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Woke up this morning and opened the curtains to see a huge B&Q van trying to squeeze down our rather tight road and struggling past my car - went out to check it and there's a scrape down the side of my front bumper!


Raging :shock:


What should I do? Do I stand any chance of getting them to admit blame for it?





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if you have the reg and stuff you should be able to


it happened to a guy i used to work with but he managed to stop the driver

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Sorrry to hear your bad news, bojmo,


I watched a dairy lorry reverse into my newish Manta in Johnstone a very long time ago.


Driver said "Ach - insurance'll fix it - I couldnae see oot as the windae was steamed up." (grrrrRRRR!!)


I filled in my insurance claim form and repair was paid for no problem.


Same thing when I had an altercation with Tarmac cement mixer truck at busy Edinburgh roundabout during evening rush hour! (nightmare!)


You should report incident to local B&Q "transport manager" first by telephone, perhaps, so they know about it before communications with insurance co start. I think I did that.


Good luck - as if those bumpers werent scarce enough and expensive enough already.

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Cheers Craig - phoned up but need to phone back on Monday to get complaints department - I know exact time it happened but didn't get lorries plate - was literally out of bed and didn't even have my glasses on - just saw the truck struggling - it reversed back then drove away. I thought everything was ok until I went out later and saw the scrape!

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his word against yours and can you prove he did it???


sorry to be negative but sometimes that is the way it is not everyone is honest me personnaly would admit to my mistake but alot dont and thats when the problems start.

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That's what I'm worried about I can't prove it - all I can say is it didn't have the scrape last night and I woke up this morning to find a huge trucking struggling to get by - stopping then reversing and when I went out there was a big scrape on my motor!

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but the thing is there could of been another truck earlier with delivery that you didnt clock??!!


tbh mate just the fu$$er to b and q and say you saw it and you filmed call the ere bluff an dsay wot you gonna do about ie pay me off ^A" amount and thats the end of it!!

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I did not get the number of the Tarmac lorry but they must've agreed to pay up.

If you think about it, those who operate lorry/van fleets must have to deal with incidents like this every week if not every day, so with a bit of luck they may not query your claim if they know that a driver of theirs was in your street that day.


Good luck.

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Cheers guys - he must know it was him - he had tried to squeeze by - then stopped reversed and tried again. Really peed off though as I've been away in England for last two weeks and checked the car on Friday night and it was fine - then this happens Saturday morning - at least I did see it though - although initially didn't think I'd been hit.

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In my insurance days I spent some time dealing with commercial vehicle insurance. The premiums for some haulage companies are like £40,000 (I kid you not). A scratch on a bumper is nothing to them. Just hope the driver admits it.

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not good to hear about that Glenn............but tbh if its only as "minor" damage as that it would be very doubtful the driver would have known about hitting you unless he actually saw it happening,and going by the damage shown its only been the slightest of skiffs,its possibly not even been done by the lorry,as there would have been more damage than that,and of course would possibly been higher up than as low as the bumper,tho thats not to say its not been a mud-flap or lower part of the lorry,but if the lower part of a lorry had hit your bumper there would also have been more likely to have been higher up damage too

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I did wonder about the Roddy - but the damage wasn't there the night before - could have been caused by something else - but our road is very quiet and he was very close - I wondered if he just clipped it will the back of his truck. It could be worse - but I'm quite the perfectionist and go to great lengths to make sure the car doesnt get bumped- but what can you do? I only got that bumper last year after I bumped the front!

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I've also worked in insurance before. Sorry to say this but I'd be very surprised if you get anywhere with this.

Reasons :

a) From what you've said you didn't actually see the damage occur. You found the damage having seen the truck squeeze down your road.

b) You didn't get the reg of the vehicle.


Have a go by all means, but don't get too upset if you just get brushed off. You can't actually prove the truck did it.




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