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Some people just watch fast and the furious too much, he didnt seem to grasp the concept of power delivery just hang onto the stats and what someone once said in an magazine :roll:


Hondas are brilliant cars dont get me wrong i'd like an S2000 as a daily an compared to BMWs Z's or porsches boxter i'd prefer the honda as a convertable.


An yes they do get alot of power out of n/a small size lumps :roll: thats their problem though you gotta spend big bucks to lower compression and go the F/I route because hondas already released most n/a ponies your guna get. The integ specifically was designed for what it does best and well its good at it.


Like everyones pointed out though when your not revving the tits off them they're useless :?


My old Nugget 1.8t Rado with a 6-speed 02m around 250-260 bhp used to eat them in the streets and though it might not have cornered as well (thats more down to the driver at the time though realistically) it would always be a corner or two ahead so it wouldnt matter.


Thats when i was 18 now i've grown up 21 :-P in a S/C VR with a few other mods i wouldnt even consider that poor fool a threat nor many other hondas to be honest.


Im sure theres plenty of slightly modded Vrs and even more modded G60s that would deal with them just as easy.


I'd rather throw money at VAG lumps in a number of cars, mk1s/rados/rallyes/golfs and see alot better returns performance wise that a novelty teg.


oooh look a civic in wolfs clothing :roll:

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just read the entire thread...what a bellend; jap cars cheap to tune?! yeah right! fella comes across as a proper gary boy racer and needs to get a grip

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Alps Pacino sure likes his Rhondas!! He's a VAG man too and I like the sound of the MK1 he's cooking up, 20V with GT30R 8)


You can't compare the Integra to any Corrado - standard for standard. The Integ was built for purpose with very few compromises, even the door speakers are special light weight ones!!!


The Corrado on the other hand, is just flawed!! I love it though. The chassis has hidden, untapped potential in standard form and all of the motors can be reworked to good effect.


The Integ has the proper VTEC motor in it, not the 'watered down for europe' iVTEC engine that the Civic has in it.


I've driven a DC5 and a Britvic CTR and they're not as fast as Cappucino man will have you believe. They have revs and low weight, nothing else. It's basic physics....it can't do 300hp worth of work with 200hp, he's talking out of his crease.


He fails to mention his 1/4 times are good cause it has a diff in it as standard too...


Yes they ARE good cars, but not THAT good ;-)

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Just read the whole thread. What a dick!!


Whats he doin on a VAG forum anyway?


Fkn ricers, they just won't listen.

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