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'Road pricing' in not-going-to-happen shocker !

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What a suprise - road pricing isnt going to happen any time soon.


You can believe that the pointless petition you signed made the govt sit up and take notice, or you can put it down to cost and technical feasability issues.(Link to obligatory outrage thread.)


Whats next on the 'OMG !!!!!!11!!? look what they are going to do now. sign a petition quick. teh police state !!111!!!!!1!!' bandwaggon ?


Oh yeh -its this: ' We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics' to which 166,364 people signed up to some recreational outrage which wasnt even true. Looks like they did sodall research before signing - Suprise suprise !


'kin petitions...



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The only way to get the government to notice you is to pull up outside the parliament buildings with a tractor trailer full of schitt and spray it all over the building, like that farmer did to his local council a few years ago.... can't remember his name, but it was quality :lol:

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Haha - yes - class - but i think it was a bank or something. Didnt they refuse to loan him money on some silly technicality and he went bust coz of it ? I am sure it will be on youtube somewhere !


Edit: here he is ! Makes me proud to be a Northumbrian that does.

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The Petition website is a waste of time - most of the petitions are badly researched and/or wrong. The ones that aren't just get brushed off by the PM (or more likely one of his gimps) by a lengthy reason why you're all wrong and why he's right.


Someone posted up about the Red Arrows one on here, but if nothing else it's the IOC's decision who does or doesn't perform at the event and certainly nothing to do with the PM.


Road pricing was never in a million years going to work and I suspect the whole ID card balls won't either - nobody wants it, it's too expensive and gains virtually nothing in usefulness. Let alone all the issues with privacy, security, ease of bypassing it and giving more and more incentive to people not to register cars/themselves in the first place...

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The Petition website is a waste of time - most of the petitions are badly researched and/or wrong. The ones that aren't just get brushed off by the PM (or more likely one of his gimps) by a lengthy reason why you're all wrong and why he's right.


In the case of the road pricing petition I couldn't disagree more. The fact that 1.8 million people signed the petition gave the Government a huge problem politically and popularised the point of view in the media. Obviously the Government were never going to admit it at the time of the petition, but from the moment it closed the Government had been sent a very clear signal that a very significant proportion of the electorate were never going to stand for having a spy in the car, to the extent that it could well become a voting issue. Remember that one of New Labour's darkest moments in the past ten years was the fuel protests of 2001.


Frankly the same arguments apply to ID cards as well I'd suggest, but at the moment the Government can still hide it's intentions behind the shield of National Security. I think it's only a matter of time before that idea gets junked as well, although I honestly think the decision is at least a couple of years away right now.



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