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How many UK Corrado's left? Time to find out.. fobbed off!!

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Right! Had a dig around on the DVLA site today whilst it crossed my mind, to see how I could go about finding how many Corrado's were left registered in the UK.


I found that they had a Freedom of Information section of their site and an appropriate form you had to complete and post off.. so i've done that and, well, now I guess we play the waiting game. Will re-bump this thread if I ever hear back from them!

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Great Stuff.... but be prepared to wait for a long time, if my recent experience with the chaps in swansea has anything to go by :(

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apparantely they only have just under 300 fiat uno turbos registered as not stolen or crashed


The rest will prob be rusted through by now :lol:

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Great Stuff.... but be prepared to wait for a long time, if my recent experience with the chaps in swansea has anything to go by :(


Second that 4 weeks to change an address on the ruddy v5...and still nothing....


Giving it a week and going to local office to get paperwork re-done there..

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I've no idea what i'll get back, when i'll get it back or even IF I get it back but by FOI laws they have to at least acknowlege to me that they have recieved my request.


Additionally they should carry out the request, provided that it costs under £600 to obtain the information and does not contain any confidential information. I don't see how it should cost much to run a database search for me, and its not asking for addresses where the damn cars live :)


We'll wait and see.

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I don't see how it should cost much to run a database search for me, and its not asking for addresses where the damn cars live :)


We'll wait and see.


So Jim seeing if you can locate K308*** for Walsey then? :lol:

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It would be nice if they responded with enough details so, we could calculate things like...


How many 1.8 16v, 2.0 16v, G60's, VR6's


How many Red, Blue, Silver, Black etc...

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i've had nothing but a good experience with the DVLA. It helps having the missus work in the same building as the local Manchester office - as they stick it in internal post rather than the massive external post they receive at Swansea.


Check out where your local office is, you may save some time by goin direct.


As for the "automated" phone system, i think it was designed by Bruce Banner.

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I've never understood why the DVLA are reluctant to divulge such information..... it's not as if you are requesting the names and addresses of the owners!


Maybe it's because the motoring press have to pay for this kind of information and they don't like giving it away for free to enthusiasts?

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Good point, I really should update the address (and photo) on my driving licence.


Doesnt it invalidate your insurance if your driving license isnt up to date? e.g wrong address

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Well it's not technically wrong as it's my mum's address on there now - so I'll get any correspondence to that address.


But it would be nice to have my actual address on there.

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apparantely they only have just under 300 fiat uno turbos registered as not stolen or crashed



mmmm... uno turbo.. must check autotrader..

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A friend of mine used to have one.... genuinely scary cars (and not in a good way) body felt like it was no more than a few sheets of tin foil

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A friend of mine used to have one.... genuinely scary cars (and not in a good way) body felt like it was no more than a few sheets of tin foil


not in a good way?! whats wrong with you! the feeling of impending doom is the best bit!

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Surprise surprise.. not heard anything yet. May well chase them by phone soon. I filled out their correct piece of flipping paperwork..


They're quick enough to send me my road tax reminder!

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Well, as predicted, I got fobbed off by the DVLA. They sent me a letter pack back which seemed nice and thick, I got all excited as I thought it might be breakdowns by year / model, etc but it was just a letter saying along the lines of the following:


In order to get this data we would need to create new tables and new reports in order to obtain the information you need. On this basis, we have no requirement to comply with the FOI to obtain this information and therefore are not going to fullfill your request. Here are the contact details for people you can pay who MIGHT be able to help you.


Not impressed. I work in IT. I fail to see how it would take any more than a few lines of SQL code to extract the information about how many goddamn cars they have registered on their system - unless of course they have a really, really inefficient setup. They stated on their website that if it would require resources totalling up to over £500 for any single FOI request, they could not do it. Even a SQL consultant charging £1000 a day would be able to generate the required code in a matter of minutes, so what am I missing here?


My flat mate, handily, works for the local district council in an office full of Freedom of Information Act lawyers.. i've passed the letter to him, and he's going to enquire about it tomorrow for me.

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