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Who's Corrado is this?

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That is lovely......


There is a thread,maybe his gallery where he has taken some truly superb photos. Mind you, i thought his car looked fantastic on the Cups 3s too.

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Not meaning to sound dismissive, but it's a B&W Ice grey on ZWs? What is so amazing? I prefer his car on the Porker rims and in colour tbh!!

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B&W photos are cool, agreed, but it's just a stock rado on rims?! I don't get it.


Ah maybe I'm just growing out of Rados, LOL! :-)

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it's just a stock rado on rims


and Kylie's a*se is just two fleshy bumps in a pair of gold shorts... ;)


I don't think its the perfect Corrado or anything, nothing ground-breaking about it - its just a really good photo of a nice looking car.



Ah maybe I'm just growing out of Rados, LOL!


nah mate, you're just more interested in whats under the bonnet than bling bling, nothing wrong with that!

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Its all to do with attention to detail, presence and what you don't add as much as what you do, God is in the detail.

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I think the photograph makes the car look more special than perhaps it is. That's no criticism of the Corrado, it just seems a very well-taken photo of a good OEM+(As it's known in the business) Corrado.

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