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Pulled over by police

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Whilst reading the thread about the German plates, it made me reminisce about my encounters with the law over the Corrado. Since owning the C, i've been pulled over twice:


1. After days of persuasion, I reluctantly agreed to tow a friends car for him in the C. He'd just bought a Mk2.Astra GTE cab engine from ebay, hoping to use the engine for another GTE shell. Usually we'd just take the van up, but the seller said that the car was towable, and for an extra £50 we could take the whole thing away. "Bargain!" my friend said, and off we went on the journey.


About 20 minutes into the journey, I double checked with my friend where the car was located. "Bournemouth", he confessed. Bournemouth! He expected us to tow a car from Bournemouth to South London without getting caught! I wondered why he wanted to go at around 11pm.. Matters became much worse when we actually saw the car..


A purple astra cab, missing its roof, missing its seats, missing the bootlid, missing the dashboard..This was basically a steering wheel with a load of wires and junk. The bonnet was held together with tape!


After about 2.5 hours of driving down some A-Road with about a million cars behind us at around midnight frantically beeping their horns, we hit the motorway..uh oh. To make matters worse, the astra's lights cut out. Within 10 minutes of being on the motorway we were eventually tugged.


I thought I was gonna get absoloutely raped for being on the motorway towing a car, as far as I was aware it was a big no-no, but that didn't seem to be the case. The police were pretty shocked to find a man in the astra, cowering underneath all the wires looking pretty cold and wet (It was raining, and there was no cab roof!).


The ending? A £30 fine for me, and 6 points to my friend + £200 fine, as well as the astra getting taken and crushed :D haha! teaches him for being so bone idle in the first place!


2. The second time I got pulled over was rather odd. I was driving back home one afternoon when a packed out meatwagon signalled for me to stop. Policeman comes up to the door, and realises his mistake - They were after a dark Scirocco!


Apparently there was some murder in London at that time (summer) which was played on Crimewatch, stating that a Scirocco was the getaway car. The policeman told me that they have orders to pull over any dark coloured scirocco and search them. Once he realised his mistake, he sent me on my way.


Sorry for the excessiveness, i'm just pretty bored at work.


Anyone else got some stories? :D

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only been pulled over once since i got my c and that was only a week into my ownership....the guy got out of the big merc...one of the really mean looking ones....usual questions ...is it your car...where are you going...has it got a valid mot.. blah blah blah

then he told me to get used to getting stopped....the car looks fast...lol

then as he was walking away he asked if the active spoiler worked...when i said yes...he had a big smile on his face :?

i think he liked the c :D

that was over 2 years ago and i haven't been stopped since

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not been pulled in the c yet, but ive only had it a short while and i dont drive crazy.


the 200 i had before though i got pulled twice, once in guildford for having my fog lamps on as i forgot to turn them off from a realy wet motor way drive up lol, £30 quid fine.


the other was for having no front no plate :D i had fitted my new front bumper but it looked better without so stuck it down by the passenger seat, the only reason he pulled me was the blitz exhaust was a little loud so he noticed me :lol: i just told him i hit a rabbit and hadnt had time to get a new one, he bought it and let me on my way.

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Got pulled on Saturday, done nothing wrong they just told me I had a side light out!


Makes a nice change actually, nice blokes and completmented the state of the car.

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Err, yes. Confession time.


About a year ago, your Honour, I was proceeding in a northerly direction on the A1 near Mill Hill, north London. In front were 2 Ford Mondeos one behind the other doing about 80, obstructing lane 3 on an otherwise empty road. Well I gave them the polite message that I wished to pass, ie right hand indicator for 10 seconds then a quick headlight flash. No response. We came to a roundabout and went round , carried on along dual carriageway, same performance, so I slipped into lane 1and went by at about 90 with a clear lane in between.


At which point the unmarked police cars switched on their concealed blue lights, and we all adjourned to the next lay-by for a little chat. 6 of the 8 coppers jumped out. It turned out that they were doing high speed pursuit training. We had a short exchange on the merits of overtaking on the left, obstructing Her Majesty's carriageway contrary to the Highway Code and observing speed limits, and then it turned out that they needed to be somewhere else quite soon and didn't have the necessary paperwork etc., etc. One of them had a quick look at the car and expressed muted admiration.


And then we all buggered off, me somewhat slower than them. Not my finest hour. 11/10 for good fortune, 0/10 for observation.


Aren't our policemen wonderful?? And getting younger all the time.


Best wishes



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One of them had a quick look at the car and expressed muted admiration.


haha, love it! :D

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The day i brought my corrado i snapped the charger belt about 5 miles from home, 2 of which were m32, it was about 12 at night


so we get started towing about a minute later blue lights come flashing behind, police man come and said its against the law to tow on the motorway, he then said where you going and he said hes heading that way and gave us a police escort home lol

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I once had an mk1 escort.... and was driving up the a303 one evening when the belt broke and I had to dump it in a lay-by.


After persuading my mate to come help me tow it back we drove to the car and found it had had all its windows kicked in and the seats taken out.... coupled to this a flat battery and I was up a creek without a paddle!


We hooked a battery booster to the battery and towed it out on the main road in the middle of the night...it was snowing and I was sat on glass.... I was freezing cold when the lights went out and the brakes didn

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I actually got pulled over with the copper on foot!! I had just finished a night shift and was parking up outside my house when he strolled over and duly informed me it was an offence to drive with front fog lights on. "Is it? Oh"!!!! :D


Got pulled over (blue lights this time) for the same reason yeeeeears ago in my Uno Turbo. Did i just admit that out loud? :oops: Anyway, i watched him tailing me knowing full well i was going to get tugged for the fog lamps so i switched them off. Sure enough the blue lights flickered so i pulled in. Not before turning the foggies off first though. He walked over to the shoe box on wheels Sheriff stylee, and whilst curling his index finger beckoned me to the front of the car exclaiming the offence for driving with fogs and sidelights on. I said i wasn't (didn't go down to well) to which he pointed at the fogs and said "Explain that then"? Of course i had already switched them off! All he could muster was "Er well, they were on a minute ago". All i mustered was "Italian electrics most probably" before parting company!

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I once had an mk1 escort.... and was driving up the a303 one evening when the belt broke and I had to dump it in a lay-by.


After persuading my mate to come help me tow it back we drove to the car and found it had had all its windows kicked in and the seats taken out.... coupled to this a flat battery and I was up a creek without a paddle!


We hooked a battery booster to the battery and towed it out on the main road in the middle of the night...it was snowing and I was sat on glass.... I was freezing cold when the lights went out and the brakes didn

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i got pulled by coppers on horse back :lol:

2mins from my house cause i had no plate on the front (was in the window) he also asked why i had german plates to which i replied "cause its a german car",so i thought here we go here comes a fine he just said oh right,did u import it yaself :lol:

then he wrote me a producer out for a vw passat the clown :lol:

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I was driving with my bro in his tvr getting onto the m4, had to wait for the omega in the outside lane of the slip road to move before putting our feet down and having a little play before coming off at the next junction at which point the aforementioned omega put on his lights, pulled us both and proceeded to show us a recent video he had taken before awarding us with 3 points and a £60 fine each :( .


He did comment that we both had very nice cars and were probably capable of driving at speed but that it was a busy motorway and you can't predict other drivers. Thought they were pretty fair, could've been a lot worse!

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Some good stories there :lol:


For me it was many years ago. I was on my way into Croydon to work the night shift. Not pushing it to get to work but did notice a car following me along the minor roads. Went across a bridge over the M25 when the blue light came on and the flashing of headlights behind me. I didn't know what I had done wrong but I pulled over.....only to be passed by a MK2 Escort with 4 blokes in it laughing at me!


Other time was a couple of years later on the same stretch of road but going the other way. Dead straight bit of road in the countryside in the dark and I come up behind a row of 10+ cars doing 30. The road had a 60 mph limit in those days. After a short while I thought 'sod this' and overtook as the road ahead was clear (I drove a V8 TR7 then). Only when I got near the front of the queue did I realise the car at the front was a Police Rover SD1. I pulled in front of him only to be pulled over straight away. One PC checked my car over whilst the other gave me a bollocking. No matter what I said it was wrong in his eyes so I just shut up and looked at the traffic on the M25 below. Quote "if one of those (9 cars) had stopped or beeped their horns I'd nick you" said the nice officer. They couldn't find anything wrong with my car, gave me a producer and went on their way. Again at 30 mph with me now doing 25.

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My only real experience with the police to speak of was back when I had my first Corrado. I was coming back from a mates house a little after midnight and I was driving round the Coventry ring road - obviously it was deserted at that time. A chap in a 205 GTI caught up with me then buzzed past and I thought "Ah... what the hell" seeing as it was late and quiet. We got up to illegal speeds fairly quickly.. whilst tonking along I just glanced in my rear view mirror to see blue lights gaining on me quickly. I practically cacked my pants there and then.. was 21, Corrado was my dream car that i'd not had very long and I could see insurance suddenly becoming completely unaffordable. I let off the gas and was virtually at legal speeds by the time they caught up.


Fortunately they barrelled past me to go after the 205. I counted my fortune and came off the ring road.. and inadvertantly pulled up at the junction right next to where they'd pulled over the 205 driver. The copper walked over to where I was sitting at lights and signalled that he wanted a word with me. Boll0cks. I drove over, where he advised me not to get caught driving like that again and that he was feeling kind so no fine / points tonight. I think he realised I wasn't an idiot and tried to level with me (quite politely actually) and just suggested I grow up a bit and let me get on my way.


Gave the guy from the 205 a quick glance as he was getting a rollocking from the other copper and I crawled off home!

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Did get pulled by the French police in May driving down through the French Alps to Nice the day before the Monaco grand prix. Myself, a Clio V6 and a Lotus Elise both with the sports exhaust upgrades. Must've heard us coming miles away! No evidence or anything like that, just 'you were seen speeding in the last village, do you have money on you?'. Luckliy we did, spot fine and all on our way :D

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