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mtc R32

Possibly washed for the last time ??????

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Well guys.... This is the 5th time i've washed the light dust off the C in nearly 6 months..... of non usage!!!!


While I was washing it today... My mind was going round and round in circles... A part of me is still very much loving the C and its exaxctly how I would have ever wanted one/it... but the other part of me is saying "I don't use it so let someone else enjoy the benefits"....


I keep telling myself that once the weather picks up I'll start using it, but tbh I just can't see that happening....


I may just get something like a nice convertible number, to use thats practical enough for the three of us to use on a nice sunny day :wink: but again i'm not to sure what to do at the moment..


Seeing the Corrado go will break my heart.... :(

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its all down to the fact u got toooooooooo many cars to choose from :lol:




But I think the C just isn't practical enough for me anymore..... I suppose if it was standard then maybe, but I couldn't have it standard due to the "BUG" of modding..... Its in the blood :lol:


I love the C for how it looks but My mrs hates getting into it, and I won't let her drive it :?

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sell it then.................you either want to sell or you don't,you seem to have put too much pro's on selling it than keeping it,Ive hardly used my C since getting my 993 back in October 2005,but I know unless I fall on hard times that I'll never sell it

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Don't do it!! it may be old and not practical but why do we all own the C ? is it for the drive,power,handling and the good looks?

Yes to all for me.. :D

if you wanted a practical car you would have a Volvo estate and you will wear a fashionable beard! :lol:


Wait until the sun comes out,you will be cruzin around happy as lary!

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Well nothings for cert at the moment..... I'm not to sure what to do. I may just put it up forsale and see what sort of interest it creates....


Mr Sands, Now come on Ed.. You know you want it :lol:

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Don't tempt me mate, I think I'd be in trouble with the other half if I had two VRs!


If you do decide to sell, you'll have people biting your hand off even more quickly than I did for your last VR! You've put an awful lot of cash into that and it looks gorgeous.

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Just tell the other half the cars alway been black.... and the mods are thinks you found while looking through the garage :)


What happend to your Golf ?

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I wish I had stuff like that in my garage mate!


The Golf was sold on eBay. I do miss it though, next ambition is to run a tidy GTI alongside the VR, share the mileage. Well, that'll be the excuse anyhows.

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I may just get something like a nice convertible number, to use thats practical enough for the three of us to use on a nice sunny day :wink: but again i'm not to sure what to do at the moment..


Sounds like a certain mod....


What is it, silly season? "I'll trade my Rado that I've sweated blood tears and cash over and get a leaky old cabby" :lol:

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I hate these sort of situations.....


Looking through some of my pics... mmmm!!!! Its not the fact that I want to replace it with something else, its just the fact that I'm not using it and I don't thing thats gonna change.... :?


Some of my Fav pics....









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Marcus, let me tell you a little story about my Notch (the one in my sig).


I'd had it a few years and done a fair bit to it (new "Racing" engine, lowered, Rare Porsche Mag wheels etc) Loved it and polished it every weekend... more than I ran it! She was getting to the point of me taking her to pieces and doing a full show car job on her....


Went to RTTS one year and as I was getting out I said to the missus "I'm betting bored, think I'll sell her".


That evening some bloke knocks on the caravan door and asks if its for sale as his mate heard me talking to the missus. I say yes everything has a price...


Anyway looks over it, take him for a drive. He ums and ahs takes my number. Calls a few weeks later, comes to see that car again, ums and ahs, goes away. Comes over a 3rd time with his dad, again test drive etc... Says he'll have it for the full price! (I'd even put it up each time!)


I watch it drive off a week later, with a big wad of cash in my pocket, which I promtly spent on my Splittie...and you know what....


Been trying to buy it back ever since! Except he's a Kn*b and won't sell it back to me out of principal as he thinks I stiffed him!

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the question is how much do you want for it???


btw i`d keep it


Well Im not to sure if i'd sell all the bits off it and sell it standard, or sell it as a whole... I rekon its got to worth £4k????

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vwdeviant, true true....


But I've felt like that with some of my Mk2 Golfs I've had.... but always ended up with bigger and better things..... I do appreciate what you say though....


Again.... In 2 minds at the moment...


I've got a M3 that I gonna get rid of 1st... That may make me change my mind as I'll have loose funds to possibly do a turbo conversion :)

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Been trying to buy it back ever since! Except he's a Kn*b and won't sell it back to me out of principal as he thinks I stiffed him!


Get a mate to buy it back!

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I've tried... but no joy....


Apparently he doesn't use it either (been SORN'd for last 3 years!)


mtc R32, One word... CHARGER!

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I've tried... but no joy....


Apparently he doesn't use it either (been SORN'd for last 3 years!)


mtc R32, One word... CHARGER!


I Love that Word.....



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I've tried... but no joy....


Apparently he doesn't use it either (been SORN'd for last 3 years!)


mtc R32, One word... CHARGER!


I Love that Word.....





















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