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Who owns/runs more than one car?

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OK I'm looking for a C as you know, the search goes on etc. which isn't too bad as the longer it takes me to find one the more money I've got at my disposal.


Anywho - I'm currently the proud owner of a stonking little schwartz black Mk2 Golf GTI 16v, and I've had it for a little over a year, whipping it into my mechanic at every cough and splutter, replacing anything that even LOOKS worn, having fun with oil leaks, dodgy idle, all the fun of the fair. Anyway it runs like a sewing machine now and pulls like a train through every gear, it's amazing.


This is my problem - my initial idea was PX the GTI for a VR6, or sell the Golf and drive the gf's polo until the right Corrado comes along. Now the more I run the Golf, the more I don't want to let it go!!! :(


So I'm looking into the possibility of keeping the Golf and getting a Corrado as well - maybe renting a council garage behind my house to keep one in, keep the other on the drive. I know quite a few of you run more than one car (even more than one C!) and I was wondering if you find it cripplingly expensive, or if there are any tricks to it that I don't know about regarding insurance/tax/petrol/etc! Or are you just considerably richer than me? (I hope so for your sakes!)


Anyway, any thoughts would be greatfully received!! :D

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Ive just recently aquired a MK2 Valver to run as a daily and so i can keep the Corrado off the road over the winter as it does take its toll on all the hard work ive put in..


As for costs, i think the Mk2 is a doddle to work on due to the space under the bonnet and parts are cheap and so readily available, plus i know some rather knowledgeable people when it comes to the KR lump (big thanks to them)..


I guess it depends what you want your rado for, mine is to be driven but it just seems wrong to use of for supermarket trips etc, i want to enjoy the Corrado whereas the Golf is the perfect daily, mine is tidy but not so that i worry about its condition too much and yet they are still highly enjoyable cars to drive...


Do both, Corrado and Golf = best fo both worlds IMHO...

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re: insurance if your planning on using the Mk2 as a daily driver and the Corrado occasionaly then you could always do what i did which is switch my VR onto a limited mileage modified classic policy which cut the standard premium in half, i still run a modded Mk4 Golf 4Mo as a daily driver which has all my no claims bonus allocated against it but my insurance company agreed to 'mirror' my no claims bonus for the 4Mo onto the Corrado too. :) i.e. Normally you can usually only utilize one set of no claims against one car. Took a bit of haggling but its definitely possible, depends on how many years NCB you have though.


The policy is a good one as it covers all my Mods on a 'like for like' basis so if something gets damaged or worse yet wrecked they have to replace it to the same standard i.e. not just to the original (un-modified standard).

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I've got a Mk2 8v GTi as a 2nd car, I love driving it as its a brilliant car. I bought it so that I could take the Corrado off the road every so often, ie to change rear beam bushes, exhaust, brake upgrades etc. Its really useful to have another option if a job takes too long and you need the car for work. I also use the Golf for carting my mountain bike around in and for runs to the tip, dog transporter etc.

Insurance wise, I went for an Admiral multicar policy, I now pay less to insure both cars than I did previously for the Corrado alone!

Overall, obviously it is more expensive than one car, this month I've had 2 MOTs at £50 each, 2 lots of tax at £180 each and (worse) 2 exhausts (I wont mention prices :shock: ), the insurance runs out on Thursday (another £500+) not to mention the two impending oil changes! Also you only have 1/2 the time to lavish on them each!

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I have the same mirrored no claims on both of mine, the Rado is on a limited mileage policy with an agreed value and salvage retention etc etc.. It did bring the premium down by reducing the mileage and when its locked away for the winter will go to lay up insurance which will bring it down further...


Defintely handy if your planning on running it as a summer car...

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Awesome, great info there guys. Interesting to see that Golf + Corrado is a common combination! I might give my insurance company a ring (Direct Line) and see what they say.

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Got 3 cars, as many of you know, and yes, with 3 it can get a wee bit (silly) expensive. All 3 are toy cars, too, not used as dailies (fortunately I don't need a daily hack).


Insurance-wise I keep all 3 on classi car with limited mileage. Tax-wise, they're off the road during the 5 or 6 winter months (dreadful period of the year, if you ask me :lol:, all shakes with me during those months, as the withdrawal symptoms arrive).


Work and maintenance wise, yes it's a bit time consuming, 3 MOTs to pay for, do pretty much all the work on them myself, so I also have a rather nice and large(ish) bill for parts and suchlike. But I view all 3 cars as my main hobby. There are more expensive hobbies out there, and less rewarding ones :-)



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I also run a mk2 8v GTI- had the golf for 7 years now- couldn't bear to get rid of it when I got my C- 4 years later I've still got both and use th golf as a daily driver/runaround/winter car.



re: insurance- I got admiral to mirror my NCB on the corrado, and later (2 years) switched the C to another insurance co- I now have 9 years NCB with two separate insurers now...

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Interesting to see that Golf + Corrado is a common combination!


I also tried to buy a Golf MkII in Jan to use as a daily so I could start on the (looong) process of getting my rado to the standard I want. I think the C heard though and got a bit jealous and broke, so the money went on that instead :roll: . I still want a daily but it hasn't happened yet. I think some of the extra cost in running 2 cars would be balanced by a better fuel consumption from the daily. I would also look into a multicar insurance policy with limited mileage on the C to help manage costs.


My advice would be to keep the Golf as a daily and keep the rado special. I know I take mine for granted.

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The problem with more than one car is that you never know which one to give the money and attention to, in my experience you end up splitting the money across all of them, which can get expensive :(


I got a little carried away, I currently have 5, two Corrados, two Polos and a mk1 Caddy and the funny thing is I end up driving the wifes Ibiza more than any of them :lol:


If you like the Golf, keep it, you will only regret it if you sell it.

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Just out of interest, does Admiral do agreed valuations with their multicar policies?


AFAIK no..........they'll also only replace parts with std parts,so if you have a set of BBS RX's on your Storm you'll only get them replaced with Solitudes if you claim if they were damaged/stolen

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Ive got two 4motion engines sat on my drive mate (in cars) but I get along fine with the fuel etc, providing I dont ra either of them..............too often :-D

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Yeah actually the petrol thing isn't an issue is it, as you can only drive one car at a time (duh!) :)


Storage is the big thing with me, the gf's polo and the GTI fit on my drive (just) but that's it. I've looked into renting a council garage but they're v.pricey (about 13k a year I think). Have you car barons got huuuuuge driveways or something?

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Well in my case its like this out front:




Garage out back with one or two cars in it too, normally a few on the street and if I ever have any overflow they live out at my parents place.


My back garden has been known to house one or two cars too :lol:


Needless to say my neighbours love me.......

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I've looked into renting a council garage but they're v.pricey (about 13k a year I think). Have you car barons got huuuuuge driveways or something?


:shock: tell me that's a misprint by someone! I rent a garage from one of the local housing associations, which works out at about £35pcm and I think that's a lot!

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I could be mis-remembering - I definitely remember falling over when the council dude told me the price, which is annoying because there's some unused council garages literally behind my house, accessible by a little alleyway. I'll double check and see. I don't live in a terrible part of town but it's not the best and I wouldn't like to leave one of my cars on the road.

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Have you car barons got huuuuuge driveways or something?


well I've got room for 6 cars in my drive and a double garage :lol: :lol: :lol:





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I have a vr6 and a 16v, which will both be on the road soon.


Insurance is £350 and £320/year fully comp on both.


I ran both briefly before the 16v tax ran out, and tbh its more a way of keeping myself mobile when one car breaks/needs work.



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I used to run the Golf + Corrado combination till the MOT and Tax came up on the Golf

then she sat on my drive till decided to break the old girl for parts :-(


Not very happy about it but its funding this years Corrado MOT and Tax with enough left over for a set of

Samcos and hopefully a trip to Gwerks for a little special attention 8)

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i've got the corrado, BMW540i, seat leon, and a vw bora. will have to be selling one soon though to make way for the new car???


and trust me the corrado is going nowhere :)

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