it was the owner of that brand new +8 covered in oil from top to bottom all over the aero screen and leather!! it was everywhere,including in his beard !


What happened was the new mechanic who PDI'ed the +8 left the oil cap off and being a Rover V8 it had the cap on the drivers side and anyone knowing the Morgan's know they have lots of slats all down the length of the bonnet to let heat out....and oil !! :lol:


The new lad lasted two days! and I had to clean up all the oil !

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