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Tonights Top Gear.....

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Yeah - pretty scary, but foolish. I sort of expected they wouldn't get a warm welcome in the south.. :|

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thought the part at the garage was funny, because i could believe that it was real :lol:


i'm getting more worried about going over America :|

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It may not have been really about cars but still a great episode.


Showed those 'stereotypes' about some from the south are closer to the truth than a lot of people think.


And what a joke that that lawyer wanted to sue for the year of the car being different. Guarenteed if they had got any money it wouldnt have gone where its needed.


Very sad

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Loved it, but would have been nice to have a bit of car news in the middle, my missis pointed out that it would have been a crap day for the audience - especially when you consider the waiting time to get tickets for a show. The abuse the got for the cars 'decoration' was eye opening!


Plus "Big Stig" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm with Boj and ziderapple. Thought it was great. A one-off bit of silliness like that does a world of good.


Dead funny.

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Its amazing that rednecks would react that like that - especially in what is meant to be a highly religious state. What happened to forgiveness and love for the fellow man? No, when man-love was suggested they threw rocks like some primal idiots. No sense of irony and no brains.

I'm never going to the deep south!

Did you see the credits? Everyone was called Billy Bob. Classic.

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It's amazing what you can do with religion though. It's the greatest excuse for killing that has ever been.

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I'm not entirely comfortable with the poking fun at other countries thing that the folks on top gear do.. god knows our country has its own problems.


I think they made a fairly important point on the state of New Orleans though. As billions of dollars lie unaccounted in money sent to Iraq, and so so much money spent on going to war there yet people in their own damn country are struggling and have nothing.


Its scary really. America needs to get its house in order.

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I'm not entirely comfortable with the poking fun at other countries thing that the folks on top gear do.. god knows our country has its own problems.


Yes, but I'm sure that no-one from this country would react like those hicks would. If I saw a group of cars with 'Man Love Is Ok', 'BTCC sucks' "Garage is gay' etc, I would laugh heartily and certainly not react with hate and anger.


You make a very valid point about Iraq and New Orleans, its scandalous that they have spent billions on the oil war and no way near that for their own citizens.

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It's amazing what you can do with religion though. It's the greatest excuse for killing that has ever been.


Have you read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins? Great book.


Im just watching it now....brilliant laughing my head off


I thought it was excellent - was totally creasing myself!

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I'm fairly sure everything we see in Top Gear now is staged. It's more of a comedy show now than a motoring show. Funny, but missing the point somewhat.

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I'm fairly sure everything we see in Top Gear now is staged. It's more of a comedy show now than a motoring show. Funny, but missing the point somewhat.


Its totally staged but still very entertaining

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Boj, I have indeed. I keep an open mind on this subject but appreciate the passion of his convictions. But then who was it who said that atheism is as passionate a position as belief?


It's certainly very heavily staged these days but I don't believe that the gas station part was. Perhaps the only part that wasn't but the most illuminating.

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[quote="CorradudeYes, but I'm sure that no-one from this country would react like those hicks would. If I saw a group of cars with 'Man Love Is Ok', 'BTCC sucks' "Garage is gay' etc, I would laugh heartily and certainly not react with hate and anger.


I am afraid to say, yes they would, I know a number of places locally were that would happen and I dont live in a patricularly bad area. Some people nowadays are brought up with so much hate its scary.


The world is a bad place people hate people and religion is one of the major causes. I dont see religion being around for much longer. I think it will be abolished.

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Does anyone else think that they purposefully buy awful cars that will go wrong? Because these road trips just wouldnt work if every car was fine and dandy would it?

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I think they buy 'interesting' cars for the purpose. They try to get outlandish cars that will make good tv. In the end they are making tv and not after a bargin to run around in.


If you knew you only had a car for a few days you would get something a little different!

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