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"C-charge hiked for gas-guzzlers"

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"The vehicles that would fall into the £25-a-day category are those in vehicle excise duty band G, which produce 225g of CO2 per kilometre, and vehicles with engines larger than 3,000cc that were registered before March 2001."


Anyone know what the emissions of a VR (in various states of tune) might be?

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I think it will purely go on engine capacity for cars as old as the Corrado - CO2 is only usually used on stuff 2001 onwards..


So the VR just slips through the net!

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But the Lib Dems in Europe are pushing for a ban on all cars that emit more than 95gms of CO2 and go faster than 100MPH by 2020 - that would well and truly scupper us! :(

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But the Lib Dems in Europe are pushing for a ban on all cars that emit more than 95gms of CO2 and go faster than 100MPH by 2020 - that would well and truly scupper us! :(


Yeah cos that'll happen :lol:


Besides, who wants to go into London anyway, let alone drive there...

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I'm sure the Corrado falls outside of these kinds of missives as they only publish official CO2 figures for cars manufactured after 2000 or something. What you need to find out is what the rules for 'older' cars are based on - possibly engine size.


Even so these kinds of proposals can be kinder to older cars like ours, as the policy-makers are trying to influence people's decision to buying cleaner new cars rather than more polluting models. When cars get past a certain age most people tend to run old cars because they can't afford nice new clean ones. The politicians are very sensitive to accusations of pricing the poor off the roads, so you VR6 may get relatively leniant treatment.


That said, Red Ken basically hates everybody, so your best chance is probably to vote for Boris Johnson (or anyone else) and get rid of the whining, IRA hugging, newt loving little trotsky.

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That said, Red Ken basically hates everybody, so your best chance is probably to vote for Boris Johnson (or anyone else) and get rid of the whining, IRA hugging, newt loving little trotsky.


Boris will only make it worse. Seriously worse. His bumbling incompetance might make him endearing to the public but as a person he is racist, bigoted, misinformed and generally a shambling mess. The man locked himself out of his own house in front of the press FFS! Most people will vote for him because of his personality rather than any merits he has got. Personally I think Red Ken has done a good job and the C charge is a good thing. If you can afford a Porsche Cayenne, then why bitch when you are charged? He is trying to get people out of their cars and onto public transport or bicycles. Central London is much less polluted and the roads aren't jam packed anymore. Maybe its because I'm a Londoner that I think its good, but who needs to drive into the centre?

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Besides, who wants to go into London anyway, let alone drive there...
lol, some of us live here Dom!


Boris will only make it worse. Seriously worse. His bumbling incompetance might make him endearing to the public but as a person he is racist, bigoted, misinformed and generally a shambling mess. The man locked himself out of his own house in front of the press FFS! Most people will vote for him because of his personality rather than any merits he has got. Personally I think Red Ken has done a good job and the C charge is a good thing. If you can afford a Porsche Cayenne, then why bitch when you are charged? He is trying to get people out of their cars and onto public transport or bicycles. Central London is much less polluted and the roads aren't jam packed anymore. Maybe its because I'm a Londoner that I think its good, but who needs to drive into the centre?
Agreed! Its only people that don't live in London, or have enough money that these things make zero difference to them, that moan about Ken, he's done a great job - and I'm really not as left wing as I'd like to think I am.


Anyway, back to the original question, anyone know what a VRs emissions are??!! :D

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We don't know what the VR6's emissions are, and we don't really care.

If you're that interested, look at the output of an early 2000s Golf V6 4 Motion as approximately representative.


As for Boris Johnson, pah.


The most carbon-efficient way of driving is to use an old car. The carbon footprint of a brand new T Prius is VAST compared to keeping an old car on the road for another few years. If everyone kept their old car on the road for an extra 2 years (paying for a few more repairs on the way), not only would the dealerships see a steadier flow of new car buying, but the overall carbon footprint of personal transport in the country would drop quite a long way. (See, I resisted the temptation to make up any statistics then!)


It's everyone's obsession with "new" that causes all the problems, much more than their choice of cars in reality.

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The press this morning are saying that the proposal states that pre-2001 cars will continue to be charged at £8 per day for cars under 3 litres, whilst those over 3 litres pay the full £25. So as long as I don't drop an R32 lump in my car I should be ok then :)


As a gentle rebut to the accusation that non-Londoners don't understand Ken Livingstone, let me say that although I've lived in Bournemouth for 20 years now, I was born and grew up in London, and still have some vivid memories of Ken when he was head of the (old) Greater London Council. If getting locked out of your house is the worst that Boris Johnson can do, then that's fine by me. Ken Livingstone actively befriended and supported Gerry Adams and the IRA during the mid-1980s whilst they were blowing people up in London, and even 25 years later that is something I cannot forgive.

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We don't know what the VR6's emissions are, and we don't really care.
thanks :roll:


As a gentle rebut to the accusation that non-Londoners don't understand Ken Livingstone, let me say that although I've lived in Bournemouth for 20 years now, I was born and grew up in London, and still have some vivid memories of Ken when he was head of the (old) Greater London Council. If getting locked out of your house is the worst that Boris Johnson can do, then that's fine by me. Ken Livingstone actively befriended and supported Gerry Adams and the IRA during the mid-1980s whilst they were blowing people up in London, and even 25 years later that is something I cannot forgive.

Sorry John, I'm not really knowledgable enough to comment on his actions in his earlier career - I didn't live here and was a bit too young to follow the politics. I only meant to be passing comment on what he's done as mayor which, despite any earlier failings, I think has been pretty positive.

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That said, Red Ken basically hates everybody, so your best chance is probably to vote for Boris Johnson (or anyone else) and get rid of the whining, IRA hugging, newt loving little trotsky.


Boris will only make it worse. Seriously worse. His bumbling incompetance might make him endearing to the public but as a person he is racist, bigoted, misinformed and generally a shambling mess. The man locked himself out of his own house in front of the press FFS! Most people will vote for him because of his personality rather than any merits he has got. Personally I think Red Ken has done a good job and the C charge is a good thing. If you can afford a Porsche Cayenne, then why bitch when you are charged? He is trying to get people out of their cars and onto public transport or bicycles. Central London is much less polluted and the roads aren't jam packed anymore. Maybe its because I'm a Londoner that I think its good, but who needs to drive into the centre?


OI! Hands off Boris... He's my MP! (Sort of) and he's no where near as bad as anyone makes out.. He's massivly intelligent and can actually put up a decent arguement when he has to.. the Bumbling Oaf is an image he's cultivated since school days.. Personally I think Red Ken's days are numbered.. Yes he's done some good but also screwed things up to the point that London's one of the most expensive places in the world to live, which has a susequent fall out for those who live within a "Commutable" distance...


TBH.. and sorry guys, if you want to live in our capital city then you have to expect to pay for it.. I just work here and that's bad enough.

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The most carbon-efficient way of driving is to use an old car. The carbon footprint of a brand new T Prius is VAST compared to keeping an old car on the road for another few years. If everyone kept their old car on the road for an extra 2 years (paying for a few more repairs on the way), not only would the dealerships see a steadier flow of new car buying, but the overall carbon footprint of personal transport in the country would drop quite a long way. (See, I resisted the temptation to make up any statistics then!)


this man speaks the truth!


not only does a prius use battery packs that involve the use of heavy metals and cannot be recycled, the fact it has to be shipped on a hulking great boat which uses a huge amount of fuel oil from japan to great britian means that before youve even driven the car its created more pollution than youre going to save by driving it compared to keeping an older but not quite as clean car on the road. something like a volvo or saab, where all the energy needed to create the car comes from nuclear or hydroelectric power is much more green if you really need a new car.


my 17 year old passat isnt going to be seeing the scrap man for a good few years yet, ive got big plans for the old girl :) and one of my excuses is that im being environmentally friendly by re-using all the bits of other passats that havent been so lucky ;)

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"The vehicles that would fall into the £25-a-day category are those in vehicle excise duty band G, which produce 225g of CO2 per kilometre, and vehicles with engines larger than 3,000cc that were registered before March 2001."


Anyone know what the emissions of a VR (in various states of tune) might be?


It doesn't matter on engine tune, the emissions they will take into consideration are those in the factory manual when the car was new.

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