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Rad-hoe - lots of pics (Update page 9

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Thought it was about time that I started a proper thread on my first 16v Corrado. It's a 1990 with about 137k on the clock, runs really well and the bodywork is straight, which is always a Brucy Bonus! Some of you may know it, well anyone from the Portsmouth area as that's where I bought it. Was good times driving it back to N. Ireland, especially through them Welsh tunnels, lol!


Initially the plans are to sort out the paint as it's mainly red with a flake in the lacquer giving it an orange tint in the sun, which aint my cup of tea but seemed to look ok, but for some reason it's been badly painted over in areas. So for both them reasons and the fact that it was never properly painted since it's factory days, a respray is on the cards.


While it's in getting this done, I'm intending to get the arches rolled. Only running 15's (which came on it) but with the spacers on the rear the arches were leaving nice slice marks in the rubber (bad times)!


Unknown sports suspension is hopefully being replaced with coilovers, prob FK Konigsports (finances permitting).


Wheels being treated to a refurb, with the lips/dish done to a diamond cut finish.


Exhaust needs to be replaced as it's an unkown for me, and looks very like the exhaust I used to have on my Civic. For now I'm swinging towards a full Magnex system as I know a few guys running the same on their C's and have no issues.


Have a load of other plans in mind but for now I think the above is enough, and my finances would agree! :lol:

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How it was bought...





Couple of snaps in the yard before I started to pull it apart...




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Sliced rubber (bad times)...




Example to the random shades of red...




TLC needed for the wheels...



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Toph welcome... nice to see you made it over here... a friendly bunch who aren't shy on giving advice...


Are you having the wheels re-colored or staying with silver? Good shout on the exhaust front too... will give a cleaner look to the back and more clearance too...

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Cheers mate, had made my initial 'Hi' over in the general section but thought I had better shift over here properly, lol! Yeah certainly seem to be a good bunch here and well up for some straight talking and advice/help!!


Erm, for now I think I'm just going to get them silver, though will see what the guys have to suggest when I drop them off. They did a cracker job on the Borberts which I've on my Vento, and that was done off their suggestion. In that case it was to spray them in the same silver which BMW use on their wheels. But yeah that exhaust has to go for sures, and more clearance is always a bonus.


Have a load more pic's to post up on it as I'm now rubbing it down for the bodyshop (anything to keep the bills down), but thought I wouldn't over kill the start of this thread, lol!

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Hi Toph, good to see another Rado on these shores, looks like your ready to get stuck into a nice little project there. Love C's in Red but the paint fade is a nightmare, respray is the only way to go. Like the sound of your plans, only other thing i'd look at is de-blinging the rear with a set of smoked red rears.

Hope to see this about keep us informed :)

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Always good to see another valver!


Has all the right bits, she just needs some TLC......

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Looks great and a really nice base for a tidying up project. I think mismatched panels on red valvers are the scourge of everyone that owns them.. mine suffers from the same so look forward to seeing you sort that one out :)


Keep us posted with piccies!

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Cheers guys!


@ THE HUB - where you on these shores??


Had meant to post more images by now to bring you up-to-date with the project, but have been flat out rubbing down. This is my first proper hands on build, which is proving rather exciting and tiring, lol! Have most of the car rubbed down now and just waiting for the dude looking after the spraying, to swing by and see where we stand. Hope to get it to him this week or early next (basically ASAP).


Have discovered the reasoning to the badly discoloured panels! The dodgy paint was removed to reveal some serious diamond pattern action over the front wings and bonnet. After thinking that was it I started on the rear of the car to only reveal an airbrushed image of a womans face! :shock: :shock:


Have images on my camera and will DEF try to get them posted, as it is something else, lol!

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Hi Toph, I am currently staying in Lisburn at the mo so only down the road. I am looking for someone to possibly do some plastic welding if your spray dude can give me a quote?

Can't imagine why anyone would airbrush a womens face onto their car, would like to see the pics :lol:

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@ The Hub Yeah think the person was under the influence, lol! Haven't downloaded the pic's off the camera yet as been too busy working on the car. Where you at the Castwellan meet/show the other weekend? You certainly are just up the road, must hook up some time, especially when mines on the road again. Till then keep an eye out for a fairly low Dragon Green Vento, that would be me in the daily, lol! Oh and will ask the dude if he does the plastic welding and will let ya know!


But here's some more to get this thread up-to-date!


Decided to get stuck in and clean out the arches to see what condition they were in...










After - to come

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The bumpers hadn't been taken off the last time it was sprayed and proved to be a nightmare, but we won the battle! :lol:



^^^ "the wisdom and experience of a parental came in very handy!"




Will try to get the rest off the camera in the next couple of evenings! 8)

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Toph, thats some elbow grease used to do those arches :shock: Good work! what cleaner did you use?

I keep hearing good things about the Castlewellan show but as yet haven't made it to one, my cars off the road to at the mo too, fitting exhaust and brakes and a few other bits and pieces. I need to update my Gallery too sometime soon.

I'm having a mare removing the rear bumper on mine, one bolt loosened no probs the other 3 won't budge, what was the old mans wisedom? I am trying to get some plus gas as I heard that helps.

Give me a shout about the spray guy and hope to catch up with you soon when we're both back on the road.

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Surprisingly I didn't have to put too much effort into the arches, lol! I gave them a good squirt with Auto Glyms engine degrease stuff, rinsed with the power hose, then a dose of some heavier duty stuff, left to soak, and then another rinse with the power hose. Then what was left cleaned away with a sponge (like what ya use on your dishes when washing). Though the worst bit was the drivers front, which had a load of wax oil, and that proved to be a nightmare to shift. Found that Auto glyms Intensive Tar Remover did the job.


Yeah, them rear bumper bolts seem to be a real pain in the ass! Took us several attempts to get them to play. Each time we tackled them we gave them a good soaking with WD40 in the off chance it would help. Some new sockets proved to be very helpful, from Halfords, and a long bar ratchet to give better leverage. Just took time and each time we got them moving out a squirt of WD40 and a turn back in seemed to help clean the threads. If they continue to give ya hassle just drop me a shout and I'll come over and try to help!


Was chatting to my dad about the plastic welding and he reckons that the guy spraying my car did at one stage do plastic welding. If he doesn't now he'll def know of who to approach. So will find out once I'm chatting to him! Fingers crossed at the weekend or early next week as I'll be getting the to him fingers crossed!


Have just downloaded new images of the cars progress. Hopefully get them edited tomorrow and up over the weekend!!

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Right finally got my latest batch of photo's downloaded from the camera, so here they are!


Example of how the front arches turned out:





Have to say am chuffed with how they came up!

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Now for the more interesting part! Commence rubbing down!




As I mentioned near the start, some of the paint was badly coated over the main colour. Well I now know what it was hiding, lol!


The front drivers wing:


It didn't take too long to get the matt paint to lift. This is what it revealed!







Turns out that the pattern continues right over the bonnet and down the passenger wing. Each to their own! But it doesn't stop there...

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Now for the rear...


Initially I had noticed a couple of stone chips where the paint underneath seemed like bad blotches of the flake used in the main colour. However as I worked on the panel this was revealed...







Yeah is a bit different! Does anyone recognize it? Just curious, lol! There seems to be a good bit effort put into the piece!

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Time team the Corrado years!


You need to get Phil on that with a trowel going "Arrgh!"


Just realised you're in s/Ireland so may not know what the hell I'm on about!


Skills on the airbrushing...shame the front looks like it's been sprayed through a Trellis fence!


Keep it up and lets see what else lurks under the paint!

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Is a bit lost on me mate, but do fill me in with the lingo!! Was across the pond when at uni but thats turning into many moons ago and am back in the ways of the Northern Ireland lingo! :lol:


Erm... yeah I kinda hope that there aren't anymore surprises lurking under the paint! But if something does happen I'll be sure to get more pics posted!!

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Bloody hell... Looks like some lunatic owned the car at one point.. bet it wasn't cheap to have airbrushed.


Got to say, I like the pattern on the front though...

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Got to say, I like the pattern on the front though...


:shock: Coming from the man who buys Tesco Value tyres :lol:


Toph: Timeteam

Quality Archiolgical show hosted by Tony "Baldrick" Robinson... Phil is a character in hat and shorts, from the west country (Bristol?) who's trade mark Arrhhh generally accompanys his discovery of anything remotely interesting.... Usually followed by either cider or real ale...

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Get ya now mate, know what time team is all about, lol! I think Phil rocks and is piss funny, lol!


@ mattnorgrove - Yeah you'd be surprised about how many of my mates have said that as well! Should just fire it all together again and drive it over to Edition as it stands. Guess it would qualify for the 'rat-look'!


Sorry but found "Coming from the man who buys Tesco Value tyres" hilarious!! :lol: :lol: Is more the thought of Tesco Value tyres and the fact people would buy them!! Ah mental!!


Cheers for the comments so far guys, lol! Glad to be bringing something a bit different to the forum, lol!

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